No Similarities
Constantly comparing Creative Frontiers School and Robert Adams to what happened at the McMartin Preschool STILL does not make it true. I'm sorry to tell you this CFS supporters, but it just simply IS NOT the same case. You can say it over and over again, but to anyone who actually has read both cases, there is very little similarity. Just like every murder trial is not OJ or Casey Anthony, every molestation trial is not McMartin.
On Friday, PSP made a reference to the McMartin Preschool trials again:
It's fascinating to read the chronology of the McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials. It shows that the initial child molestation report in August 1983 by Judy Johnson instigated the police into sending out a letter to other parents Sept 1983 about how they are conducting a criminal investigation and asking parents for assistance in questioning their child and then arresting Ray Buckley. More allegations then surfaced, media adopts the prosecution's view, it cost 7 years of court time and the State $15,000,000, prosecution withheld evidence of Judy Johnson's mental incapacities, in 1990 the defendant(s) were acquitted and hung jury, 1991 McMartin Preschool is demolished, 1995 HBO does a docu-drama called "The Indictment" based on the McMartin case. I wonder if any one else finds the course CFS is on similar to the events just listed. Just wondering....
I wonder if PSP was actually at the parent meeting held right after the school closed? If she was, she certainly heard different information to the rest of the parents.
Sorry PSP, I've read through the available information on both cases carefully, and I see very little similarities. Yes, Judy Johnson made an initial report in August of 1983. Yes, the police sent out a letter to parents in September 1983 encouraging them to ask their children about the alleged abuse. Yes, they arrested Ray Buckley. Did this happen at Creative Frontiers? No. In the case of Robert Adams, there was an report that led to the closing of the school made by a former employee, not a parent. The police DID NOT tell parents to interview their children. They said the opposite. If you thought something might have happened to your child, you were encouraged to contact police and NOT interview them yourself. When they arrested Robert Adams, they cited 7 different children. Two reports of alleged molestation were made in 2000, one in 2006, years before the employee who made the report worked at the school. Another report came before the school was shut down. Similarities? I don't see any. They are 2 cases 28 years apart. The more comparisons made to the McMartin trials, the less similarities there are to someone who actually reads the cases.
Where is the open letter to parents telling them to conduct interviews with their children? Where is the parent with alleged mental incapacities? Where is the trial that lasts 7 years? Where is the documentary? Oh...that's right, none of that has happened. Here is what did
Two female students reported alleged sexual abuse by Mr. Adams in 2000
One female student reported alleged sexual abuse by Mr. Adams in 2006
A teacher (AT) witnessed some behavior that she found inappropriate which, when paired with a statement a child reportedly told her parent, was concerning enough for her to make a report. This report came in June 2011, BEFORE the school was shut down.
At some point, an employee (IM) makes a complaint to DSS which causes them to shut down the school in conjunction with City of Citrus Heights.
The police shut down the school on July 18th, 2011 and hold a parent meeting where they inform parents of the allegations and then tell them to allow police/SAFE interviewers to speak to children if the parents felt they had been possibly victimized. They were instructed NOT to ask leading questions and to allow professionals trained in interviewing techniques to do so...while being videotaped. The information is even on their website.
It appears 2 other children came forward during these interviews and it appears 1 former teacher (BS) as well. It should be noted that there is no date on BS's complaint so we have no way of knowing if it came before or after the school was closed.
On Sept 7th, 2011, Mr. Adams is arrested. Charges and case summary can be found HERE.
On Sept 9th, 2011 Mr. Adams is arraigned where he enters no plea and his next court date is set for October 7th, 2011.
Can someone please show me where this is the same as McMartin?
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