Monday, October 31, 2011

So What *IS* Relevant?

Several times now it has been stated that the information posted here is irrelevant.  But is it?  How many people would want to know if they had been lied to by someone they entrusted their children to?  That the buildings they were being cared for in were dangerous and didn't meet building code?  That their principal didn't have the educational background and credentials that he claimed?  I certainly would!

All of these things certainly do not mean Mr. Adams is guilty of molesting children, but no one here has ever claimed that.  The thing is, when you are a in business, you have two choices.  You can do things the right way, or the wrong way.  With all the business dealings, there is a paper trail.  Things you say and do can be seen by all who are looking.  Most often, no one has a reason to look.  But when you are accused of crimes, people start to look around.  Unfortunately for Mr. Adams, there have been MANY things he has been dishonest about.  Posting publicly available documents certainly isn't a crime.  It certainly is relevant to the parents who had children at CFS.

My name is irrelevant to this case.  It makes no difference who I am.  You can threaten to expose us and take us to court all you want.  Anyone who has used their real name has been publicly bashed and lame attempts at discrediting them have been made.  One person who used her real name has had her choice in TV shows mocked by none other than Christian Peet on his blog....because that is relevant right?  No. The Ryan Smith that relevant? No.

What is VERY relevant is that supporters are loosing faith.  It isn't hard to thank them publicly for their support and give quick updates about Mr. Adams health.  It certainly isn't part of any gag order.  But I suppose attempting to mock all of these very serious problems instead of actually addressing them is more important on the agenda.   No one is asking for details.  They just want to feel included and know their efforts are actually appreciated.  I'm sure they would rather read that instead of Christian Peet's random dialogues with us using the CFS Facebook page as his backdrop.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Still Not a Non-Profit

Please see the quoted text below.

"I submitted the application myself and can find no reason that we do not qualify under the eligibility section they referred me to on the Google Grants website:
details.html#eligibility . Can anyone help us? We are a 501(c)3 secular private non-profit school established in 1975 ( ) and I am completely at a loss why we did not qualify. Google's lack of e-mail support is frustrating too! Thanks, Bob10/14/2009

I could write up a whole blog post about this, but I will just let Robert Adams' own words do the talking for me.
Perhaps Christian Peet can offer to explain to Robert Adams the difference 'between 'the business itself and a past PTA?--i.e., between a business license made out to two people, rather than an "organization" as denoted in the phrase, "non-profit organization"?"

So, CFS is still not a non-profit.  The CFS PTA TEAM is also not a non-profit.  Yes, Robert Adams claimed the school was.  And despite Christian Peet's thinking that exposing the fact that he has lied about it both on a public forum and to a parent touring, is like saying "CFS is not a hamburger stand" or other such nonsense.  It remains that Robert Adams seems to have trouble with the truth.  Comedic?  A joke?  My goodness, I wish it was.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

How Criminal Proceedings Generally Work

So what is going to happen on the 4th?

I'm guessing that many of you, like myself are clueless as to how criminal proceedings work.  I did a little looking into it and found that the hearing for Robert Adams scheduled on November 4th, 2011 is referred to as a "Settlement Conference"

Hearing Future:
11/04/20118:30 AMDepartment 61Sacramento County Main Jail - 651 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814SC

 So what is that?  The term "settlement" is confusing to me.  The Yolo County Superior Court and the District Attorney's Office of Riverside County have an informative FAQ section that defines a lot of legal terms and answers common questions, which I found useful.  I did some digging and found that, according to an attorney in San Diego, a settlement conference, sometimes called a readiness conference is to encourage the prosecuting attorneys and the defense attorneys to agree to resolve the case by a plea.  Now, this certainly doesn't mean a plea will be made.  The prosecution can decide not to make a deal and the defense can decide not the take a deal. If a plea bargain is made, the court accepts the defendants guilty plea, to the agreed upon terms, and sets a date for sentencing.  If the plea bargain is rejected, then the case goes to either a jury trial for misdemeanors or a preliminary hearing for felony charges.  Since Mr. Adams is charged with both, I would assume if there is no plea bargain, then the case will move to a preliminary hearing.

So then what?  Since there are felony charges involved, Mr. Adams' case should move to a preliminary hearing.  This is where the judge decides if there is enough evidence to move to a trial.  The defense is allowed to cross examine witnesses during this process.  If the judge sees enough evidence that he or she feels warrants a trial, then the case moves forward.  The case is set for a second arraignment where a plea is re-entered.  Now, since Mr. Adams has yet to enter a plea, I'm not sure where this leaves him in the process.  After the second arraignment, a second settlement conference is scheduled.  The judge again encourages the prosecution and defense to work out a plea deal.  If no such deal is reached, then the matter is set for a trial in front of a jury.

From this point onward, there are a lot of things that happen.  The jury is selected, the prosecution lays out its evidence, witnesses are called, and cross-examined.  After this, the defense attorney is allowed to present his or her own evidence and to call their own witnesses prior to them being cross-examined by the prosecution.  Closing arguments are made and thn the jury goes off to deliberate.  Anyone who has seen an episode of Law and Order or has watched Court Tv knows that this whole process can vary greatly from case to case.

If the jury comes back "hung" then the prosecution will usually ask for a new trial date and the process repeats.  If the jury comes back with a not guilty verdict, then the defendant is free.  If the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, then the matter is set for a sentencing hearing.

Whether by means of plea bargain or guilty verdict, the sentencing hearing is, quite simply, where the judge sentences the defendant for the crimes.  Before this is done, the defense attorney is allowed to present a Statement in Mitigation.  Letters of support of family and friends are considered.  Psych evaluations are sometimes requested.  The judge considers all of this information and sentences the defendant.

How does all of this apply to Mr. Adams?  I'm not certain.  I'm not a lawyer.  I'm just curious, like many people, Creative Frontiers School supporters included, and sought out the answers.

Just this last Wednesday, a supporter asks:
when is the hearing and what's happening on the 4th?
Another responds adding their concerns and seems clearly frustrated with the lack of information being offered to supporters:
What is going on? No posts since 10/13??
Then finally, someone responds to both supporters, albeit in a snarky and condescending manner: 
If you read some of the below posts, those who want to join in support of Mr. Bob, we're meeting on Nov4th at 8:15a.m. in front of the building, 651 "I" Street. Please wear something red or a CFS t-shirt if you have one. If you want to wear a CFS t-shirt, I believe Tarah or Courtney can try to rustle one up for you so email or call them.
Well, I can't blame some of the supporters for not wanting to sift through all the rants and unrelated information on other cases to find out that information.  I don't care what color shirt you wear.  The information above is for everyone, and I sincerely hope it answers some questions.  It certainly did for me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Not Non-Profit

Its amazing what a little due diligence can do for one. We found out that Creative Frontiers School was not the non-profit they claimed to be.

As shown by GuideStar, the non-profit status for Creative Frontiers was revoked due to failure to file tax forms 3 years in a row.

