Thursday, October 13, 2011

Comments and Editorials - an open Letter

To whom it may concern-

You are a visitor to our blog.  We provide information and public documents that will hopefully allow you to think, analyze and form an educated opinion about the situation with Creative Frontiers School and Robert Adams.

I received a comment today that is mildly amusing yet annoying as a blog owner.  We receive numerous comments daily.  To date, we have received 145 comments and published 141 of them.  I'd say we have a pretty high publish rate! Especially given that many blogs do not publish reader comments at all.

The comment we got today reads:
I see how it is.... anyone that even remotely questions you or a post will not be approved for their post to see. WOW!!!! You will be exposed very soon. See ya [name] and [name]!!!!

These type of comments are not productive, add no insight and bring nothing to the table. They serve to distract from the original issue and detract from non-supporters credibility.  Personal messages should be sent to the person they are intended for.  Because we can either publish a comment entirely or not publish it at all, personal attacks between supporters and non-supporters will not be published on this blog.  Now, I understand who one of the people referred to is, she commented earlier in the blog, however the other person is unknown to us.  My assumption is that the person posting that comment from IP address believes those two individuals have some connection to this blog, unfortunately for them, they are wrong.

We are adults with jobs, families and outside interests.  Just because your comment is not published immediately does not mean it won't be.  It just means I have a life outside of CFS!


  1. "You will be exposed very soon" Wow. Even if you thought someone was the creator of this blog...what would knowing who they were accomplish? Expose them for what? Owning a blog?

    Honestly I don't care who writes it or owns it. I enjoy reading it and I'm glad someone is taking the time to look at things realistically and standing up for the victims and the ridiculous nonsense being said by supporters.

    Why does not being a 100% supporter of Robert Adams make someone a bad guy?

  2. This is YOUR blog, and you are kind enough to share it with us. Even better, you allow us to be able to resectfully comment and voice our opinions.

    I think it's very important that the comments are moderated and you have done a great job of keeping it classy in here. Just looking at the comment you posted in this blog, I am totally cracking up!! "You will be exposed very soon." Okay?? For what?? I agree with the above comment, is someone going to report you for ***GASP*** blogging?? LOL!!

    To the class-act that sent you that message: If you have something to say that this site won't publish--and they have that right--then go start your own blog. Don't you have a facebook page to spread your "words of wisdom" and mud-slinging around? In addition, do you really think there are only 2 people that don't want to hear the supporters just keep regurgiating the same drivel over and over again without questioning the obvious?

    Trust me, there are more than you could count.

    To DoubtingCFS--THANK YOU for all that you do! Your hard work and dedication to the truth is much admired and respected. Thank you!!

  3. Anonymous

    Thank you for your kind words! I agree too that there are many in the 252 "CFS supporters" listed on the Creative Frontiers Facebook page that are there to keep tabs on the situation but are more than a little tired of the "drivel".

    I find it amusing also the conspiracy theories around who the authors of this blog are. I'm really not sure as to why it matters, but apparently that is the biggest issue they have on their plate at this time.

    We will not be publishing comments alluding to the conspiracy of who is behind the blog for a couple of reasons. One, as I stated above, it detracts from the purpose of the blog and two, they have all be wrong so far.

  4. Ok, so there is no confusion-I am the one that posted above you. I will from now on be signing my posts so that I can be counted as ONE person since some of the more paranoid supporters seem to think it's the same 2-3 people posting.

    That being said, I could not agree with you more. Who cares who started this blog? They only want to know who started it so they can TRY to figure out a way to sue to get documents removed, sue for defamation, sue for libel--sue, sue, sue. Bear in mind, their fearless leader makes his money by exploiting victims of CONVICTED pedophiles. But, don't forget--per the few extreme supporters--it's the alleged victims that "are in this for the money."

    I understand that many people have chosen to remain on the CFS Facebook page to keep an eye out, and I know a few have posted here to voice their opinions/questions without fear of being mauled. Just because the page has 252 "fans" doesn't mean that about 249 of those fans support every move the other 3 "fans" make.

    I'm glad you won't be posting the conspiracy nonsense, I see enough of that on the SacBee site and it's tedious, LOL!

    Again, thank you!!



  5. Hi DoubtingSupporterSanity

    We are more than happy to help answer questions that cannot be asked on the CFS FB page if we have the answers. When I started this blog, before gaining a co-writer, my goal was to provide a safe space of sorts for people to see real information, public documents and the flipside of the insanity at the CFS FB page.

    I'll be honest, this blog has grown much bigger than I thought it would ever get. I am happy that we are helping so many.

  6. Dear DoubtingSupporterSanity,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Just as it shouldn't matter who created this blog, it doesn't matter to us who comments on it. Which is why we allow Anonymous comments to be posted. By all means, if someone WANTS to leave a name, go for it, but no one should feel obligated to do so because a few CFS supporters think that there are only a handful of people commenting. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    No conspiracy nonsense here!

  7. seems you got the attention of more than one of the blog admins. You are thanked doubly!

