Tuesday, October 4, 2011

He is INNOCENT....or is he?

Continuing with our overview of cases of well-loved, respected teachers who had a dark side, the local case of Mr. Hao "Henry" Nguyen is the focus today.  Like Robert Adams, Nguyen had an outpouring of support from families who believed he would NEVER do such horrible things and it was absurd to think he would. 

Mr. Hao "Henry" Nguyen was a well respected piano teacher. So gifted that he'd taught 150 students over the past five years in South Sacramento. Only trouble was is that he couldn't be trusted with children. Henry was arrested for the sexual assault of a little 9 year old girl during her piano lesson. She told her mother in April 2011. Supporters jumped to Mr. Nguyen's defense at the SacBee:

Henry is our long time friend. He is not only a good Christian but also a great role model for those around him. He would definitely NEVER molest any child. He has a good family and two children of his own. I will pray for this innocent friend of mine, Henry. May the Lord fight this battle for him because he is INNOCENT

I hope this girl isn't lying because I believe he did not do it. This man has been my piano teacher for three years and from my evaluation of him, he would not "sexually assault" any students. He has a family and he goes to church...

This is my child's Piano teacher and my child has NOT been harmed. This 9-year old girl better be telling the truth or else it's a very cruel joke on this man's life. He has two girls of his own and a family to feed.
He would not do this! He's really nice and sweet and he did not molest me! DID NOT

The hysteria regarding child molestation is frightening and dangerous.

I find it remarkable how people seem to equate being a nice, sweet family man and a Christian with being innocent of all charges. I guess folks can proclaim and declare a man's innocence as loudly as they want. Many don't realize that pedophiles can be quite discriminating. Obviously, they do NOT want to be caught. They rarely abuse every child who crosses their path. They don't wear T-shirts announcing their prurient interests. They choose carefully. I guess Henry chose poorly, this time around. Two months went by and Mr. Nguyen decided to come clean. Thank goodness a child did not have to testify.  On July 13th, 2011 Deputy District Attorney, Casey Newton summed up the case in this Case of Interest notice.  It seems that Mr. Nguyen wasn't as innocent as everyone was proclaiming, despite his supporters claims to the contrary.  He is currently serving 10 years in State prison.

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but feel that there is still going to be "supporter denial" if Mr. Bob is found guilty.

    Just reading the posts on the Facebook page, it's so clear that there are a few select people that are refusing to acknowledge anything other than "Mr. Bob is innocent. Period."

    The cases you have highlighted on this blog should be showing these die-hard supporters that things are not always as they seem. I genuinely worry for some of these supporters, it's almost as if they have been brainwashed. I'm not trying to be insulting, but it really is amazing to see how stuck in the mud they are.

    What will they do if it turns out he is guilty? Will they still deny that he is guilty and believe this was all a crazy conspiracy?