Now CFS was a school that required tuition payments however that alone does not bar them from retaining non-profit status even if they had filed taxes.  A non-profit organization as defined  by the IRS is:
To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.
I think the idea here is that purpose of the organization is to benefit more than just the owner of it.  Operating costs can include salaries, mortgages, supplies, maintenance, etc. However as we have seen from the numerous building code violations, the bulk of the annual estimated $1.4 million that CFS took in was not going back to the grounds or students of CFS.  It was going into the Adams family directly.

In a conversation in May of 2011, Robert Adams claimed to a parent touring the school that they had a valid 501(c)(3) standing.  The parent wasn't inquiring for any reason other than her company matched volunteer hours and she thought they would enjoy that benefit, indirectly benefiting her child. The fact that the status had been revoked through compliance failure by Robert Adams is yet one more example of the lack of willingness to follow rules set forth.  The fact that Robert Adams lied about the status of their 501(c)(3) status is one more example the rampant and intentional deceit that permeates, seemingly, any interaction with Robert Adams.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Its now been more than 90 days since Creative Frontiers School has closed.  Many parents were owed money for the balance of July, tuition that has been prepaid for the 2011-2012 school year (so much for that September 6 12 reopening huh?) or deposits on the school year.

A former CFS parent wrote to us and gave us permission to publish her email.

I am hoping you can get the word out to other parents that are owed a refund from Creative Frontiers.  I waited 90 days for a refund and haven't heard a peep from anyone related to Creative Frontiers since I stopped supporting them.  I went online and was able to file my small claims court suit.  It can be filed here:  The filing fee including service was only $40 because my claim is less than  $1500 but it is only $60 for claims up to $5000.  Up to $7500 is $85 for filing including the option to have the court serve the paperwork.

When I filed originally, I made a mistake and filed it against Creative Frontiers School, Inc and Robert Adams DBA as Creative Frontiers School.  The correct way to file it is the defendant is Creative Frontiers School, Inc with Robert Adams as the agent of service.  It only took about 10 minutes online to fill everything out and another 5 minutes or so to fill out the amendment to correct the defendants.  I calculated the amount owed based on the tuition I paid of $720 divided by the 21 days of service we paid for, equaling $34.29 a day.  We were shorted 9 days of service, 9 times 34.29 equals the $309.51 I submitted my claim for.

I got an email today with my court file and the date of the hearing.  I am hoping that it doesn't come to having to go to court and they just do the right thing as they would want done for them. Thanks for your time.

Hope this helps,

[Name removed]

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When CPS investigates...

...sometimes no one is prepared for what they find.

Joseph Garbarini III was a Kindergarten teacher in a Dallas-area school.  It seems that Mr. Garbarini had some very odd and disturbing fetishes that carried over to his teaching.  One of his 5 year old students made comments that triggered a CPS investigation.  When investigators came to search Garbarini's home, they found diapers.  Thousands of them.  Not clean ones.  Soiled diapers, waist-high throughout his home.  They also found a cage "where Garbarini said he slept in diapers because the cage door was controlled by someone on the Internet" According to Valerie Wigglesworth who was providing coverage of the trial. She goes on to say, "Investigators also found a bedroom decorated in a princess theme with Snow White bedding on a toddler bed. [The prosecutor] said the bed also had shackles."

The children indicated that Garbarini touched them inappropriately while pretending to feed them bottles and change their diapers.  Although the Mr. Garbarini's defense attorney would have you believe it was merely an odd fetish of Mr. Garbarini, but had nothing to do with the classroom,
"My greatest fear is you would look at Joseph’s private life and say it is so disgusting, so perverse and so freaky that he’s got to be guilty,” he said. “Everything found on his computers and found in his home was legal."

His lawyer also insinuated that the girls statements were influenced by their parents.  Unfortunately for Mr. Garbarini, the girls provided details of his diaper fetish, obviously proving the bizarre behavior extended to his teaching practices.

A jury found Mr. Garbarini guilty of his felony charges.  He was sentenced to 62 years in prison for his crimes.  He must serve a minimum of 52 years behind bars before he is eligible for parole.  The prosecutor in the case, Crystal Levonius, asked the jury to send a message to the defendant when they delivered their guilty verdict: “Enjoy your new cage” seems to be the resounding answer.

Bad Teacher #6, John Foster
Bad Teacher #7, Shaun Bryer

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Is Creative Frontiers School Still Closed?

We know that when Robert Adams made is his court appearances on September 9th and October 7th, he made no plea with regard to a guilty or not guilty status.  Why is that?  Is it legal strategy, as implied by some of the supporters? Is it the need to see the prosecutor's discovery and evidence as Robert Adams' lawyer, Linda Parisi, said?

I suppose those are some possibilities but they don't make a lot of sense to this layperson.  I look at the situation as if it were one I were in.  My first appearance, after a "heart attack" may have left me too overwhelmed to say much but a month later?  I would have been shouting not guilty.  What evidence is needed for me to make a plea of not guilty and indicate to the court that I want my day in court. From a logical standpoint, what else would I say if I truly were confident "nothing inappropriate has happened" as Robert Adams said in the press conference July 20th?

From the Sacramento Bee article
"There is tremendous support for Mr. Adams from the school and from the community," his attorney, Linda Parisi, said outside the Sacramento County jail, where the court hearing was held. "I think that clearly is a reflection of what an important part of the community the school was."
These court appearances are not about the importance of the Creative Frontiers School to the community.  The school has not remained closed due to these allegations.  The school was closed in part due to the allegations of sexual abuse but not entirely, as we have shown previously on our site. The only portion of the school closed on July 18th due to the allegations was the preschool. Incidentally, the preschool portion of the school has never been mentioned in the re-opening. The words "preschool" were even painted over on the sign outside the building.  The elementary portion was closed due to building violations, license issues and an unwillingness on the part Robert Adams to comply with regulations.  These regulations weren't there arbitrarily, they were in place to protect the children and employees on the Creative Frontiers School campus daily.  Zsolt Benedek had the opportunity to reopen Creative Frontiers School through his "purchase" of the entity but also failed to comply with the legal regulations surrounding the application for a business license.

The City of Citrus Heights saw through the games being played by Benedek and Adams.  DSS knew and followed through on insuring the safety of the CFS children.  Its interesting that the people closest to the situation are unable to truly see the severity of what was happening at CFS.  Creative Frontiers School remains closed not due to the allegations against Robert Adams as we are led to believe.  In fact, according to the city of Citrus Heights, they are in ongoing negotiations with Creative Frontiers, Inc regarding their business license.

They can continue to play the blame game and pretend the school remains closed in part of some master conspiracy against Robert Adams, or they can own up to the reality that the school remains closed for one reason only.  It has no business license.  The City of Citrus Heights has clearly explained to Mr. Benedek what the issues are with his license application and has also indicated that they are in ongoing negotiations with Mr. Adams to reinstate his license.  There is no master conspiracy, just rules and regulations and processes that everyone is required to follow.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Staying Just Under the Radar

Shaun Bryer was a highly respected teacher in Morristown, Vermont.  He was commended for his acts of community service, his position as chairman on the local SelectBoard, he even served as the literacy program leader at the Morristown Elementary School where he taught 5th grade.  His exemplary community record made it an easy hiring decision at a new school when he left Morristown Elementary for "personal reasons."