  8. Apparently these cowards have a great fear of you and your blog. I find it quite laughable the lengths these poor (nearly) illiterate people will go to. Why do they fear you as they do? The information you provide is informative and thought provoking, yes. The documentation is readily available through the agencies because it is Public Info. Anyone with half a brain can come to their own conclusions. What will they do next? Try to boycott all public agencies? Do they realize how foolish they look? Obviously they believe they are providing support for Mr. Adams, but they must not realize how detrimental their rantings, ravings and threats are.

  9. Due to the length of the comment, we are posting this from an email that was sent in.

    Part I

    I find myself very disgusted to see what is happening. I genuinely understand the Adams family wanting to defend their own. I genuinely understand friends of Mr. Bob wanting to support their friend. Honestly, if I thought my friend/family member were innocent, I would do the same.

    What I would NOT do, however, is attack other people in defense of my friend/family member. Specifically, I would not attack children and people that I had no personal knowledge and/or connection with. D.A. is really crossing the line.

    "Mrs X claimed the exact same crime againts 2 former foster mothers in California before she was succesful againts Ryan Smith in Oregon. She should be pursued for filing false police reports in California as well as overturning the Oregon case."

    And you KNOW this, how?? Because the Pedo-Protector told you so? You weren't even involved with that trial, you weren't there to see what really happened. All you know is what The Vulture has spoon-fed you. Have you done any of your own footwork to see if any of the allegations The Vulture made against Mrs. X are true? If you did actually sit and go through all of the legal documents for yourself and come to your own conclusions, I am forced to ask why you are spending so much time on a case that is completely irrelevant to your brother's case?

    "People who live in glass houses (especially S.L. in Oregon) shouldn't throw rocks. I think I will be inviting those two other falsly accused foster parents to join our group."

    Really??!! It seems to me that you are REALLY trying to deflect focus from your brother by publicly bashing someone who has done NOTHING to you or your family. What kind of person are you? This woman has said nothing condemning your brother, in fact--she tried to warn you about the person you are allowing to represent you on your FB page. If you chose not to heed her warning--no problem, but why are you wasting your time attacking and harassing someone who was trying to let you know what she went through with The Vulture for YEARS. You really should take a moment and think about why it is that you are so upset with someone that you don't know, and so supportive of another person that--again--you don't know.

  10. Part II

    My theory:

    1. You're attacking a woman that you have no personal knowledge of, that you have never met,that has children that have been molested by Ryan Smith. Ryan Smith was convicted by a jury of his peers. He is GUILTY, no matter what The Vulture says. The justice system determined (more than once)that he did in fact sexually assault those children. You are attacking her for no other reason than because your brother is being accused of the very same thing. There is no other possible reason you could be making fun of an ill woman. You've repeatedly mocked her medical conditions, what she's been through, her children, even making fun of her having "bedsores." You are a truly pathetic human being to do such a thing.

    2. You're siding with a person that you have never met, The Vulture, simply because he latched on, claiming that there is no way your brother could possibly be guilty. How does he know? Because he has seen so many other people convicted of crimes they did not commit? I agree that the justice system has its flaws, but come on...If a person is still found guilty appeal after appeal after appeal, I'm sorry--that person is GUILTY. He made the conclusion that your brother was not guilty based on what he read/heard in the media. The facts haven't even come out yet!! Your brother hasn't even entered a plea for goodness sake! How can anyone know whether he is guilty or not? We won't know until trial when the facts come out and a jury of his peers find him innocent or guilty.

    Conclusion--You're simply choosing the side that best suits your needs, regardless of how much sense it makes.

    "Just found another person S.L. accussed of molesting her children. I guess accuse until it sticks."

    I really think your time would be much better spent helping your family, and not being a minion for the pedo-protector. I'm sure that your family would agree.

    I don't dare to hope that anything I have to say will actually penetrate and make you think, but maybe one of your "followers" will ask you to take a second look at what you're doing, and how you're doing it. How could you possibly think that the way you're acting, the things you have said about Mrs. X, about the alleged victims, non-supporters, how can you be right and everybody else be wrong?



  11. Oooooohhhh.... they are going to expose the writer of the blog...should they be terrified?
    BIG DEAL..SO WHAT?! Does knowing the identity of the writer/writers change the facts? Will the legal documentation mysteriously disappear? Do they anticipate the 6 felony charges being quashed if/when the revelation is made? How low can these posers go? More bully tactics by a few fanatical followers! How in God's name do they think this will play out?
    I bet the blog author(s) sleep a heck of a lot better than the accused or his followers!!

  12. law enforcement officerOctober 14, 2011 at 10:24 AM

    I can tell u that this is only the 2nd time i have posted on this blog. The 1st was when I stated I AM a supporter and that i work around CONVICTED child molestors. I never once accused Mr. Bob of being guilty! I simply said that his lack of a plea at an arraignment is very skepttical to me since they have had ample time to look at documents that were presented against him and enter a plea. I am still a supporter of Mr. Bob. But it is this very reason why I didn't post this on the CFS FB page. You guys on the FB page bash anyone who has skepticism or questions that dont favor Mr. Bob's side. That isn't what the page was designed for. Just speculating, but I am sure it was designed to support the school as a whole (teachers, students, parents, other faculty members, etc...) the reason you are losing so many supporters is due to the non-sense that is going on all over that page.