It seems that after Mr. Bryer was hired on at a new school, two boys came forward alleging on-going sexual abuse.  They didn't want it to happen to anyone else.

Bryer initially plead not guilty to the charges, but later admitted to the misconduct.

Bryer's attorneys tried to have his testimony thrown out, claiming he was interviewed without being read his Miranda Rights, but a judge quickly denied the request.

In a sworn statement to police Bryer says he befriended two of his victims and their parents when the children were third grade students. He often had the boys at his apartment where, "they told investigators, he showed them pornographic movies, gave them cash and eventually began molesting them."

The judge in the case condemned Mr. Bryer's actions.
"It's difficult enough for our teenage boys to find their footing and to grow up and mature in today's society, without a trusted mentor, a friend, and a presumably positive adult role model taking advantage of that relationship over many years to inflict grievous and irreparable psychological harm."
Shaun Bryer, as part of a plea bargain,  pleaded guilty to 14 charges of sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault and lewd and lascivious conduct with a child. According to his plea deal, he will spend 12 years of his 25 to life sentence behind bars.

One woman, Tina Bridgman, has wise words regarding the situation:
"In a sleepy little community where everyone leaves their doors unlocked and feels totally safe I think it is a good wake-up call. No one lives in a dream world or a bubble. Especially with children. Everything else; our homes, our cars, whatever. Those are just material but with children those are human lives that are going to be affected for eternity."

Bad Teacher #6, John Foster

Yet again I will clarify, I am not comparing any of these men to Mr. Adams or his case.  Each case is different and unique.  Just because these men were found guilty or plead guilty does not mean that Mr. Adams is guilty.  The point is, and always has been that just because someone is a great teacher and respected in the community, does NOT mean that they are incapable of doing terrible things.   

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Accountability, Responsibility and Integrity

As parents we try to teach and mold our children in ways that allow them to grow into functioning, successful, well-adjusted members of society. Among what we teach them is "Do not lie", "Do not hurt others", "Admit when you make a mistake". These 3 basic things allow our children to grow and thrive, have integrity and be successful in personal and business dealings.  Whether they become a garbage collector, a mechanic or doctor - these tenets all apply to all relationships.

What we have seen from Robert Adams and his family over the last 3 months has been the opposite of what we strive to teach our children.  We have seen the lies ("The school is opening September 6!"), the hurting of others (the verbal assaults on non supporters) and the failure to accept responsibility ("Its a conspiracy!").  Not once has a Robert Adams or a member of the Adams family said "We made a mistake", how does this fare well for raising a generation of responsible and accountable adults?  Surely as an employer, one would hope, Robert Adams would not have tolerated this behavior from a staff member.

A child throws a baseball and breaks a neighbor's window.  This is a classic scenario from some of our childhoods.  Did we blame the neighbor for having a window there, or worse, say it was already broken? Did we lie and say we weren't the one throwing the ball?  Do we call our neighbor names for having the audacity to want the window repaired?  We may have but hopefully our parents taught us through example to say "I am sorry my ball broke your window.  Please tell me how much it will cost to be repaired and I can pay you $X a week until I have paid the cost". We own our mistakes.  We try to fix them to the best of our ability and if we cannot undo the action, we find a solution to make the person harmed whole again.

We have seen the building code violation reports.  We have seen the thrash surrounding the business license. We have seen the lack of repayment to parents owed.  We have seen the Adams family and their supporters' hurtful words.  We have seen duplicity and a vital need to hide information from the very people being asked to help support this charade. What we haven't seen is an apology for the deception. We haven't seen an admittance to the building and safety issues.  We haven't seen evidence of integrity or honesty. What are the values they were instilling in our children?

We have maintained our position regarding the sexual abuse allegations.  We do not know what happened in those situations.  What we do know is that things were very, very wrong at Creative Frontiers School long before July 18 and they have continued to be wrong since. Unfortunately it appears that Mr. Benedek has also learned to not take responsibility and not be honest as evidenced by the denial of his business application. Will the Adams family tell their supporters that Creative Frontiers School will not be opening or like the other truths that have been revealed, will they continue to lie, avoid responsibility and hurt others?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Since no one from Creative Frontiers School will offer up this information, I suppose you will get to hear it here instead.  Zsolt Benedek, as Creative Frontiers LLC, applied for a business license, remember way back, when they said the school was going to reopen on September 6th?  Well, the City of Citrus Heights has denied that application. Why?  Is it yet another conspiracy?  No dear readers, it is because, as they were told multiple times, you can't have it both ways.

Creative Frontiers School, Inc, has a business license that is in revocation hearings currently.  The owner of Creative Frontiers School, Inc, is Robert Adams.  Robert Adams still owns the property at 6446 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights, California, 95610.  To apply for a new license, for the same type of business, with the same owner of property, with nearly the same name, with the only change being from Robert Adams to his future son-in-law?  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the game that was being played here.

Sorry Zsolt, guess you will have to move Creative Frontiers, LLC to a new town like you threatened to in your last letter.

City of Citrus Heights Business file on Creative Frontiers
City of Citrus Heights Business file on Creative Frontiers, updated
Letter to Zsolt Benedek Denying the Business License Application

When is Enough, Enough?

When the allegations first surfaced about Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers, the initial reaction from many was shock.  Understandably.  I would be in shock as well.  These parents had their children at the school thinking it was safe.  It would be shocking to hear such allegations.  The allegations appeared to lead back to one former employee, IM.  The CFS crowd was quick to displace blame.  At first it was just "one mad parent trying to ruin it for everyone."  Then, when it was confirmed that IM was central to the allegations, she was quickly discredited.  Her motives being called into question because she was passed over for a paid position.  Some even went as far to bash her intelligence, inability to do her job, and mental status.  We were told there were no real children involved, just the delusions of IM.  Then we are reminded of one quote taken out of context "I'm their only witness".  Of course now supporters want us to believe that this comment is true, but none of the other information IM says is true.  But we are reminded that this again means there are no children, this is just adults making things up.

We are given several conspiracy theories.  Everything from the City of Citrus Heights needing a new location for the fire department to the public school system being jealous that Creative Frontiers was stealing all their students.  

The supporters rally together to raise funds.  For what, there seems to be some confusion.  Many thought it was going to get the school back and running, but it reality the money was going to Mr. Adams directly.  Many parents volunteer their time and money to get the MANY repairs done so that the school can reopen.  A lot of these parents had paid in advance and many really wanted their children to attend for the upcoming school year.  They were willing to do whatever it took to get the school up and running.  They are told Creative Frontiers has an "agreement" with the city but refuse to give details.  Then it comes out that the "agreement" with the city turns out to be Mr. Adams selling the school's business entity to his future son-in-law.  Many parents are excited at this new development as they are told this will be the quickest way for the school to reopen.  Critics tell them that there is no way the business license will be clear by then, but they continue to assure people that they only need "one more signature" and that "they have an agreement with the city".  They continue to tell parents that the school WILL reopen Sept 6th, all the while Mr. Benedek is being told there are problems with his application.  They allowed people to pull their children out of their current schools to return to CFS, knowing that there was no possible way it could reopen.

Then Robert Adams is arrested.  In the details of the warrant we are shown not one, not two but SEVEN different children involved.  The supporters tell us these are just recruited victims.  Some of the alleged victims were young girls at the time.  Now young adults, the supporters tell us they are just in it for a big payoff.  It seems the supporters feel they need new BMW's.  Unfortunately,  these supporters failed to read that some of the girls came forward when they were children, in 2000.  Another in 2006.  Only two of the seven children named came forward after the closure of the school.  We are still told these are all recruited victims.  That this is a witch hunt.  That everyone is just out to destroy this man's reputation.  The school still is not open, but supporters are allowed to speculate that this has to do with Mr. Adams' arrest and not the fact that the paperwork and applications STILL are not right.

Mr. Adams is arraigned and enters no plea.  Mr. Adams has a hearing, at which he still enters no plea.  His lawyer asks for a continuance and is granted one.  The new hearing is set for Nov 4th, 2011.  So here we are.  The school is still closed.  Mr. Adams still has not entered a plea.

When you go to the supporters Creative Frontiers Facebook page, you are hoping to get an update.  Maybe about the school's progress with the business license.  Maybe to see if anyone in the family has given an update to one of the many inquiries into Mr. Adams health.  Instead you see a bunch of rants and a story about "Mrs. X" and the Ryan Smith case.  Mr. Adams brother finds the time to comment about this woman and her story, but not to thank well-wishers for their support or let them know his brother's health status.

So I return to what I said before.  Support your friend, your family member, the man you entrusted your children to.  But do so without bashing witnesses, potential victims, and victims of other convicted criminals.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not in a Million Years...

Primrose School at River's Bend was Ranked 10th in the Nation in May 2011. It scored 95 percent in both parent satisfaction and loyalty.  Of all the franchised Primrose Schools, it was ranked the highest in the Greater Cincinnati area.

No one wants to believe that someone they trusted with their children could ever harm them.  On a Press Release announcing the school, the co-owner, John Foster, is stated as saying,
"Our parents' satisfaction is equally as important as the happiness and well-being of every child put into our care," said John Foster, Franchise Owner. "It is without a doubt how we measure success and I thank every one of our parents for entrusting the care of their children with us," he added.
Unfortunately, parents who trusted John Foster with their children were shocked when they found out the school was closed because Mr. Foster was accused of raping a child under 13.

Someone commented on the news article:  
I went round and round with people last night on another site. Everyone has already proclaimed this man as guilty. All I ask is that he be given his day in court and let a judge or jury decide it. Remember, ANYONE can be accused of ANYTHING. Even you.
It seems that some were even willing to return if it reopened.  Sadly, the school would never reopen.  Facing the allegations, Mr. Foster admitted to an ongoing sexual "relationship" with a young girl, who was under 13, for four to eight years.

Foster, the co-owner of the Primrose School at River’s Bend, was indicted by a federal grand jury of receiving child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography.  One month prior he was  indicted on 20 counts of rape by a Warren County grand jury.

One parent is quoted as saying, "Never would have guessed in a million years."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A State of Disrepair

Many people might have heard that the school was in a state of disrepair, but I think few have actually read the severity of the lack of repairs and violations.  We have provided the entire letter and violations for you to view if you desire.

Many supporters were told that the school had passed it's recent inspection with 'flying colors.'  The Fire Marshal inspected in June and found nothing wrong.  Sadly, the Fire Marshal and the Building Department are two separate entities.  The Fire Marshal was there in June as a periodic inspection as is required for all child care centers.  The Fire Marshal looks for things like overloaded electrical sockets, clear exits in case of fire, working fire alarms, adequate exit and emergency plans for the children, and so on.  They do not make sure the buildings are up to building code and have no knowledge of what, if any, building code permits were properly obtained.  Many supporters are confusing this inspection with the inspections done by the City of Citrus Heights with regards to Building Code and Permits.  A supporter tells us:
wrong. the code violations came after the shut down of the school. The fire department signed off the school in June 2011 and there were no code violations at that time. These items on the the list did not pop up in the last month. Definitely a witch hunt....just wait and see reallyrosy*

I was also there the day the fire dept came out in June and EVERYTHING WAS JUST FINE!!!*
We have also heard claims that all the repairs were just a created out of the blue to keep the school from reopening.  Mr. Adams' brother tells us:
Sorry I seriously made an effort to stay cordial, but I won't as long as some of you want to manipulate how this story evolves. The school pasted the fire inspection in June and then all of a sudden the school is shutdown in the middle of July and “ALLEDGEDLY” both Bob and the school were informed prior to the closure that “APPARENTLT”  the school did not meet the fire departments inspection. The post mark on the USPS Priority envelop was dated on  August 6, 2011,Three weeks after the closure*
Yet again, in an attempt to confuse the issue, we are told that Mr. Adams did not know about any of these problems.  As you will see, that is far from the truth.  These were ongoing problems.  Problems that someone who took pride in their business would have fixed long ago.

Mr. Adams' son-in-law also commented on the repairs:


The school actually passed inspection with flying colors in June and had no issues to be shutdown then. When they were close to re-opening the school that is when the city panicked and gave them a laundry list of tidious things to get done.*
The fact is, Robert Adams was give ample time to fix these repairs.  He chose not to do it properly.  His business license renewal was even revoked because of it.On 10/20/09 (Page 6 of 10), a notice of violation was posted for Mr. Adams.  On 1/14/10 (page 7 of 10) Mr. Adams was re-informed his buildings were in violation and was given a notice to comply.  On 5/14/11, (Page 10 of 10) Mr. Adams is informed that because of his failure to comply, his business license renewal has not been approved.  On 6/14/11 (Page 9 of 10), the plans for correction, as submitted by Mr. Adams, to the Building Department are sent back with corrections.  It seems that by time the Department of Social Services came around to close the school, the City of Citrus Heights had enough of Mr. Adams failure to comply and completely revoked the license as well.  Clearly this wasn't something out of the blue that the City came up with just to shut down the school.  This is nearly 2 years of warnings and non-compliance that, unfortunately for the families served by the school, Mr. Adams finally had to answer to.

Referring back to the letter sent to Mr. Adams after the closure of the school on 7/29/11 (Pages 1-5), all issues requiring attention and repair were itemized and listed clearly.  These items were to be brought up to code before the schools business license would even be considered for reinstatement.  The initial violation notice that included Buildings A and B was given 10/20/09. One year, nine months, and nine days later, the required permits have STILL not been obtained and the power supply to the violating buildings was still connected despite being told  644+ days prior to have it shut off.  In addition, despite the Building Inspector red tagging the buildings and clearly telling Mr. Adams construction must cease and that neither Building A nor Building B were allowed to be occupied, construction continued and Building A was being occupied.  An employee commented on a SacBee article,
The minute Bob found out that it wasn't allowed to be turned into a residence, the interior changes STOPPED!  The building has been used for storage for more than a year!  There had been quite a bit of vandalism on the property, so he thought it would be a good idea to have a caretaker...but the minute he found out it wasn't allowed, it all stopped.*
Well this isn't quite the case.  It wasn't that the building wasn't allowed to be turned into a residence, it was that, like much of the other construction and repairs done on the property, it wasn't done with the proper permits and up to current building code.  The Building Department marked these buildings with red tags.  The power was to be disconnected and the buildings were to remain empty.  They were not.  Worse yet, the red tags had been removed.  To be fair to this employee, I am certian she had no knowledge of what was being said to Mr. Adams or the numerous letters and warnings issued. She was just repeating what she had been told.  The Building Department's requirement was that these buildings either be removed from the property or that the required permits be obtained.  Certainly not an outlandish request.  It seems that even Creative Frontiers School is required to follow the Building Code laws.

The city also lists multiple storage units that are present on the schools property that also did not have the proper permits.  It seems that these buildings were not deemed safe as they were not the minimum 10 feet away from all other buildings and/or did not have 1 hour fire separation as is required.  The City's request was that these buildings be brought up to code or removed.  Again, certainly not an over-the-top request.

The 2nd and 3rd grade buildings also made the list.  The electrical connections were substandard.  There was also a lot of storage and debris around the buildings.  The City requested that the unsafe electrical connections were removed and repaired and that the debris be removed.  Again, there was a storage shed that did not meet requirements that needed to either be updated or removed.

The 4th and 5th grade rooms were not exempt from the list either.  It seems they too had substandard and dangerous wiring that also required replacing.  The building, which also houses the upper elementary restrooms, had substandard plumbing as well.  The siding of the building was deteriorated and missing in many areas. The awing was described as "in eminent danger of collapse".  Shockingly, the City asks that the electrical and plumbing issues be repaired, the siding be replaced, and the awing be replaced.

Also on the upper elementary side, the library was also in a state of disrepair.  The electrical system was modified to feed one of the non-permitted buildings.  This overloaded the electrical panel.  The City's request was that the connection to the non-permitted building be severed and the panel be have proper load calculations done by a licensed electrical contractor.  In addition to the electrical issues, this building also had problems with the roof and gutters, also described as "in eminent danger of collapse."  The roof and gutter needed to be repaired and replaced.

The preschool buildings were not exempt from the lack of repairs and maintenance.  The PK1 building, also had substandard roofing issues.  The roof had been repitched, but yet again the required permits were not obtained prior.  This building was also being used to feed one of the illegal buildings with electrical power, which then overloaded the panel.  Substandard modifications have also been made to the electrical panel without the required permits being obtained prior.  The HVAC unit on the roof of this building was install guessed it...the required permits being obtained prior to installation.  Unsurprisingly, the City asked that the permits be obtained, and the substandard repairs be repaired or replaced by licensed professionals.

Building J which houses the staff room, and 2 year old rooms (Duckies and Froggies) was deemed to have "noticeable structural damage" from the large oak tree that was growing into the roof.  The tree was compromising the structural integrity of the building.  The building is so damaged, the City's request is that the entire building be evaluated by a structural engineer.  What was that Mr. Adams son-in-law called these repairs again?  Oh yes, tedious (well technically 'tidious', but I'm going to make the assumption that he meant tedious).  Keeping children in a building that is safe is so tedious, indeed.  In addition to the damage from the oak tree, the building was missing the previously mentioned one hour fire separation between the 2nd story storage area and the classrooms.  Also, the upstairs was missing 2 windows.  The electrical wiring visible appeared to be substandard, but 2 water heaters were housed in this building which blocked further inspection.  The entire gas cooking system in the kitchen area was to be housed under code compliant hooding to allow for proper ventilation.  It was not.  There were also numerous outside locations where the siding required replacing.  The city made several requests of this building; obtain proper permits for structral and wiring changes, repair damages, and to also move the water heaters for further inspection of the attic area.

The Jr Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st Grade building was also included on the list.  The bathroom (it doesn't specify which) is missing the grout in over 60% of the tile.  The subfloor also appears to be damaged.  Remember that there were MANY complaints about the terrible smell coming from the restrooms to the Department of Social Services.  In addition to the restroom issues, the building was required to have emergency exit doors, which it did, however the access to exit was blocked by tall weeds and grass and debris. The city asked that the debris and weeds be removed and the restrooms to be repaired.  In addition, the gates to this area were non-complaint and the City asked that they be replaced with the proper gates.  There was also two HVAC units installed without the required permits.  The City requested that the permits be obtained.

The office also had a new HVAC unit installed that did not have the required permits but no other issues were found.  The City requested that the permits be obtained.  Does anyone else notice that the only building not blatantly dangerous is the one not used for children?

The shed was found to have hazardous electrical conditions.  The City requests that the structure be repaired, but legally, by obtaining the proper permits first.

So that's is folks....EVERY SINGLE BUILDING on the property had something wrong with it.  While some issues were minor and easily repaired, some were so obviously dangerous.  I must ask, why were all these buildings so substandard?  Where was tuition money actually going?   I suppose you can continue to feel like this is a "witch hunt" and these repairs were just made up out of the blue to add to some grand conspiracy to take down Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers, but the fact is, the school was in a state of disrepair.  Building codes exist for a reason.  Building permits are required for EVERYONE.  By not fixing these problems, the school was not safe for all the children attending.

I guess I can see now why Dan Adams would rather talk about "S.L." and the Ryan Smith case.

*All comments quoted are copied exactly as they appeared.  Any errors in spelling are not my own

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another "Well Respected" teacher

Thomas Beltran taught at an upscale middle school in Santa Monica, CA. He had 30 years under his belt and was known as a well respected teacher who was liked by students and active in organizing multi-cultural events. He was nearing retirement at age 60 and was grieving the death of a daughter, also a teacher, from cancer. He'd endured an uncomfortable investigation in 2006 about some "inappropriate touching" but lucky for him, there just wasn't enough evidence. The principal's response was to move the student to another class.

In 2008, another young girl stepped forward and told her parents about Mr. Beltran, she repeated the accusation to detectives and Beltran was arrested. Oh, some in the community were not happy. Comments were made that middle school girls can be mean and cruel, and not to be believed. Imagine, destroying a man's entire reputation and life!

The investigation concluded that at least eight girls were molested, all but one during school hours. It seems that Mr. Beltran used the same MO with each of his victims. All the young girls were students in Beltran's English as a Second Language (ESL) class. His victims came from the Ukraine, Korea, Mexico, and Iran. 

The DA made the stunning announcement that a videotape of one of the assaults existed and suddenly Mr. Beltran's bond soared from $1 million to $3.3 million. Things did not look good for this tenured professional. Beltran, a family man, made the decision to plead guilty to multiple sexual assaults involving nine of his students and two others who were outside the statute of limitations. The principal and assistant principal were transferred. 

Thomas Beltran was sentenced in December 2008 to 14 years in State prison.

"This is supposed to be Santa Monica," said the mother of a seventh-grader. "We sweat for this school, we begged for this school. This is the cream of the crop. We're told you cannot get any better than Lincoln Middle School. That's what we're told, and they failed us."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Credentials...Or Lack Thereof

Amid the accusations of child molestation, a few reporters decided to take a closer look at Robert Adams.  In a 1999 bankruptcy case for Creative Frontiers, Mr. Adams filed a résumé with the court showing his credentials as an educator.  He reported he had multiple degrees from several universities.  He stated he had two Baccalaureate degrees from California State University Northridge, one in Child Development and one in Psychology, a Masters degree from Pacific Oaks Teachers College in conjunction with the University of Beverly Hills and the University of California Los Angeles, and mentions beginning a Doctorate at the University of Beverly Hills.  In another portion he states that he attended graduate school at UCLA where he earned an administrative credential.   The reporters found that some of these credentials didn't actually pan out.  Many supporters were told, and believe still that the newspapers issued retractions, but they merely updated the dates (1975) that Mr. Adams earned the two BA degrees from CSU Northridge.

Quite simply, there is only a small fraction of truth to Mr. Adams' résumé.  Mr. Adams holds two degrees from CSU Northridge.  Mr. Adams does not have a teaching credential issued from CSU Nothridge.  Mr. Adams did attend a semester of classes at Pacific Oaks, but he most certainly did not earn a Masters Degree at the college.  UCLA has no record of his attendance, so I would say it is safe to assume he did not earn an administrative credential there either.

Mr. Adams' attorney, Linda Parisi spoke on his behalf and stated that Mr. Adams education and experience granted him a credential under the Ryan Act.  So what is the Ryan Act?  Also known as the Teacher Preparation and Licensing Law of 1970, it was the very beginning stages of our California Commission on Teacher credentialing as we know it today.  When this new credential system was launched, they wanted to ensure teachers who were already teaching as such, could continue to do so.  They allowed for equivalency credentials for these teachers.  Since that time, this nifty little loophole still exists. 

The California Teaching Commission defines the Ryan Teaching Credential as:
Ryan Teaching Credentials These credentials are issued under the provisions of the Teacher Preparation and Licensing Law of 1970 (The Ryan Act), its subsequent amendments and additions, including the Bergeson Act of 1988, and other laws and regulations currently in effect. The Ryan Credentials are issued under a two-tier system. Normally, individuals who qualified for their initial credential are issued a preliminary credential. After completing additional requirements, a professional clear credential is issued.
Gaining a credential this way is certainly still an option.  The Commission looks at your education and private school experience, however, it is much more than just having the required experience as a teacher and basic educational requirements.  According to the Commission issued guidelines on Single Subject and Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials, Requirements for Teachers with Private School Experience, there are many strict requirements to follow.  One must apply directly to the Commission to be granted their first, five year, preliminary credential.  You must first prove you meet basic skills by one of four ways; taking the CBEST and passing, taking the CSET and passing, or, after 1999, taking the CSU's Early Assessment Program and passing, or by taking an out of state Basic Skills Examination.  You also have to have a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university.  You also need to prove you meet minimum requirements for a multiple subject teaching credential (what elementary teachers have) by taking the CSET.  You also have to pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment.  You are also required to have proof of passing courses in, Developing English Language Skills, Provisions and Principles of the U.S. Constitution, and either a computers course that includes using computers in the classroom or pass the Preliminary Education Technology test.   Additionally, you must provide proof of your employment as a teacher in a WASC accredited private school setting along with performance reviews.  Please note, Creative Frontiers had only just gained WASC accreditation.  You must have a minimum of 3 years experience.  Once these basic requirements are met, you send in your application, along with your fees and transcripts and wait.  When everything is cleared, you are issued a 5 year credential.  This is ONLY for 5 years.  To obtain a clear credential, you must do more.

To have a Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential using your experience equivalent, you have two options  According to the Commission.  
Option one; complete a a Commission-approved Professional Teacher Induction Program, verify CPR training, earn an authorization to teach English learners by either a. Hold an English learner Authorization, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate, or Bilingual Authorization. b. Hold an out-of-state credential that authorizes instruction of English learners. Submit a photocopy of the credential for evaluation purposes, c. Complete a Commission-approved English learner or Bilingual authorization program, based on California Teacher of English Learner (CTEL) standards, d. Achieve passing scores on tests 1, 2, and 3 of the CTEL Examination. See Commission leaflet CL-628C, entitled English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate for additional information. Scores used for certification purposes may be no older than five years from the individual passed exam date, or e. Hold a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certificate in Early and Middle Childhood/English as a New Language or Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/English as a New Language. A photocopy of the certificate must be submitted along with the application packet.

Option two; A fifth year of study at a California college or university with a Commission-approved teacher preparation program, securing that institution’s formal recommendation for the clear credential. The following must be verified if not completed for the preliminary credential:
• Course work in health education that includes, but is not limited to, nutrition; the physiological and sociological effects of alcohol, narcotic, and drug abuse; and the use of tobacco. This requirement includes verification of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that covers infant, child and adult CPR skills.
• Course work in the laws, methods, and requirements for providing educational opportunities to special populations in the regular classroom
• Advanced computer technology course work in the use of computers in educational settings
• Advanced course work in teaching English learners

AND earn an authorization to teach English learners by one of the methods listed above.  
Then, and ONLY then does one have a Clear Single Subject of Multiple Subject Teaching Credential.

We know that Mr. Adams DOES have 2 BA degree's from CSU, Northridge.  Northridge is indeed an accredited college.  I have no way of knowing if Mr. Adams passed or even took any of the required exams.  Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did.  What is evident, is that Mr. Adams does not hold a clear teaching credential.  If he did, it would be listed on the California Teacher Credential Website.  As you can see, there is a whole lot more that goes into getting your credential through teaching equivalency than just having a degree and having experience.  To have a degree and the experience is great, but it doesn't mean you are a credentialed teacher.  Adams' attorney, Linda Parisi told the Associated Press, "The B.A. degree met requirements for the Ryan K-3 teaching credential,Sorry Mr. Adams.  This is not the truth.  There is A LOT more to it than just having a BA degree as you can clearly see.  In addition, I will point out that any Administrative Credentials would also be listed on the Credential Website, and there are none.  I will however point out, that neither are required to teach in, or operate a private school, but that isn't the point.  The point is Robert Adams said on a résumé that he earned Teaching Credentials from CSU, Northridge, and simply stated, that is downright untruthful.

Mr. Adams also claimed on his résumé to have a Master's Degree in Education from Pacific Oaks College.  In reality, his lawyer clarifies, "An institution didn't actually issue the degreeIt's not a diploma, but it's recognized as a school equivalency degree, and that's how he qualified in the doctoral program."  So wait, he DIDN'T earn a Master's degree then, correct?  Mr. Adams did take a few courses from Pacific Oaks College, but most certainly did not earn any degrees.  It should also be noted that the Doctorate program he was supposedly going to attend was for the University of Beverly Hills, an institution no longer in business and long rumored to be a "diploma mill."  It is also important to note, he was issued the equivalent degree with the understanding he would be entering the school's doctorate program, a program he never completed. Even if he had completed the program, the school was unaccredited, and it's doctorate programs labeled as "bogus" by some.

Mr. Adams' résumé also states he went to University of California Los Angeles, where he earned his administrative credential.  There is no record of this credential and no evidence that he even attended the school.  In an interview with the Associated Press, Parisi told them that Mr. Adams took extension classes at UCLA, but did not receive any credentials.  So wait, another lie?

So what does this all mean?  Does it mean Robert Adams is guilty of he molestation charges against him?  In short, no.  It DOES mean that Mr. Adams has been untruthful to many, many people.  To operate a school and put forth that you have these sort of credentials, when indeed you do not, is nothing more than a lie.  It leads to character.  Many supporters have claimed "who hasn't fudged a résumé?" Well folks, this is certainly a bit more than a little fudge.  A lie is a lie.  And this is a big one.

If anyone would like to send DoubtingCFS an email with evidence of Mr. Adams' credentials, we will gladly post them and retract any statements that prove to be false.  There were claims that they were sent to the media but the media refused to publish them.  Well, here is your chance.  I will publish them.  All you have to do is send them to me.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What is a Mandated Reporter?

There has been much discussion about what teachers, preschool or otherwise, are required to do when they suspect abuse.  Many people aren't aware of what the specific requirements are.  Every state has mandated reporter laws.  In California, when you are employed by a school, and various other entities, you are required to sign a Statement Acknowledging Requirement to Report Child Abuse form (LIC 9108).  On this form, each employee of a licensed child care center is acknowledging that they are REQUIRED to report abuse.  It also states that a person is required to report when he or she "knows or reasonably suspects" that a child has been a victim of abuse.  Those abuses can be, physical injury (inflicted by other than accident), sexual abuse, neglect, willful harming and endangering, and unlawful corporal punishment (not including parental spanking with an open hand).   The form also informs the employee that they must report to a law enforcement agency or a child welfare agency.  The Department of Social Services would fall into this category.  All mandated reporters are also granted immunity from civil and criminal liability for reporting.  Their identity is also supposed to be confidential.  A violation of confidentiality is a misdemeanor offense.  The penalty for NOT reporting abuse is also a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 6 months in jail, a fine of $1000 or both.

Detailed reference material regarding child care centers and reporting guidelines can be found in this July 1999 update.

Child abuse is an all too real problem.  The California Department of Social Services has a pamphlet entitled, 20 Facts About Child Abuse and Neglect. Some of the facts are very pertinent to mandated reporter requirements.
In California, mandated reporters are required to report child abuse and neglect. Mandated reporters are those who come into contact with children through their employment
This means all school employees of both private and public schools.
Only Child Protective Services or a law enforcement agency may conduct an investigation into suspected abuse or neglect.
Many people are under the mistaken assumption that reporting to a supervisor fulfills their reporting requirement.  This simply isn't true.  The mandated reporter MUST report to law enforcement, Child Protective Services, or the Department of Social Services.  Internal investigations are not allowed.  However, if an employee reports suspicions to a supervisor, that supervisor is also required to report.
Reporting child abuse or neglect only requires “reasonable suspicion” and does not automatically mean the child will be removed from the home.
This is another difficult one.  It really puts a mandated reporter in an awkward place.  Even if he/she hasn't actually witnessed an event, they are still required to report if they are suspicious of abuse.  They are supposed to allow the appropriate agency do an investigation and not try to figure it out for themselves.
Neglected or sexually abused children may not show physical signs of harm.
How I wish it were this clear cut.  Unfortunately, many victims of neglect, physical and sexual abuse appear outwardly normal.  The signs aren't necessarily right out there for all to see.  This makes the mandated reporter's job that much harder.
It is against the law to knowingly make a false report of child abuse or neglect.
As it should be.  To knowingly, falsely accuse someone is indeed a terrible thing.  This also does not mean that if a teacher had a suspicion, that turned out to be wrong, that they should be criminally prosecuted.  For example, if a teacher noticed one of their students was covered in bruises that the child couldn't or wouldn't account for.  They had concerns.  They are required to report to the appropriate agency.  The agency investigates and finds out that the child recently started football.  Or has a medical condition that causes them to bruise easily.  The complaint is cleared and everyone moves on.  The teacher acted in the best interests of the child.  The complaint turned out to be unfounded, but the teacher did the correct thing.

Mandated reporters are an important advocate for children.  The laws and requirements are in place to help keep children safe.  Unfortunately not many people realize the heavy burden a mandated reporter carries.  They have to look after the best interests of the children in their care.  Sometimes that means they have to act on their suspicions and file a report.  It is a tough situation to be in.  It is one I hope I never have to experience.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Comments and Editorials - an open Letter

To whom it may concern-

You are a visitor to our blog.  We provide information and public documents that will hopefully allow you to think, analyze and form an educated opinion about the situation with Creative Frontiers School and Robert Adams.

I received a comment today that is mildly amusing yet annoying as a blog owner.  We receive numerous comments daily.  To date, we have received 145 comments and published 141 of them.  I'd say we have a pretty high publish rate! Especially given that many blogs do not publish reader comments at all.

The comment we got today reads:
I see how it is.... anyone that even remotely questions you or a post will not be approved for their post to see. WOW!!!! You will be exposed very soon. See ya [name] and [name]!!!!

These type of comments are not productive, add no insight and bring nothing to the table. They serve to distract from the original issue and detract from non-supporters credibility.  Personal messages should be sent to the person they are intended for.  Because we can either publish a comment entirely or not publish it at all, personal attacks between supporters and non-supporters will not be published on this blog.  Now, I understand who one of the people referred to is, she commented earlier in the blog, however the other person is unknown to us.  My assumption is that the person posting that comment from IP address believes those two individuals have some connection to this blog, unfortunately for them, they are wrong.

We are adults with jobs, families and outside interests.  Just because your comment is not published immediately does not mean it won't be.  It just means I have a life outside of CFS!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm Not Ashamed....Are You?

I am at a loss as to what to do with some of the Creative Frontiers School supporters.  As it has been clearly pointed out before, the most horrible things and ridiculous ideas have been posted by those who have nothing to lose.  They didn't have children at the school.  Fortunately, they don't have children who were molested by anyone, and yet now they feel appropriate to judge and criticize others who HAVE lived through this as though they are experts on the subject.

BG says in response to Christian Peets post regarding Ms. Linsday and her posts here:

I read the "Guest" post but haven't been back since. I really have no desire to subject myself to the poison that goes on over there. It's heart-wrenching that some of the parents from CFS have allowed themselves to be fed carefully manufactured BS to now be so fearful of delusions.

One thing that has become crystal clear to me though is that so much of the vile attacks against Bob have absolutely nothing to do with Bob or CFS at all! How sad that we're all learning about this sub culture of false child molestation politics. Even sadder, we're learning about all these children caught up in the insanity of adults who are so incredibly mentally and spiritually ill. These people are not satisfied with the harm they've already done, that they have to impose themselves on others who are accused, acting as if they have some sort of wise insights? This is typical behavior of those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and project their delusions on others. Their children and anyone else who is vulnerable enough to be caught up in the fear they manufacture to manipulate others.

What's ironic is that this is what they accuse Bob of doing. Like Christian has said, I too can not apply reason to insanity, so there's nothing more to say.

There has been a lot of people who were fed "carefully manufactured BS" but it hasn't been from anyone here.  Careful wording like "Mr. Benedek bought the 'business entity' from Mr Adams" and deleting anyone who questioned who still owned the property.  All those "agreements" with the city.  Don't forget, "the Fire Marshal inspected everything in June and it passed."  Never mind the fact that the Fire Marshal and the Building Department have nothing to do with each other.  THAT is "carefully manufactured BS.  Poison?  Where?  Yes, we have posted publicly available documents.  Yes, we have written posts about other accused teachers.  Yes, we allowed Ms. Linsday to share her story.  Have we accused Robert Adams of molesting children?  No.  We have accused him of lying or at minimum withholding the truth.  We have pointed out inaccurate information given to supporters.  Where exactly are these "vile attacks" BG speaks of?  I find it sad that no one can take the time to answer simple questions of supporters asking about Mr. Adams' health, but can jump all over a post about McMartin Preschool trials, Ms. Linsday's involvement, or anti-government groups opinions on CPS.  On Oct 2nd, HPG asks:
Is there any more news on Bob, his family or the school?  It's awful being in the dark and feeling helpless.
It has been 10 days and no one from the family or any of the vocal supporters provided an answer and yet they can find the time to like and comment on the ridiculous rants offered up instead.
Now the rest of her post, I can only assume is directed at Ms. Linsday.  I find it humorous that BG feels she can safely say Ms. Linsday is "not satisfied with the harm they've already done, that they have to impose themselves on others who are accused, acting as if they have some sort of wise insights" Again, Ms. Linsday is not convicted or charged with any crimes.  Ms. Linsday, as the children's mother, did give her testimony during the trial of Ryan Smith, and so did the victims, expert witnesses, teachers, doctors, therapists and hundreds of exhibits.  The judge looked at ALL the evidence and Mr. Smith was found guilty.  Go back and read that guest post BG.  See WHY Ms. Linsday posted.  Read the things she has written on Websleuths.  What has she, or anyone here accused Bob of doing?  The only thing I've seen him be accused of here is not being up front about building code violations and making the repairs.  I suppose if Ms. Linsday also operated a school which had similar violations and was commenting here about it then yes, it would be ironic.  Seeing as though she has not now, nor ever owned a school, I fail to see the irony. 

At this point, I don't know what evidence the police and the District Attorney have or do not have on Robert Adams.  I'm assuming Mr. Adams has remained silent because his attorney has advised him to.  I question the lack of a plea.  I question the delays.  But this is all part of a legal world I, admittedly, am naive to.  There might be good reason, but I can't even being to speculate.  Having questions, doesn't mean I am accusing him of anything.  Mr. Adams public silence has probably been a good idea on his part.  Most of his supporters and his other family members have become silent as well.  In contrast, the outlandish comments by PSP, BG, and Peet are foolish and have, if nothing else, given less credibility to all supporters by association.  Hopefully soon, Mr. Adams will have his day in court.  His guilt or innocence can be plead.  If Mr. Adams is found not guilty, if one or all of the witnesses recants their story, I can still look back on everything I have written and not be ashamed.  Not a word of it wasn't true.  Not a word of it said Mr. Adams is guilty of the crimes he is accused of.  Tell me BG, PSP and Peet, can you say the same if Mr. Adams pleads guilty?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh PSP, at least you are consistent

We got a tip about the latest silliness on the Creative Frontiers Facebook page and decided this was too laughable not to write about.

Indeed [name], [name] and [name] and [name]! People who post anonymously and hide behind pseudo secret names don't want people to find out who they really are because they have deep dark secrets themselves, have untreated mentally illness or are spiritually ill and therefore can not and should not be taken seriously. It usually turns out after all the dust has settled and we see what's left are the ones who distrust the most are the ones who should be trusted the least. If anyone has looked in to the psychological phenomena and theories of blame, accusation, manipulating societal a nutshell, what I recall is that those who defame others the loudest, 'appear' to be 100% against a specific issue, seem to hold high power in which to increase their credibility with the public are the ones that usually are the worst offenders of the specific issue and most likely they have not yet been caught. They use others in specific situations to take the blame off themselves and/or to 'appear' to the public like they abhor that sort of thing so that others would not 'believe' they would ever do something like that even if they got found out. If there is anyone with a background in psychology that would like to expand on this, please do....we'd love to hear from you!
Now, this is a whole lot of crazy in one little comment.  So apparently, every advocate against something is guilty of that something?  Or maybe, just those "defaming"  Robert Adams are guilty of molestation? I guess its a really good thing we haven't defamed him then because I would hate to have her legal mind prosecute me! In all seriousness, the idea that an advocate must have "have untreated mentally[sic] illness" is ludicrous. There are hundreds of thousands of advocates in the world, this may apply to a rare few but does not apply to all.  Advocating for children is a tireless and thankless cause, it is a calling because people have witnessed first hand the unspeakable horrors that children have endured.  

We also saw a comment from a "pseudo secret name"  sacmom1234 on the Sacramento Bee article saying:

We are not picking on her. It is about time for anyone who is still involved to put their identity with their comments.
This is one the funny things about the internet.  We have screen names, aliases, nicknames and email addresses. Sure, on Facebook we can often connect a name to a user picture and even better, we may even know who that person actually is.  Having a screen name or a user name on the internet is nothing more indicative than having vanity license plate on your car.  Its something you recognize if you see it often enough but means nothing in terms of hiding one's identity. It is no more secret than say, writing a letter to Ann Landers and signing it Joe from Sacramento.

The other interesting part is the hypocrisy that we see over and over again from the (all too) vocal CFS supporters. "We can hide behind our 'pseudo secret names' to attack former supporters, but you can't". "We can tell half truths and outright lies, but you can't tell the truth at all". "We can attack victims and second guess their allegations, but no one is allowed to say anything negative about 'Mr. Bob'".  We, the authors of this blog, have been very careful to not speculate on Robert Adams' guilt or innocence.  We have said over and over again that we simply do not know if he is guilty of the charges against him.  We were not there, we were not a party to the alleged abuse.  What we do know is that there are a great number of facts that the Adams family does not want public in terms of the happenings at CFS.  This blog does provide those publicly accessible documents and records for both supporters and non-supporters alike to view.

To close, ask yourself if you know of anyone that is not 100% against the abuse of innocent children.  If you do, God forbid, is that a person you feel is a paradigm of mental health?  Could you feel a person not 100% against the abuse of any living being is mentally sane?  Personally, I can't fathom being one millionth of a percent ok with abuse, if that makes me mentally and spiritually ill...  well, I guess that is my cross to bear.