Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm Not Ashamed....Are You?

I am at a loss as to what to do with some of the Creative Frontiers School supporters.  As it has been clearly pointed out before, the most horrible things and ridiculous ideas have been posted by those who have nothing to lose.  They didn't have children at the school.  Fortunately, they don't have children who were molested by anyone, and yet now they feel appropriate to judge and criticize others who HAVE lived through this as though they are experts on the subject.

BG says in response to Christian Peets post regarding Ms. Linsday and her posts here:

I read the "Guest" post but haven't been back since. I really have no desire to subject myself to the poison that goes on over there. It's heart-wrenching that some of the parents from CFS have allowed themselves to be fed carefully manufactured BS to now be so fearful of delusions.

One thing that has become crystal clear to me though is that so much of the vile attacks against Bob have absolutely nothing to do with Bob or CFS at all! How sad that we're all learning about this sub culture of false child molestation politics. Even sadder, we're learning about all these children caught up in the insanity of adults who are so incredibly mentally and spiritually ill. These people are not satisfied with the harm they've already done, that they have to impose themselves on others who are accused, acting as if they have some sort of wise insights? This is typical behavior of those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and project their delusions on others. Their children and anyone else who is vulnerable enough to be caught up in the fear they manufacture to manipulate others.

What's ironic is that this is what they accuse Bob of doing. Like Christian has said, I too can not apply reason to insanity, so there's nothing more to say.

There has been a lot of people who were fed "carefully manufactured BS" but it hasn't been from anyone here.  Careful wording like "Mr. Benedek bought the 'business entity' from Mr Adams" and deleting anyone who questioned who still owned the property.  All those "agreements" with the city.  Don't forget, "the Fire Marshal inspected everything in June and it passed."  Never mind the fact that the Fire Marshal and the Building Department have nothing to do with each other.  THAT is "carefully manufactured BS.  Poison?  Where?  Yes, we have posted publicly available documents.  Yes, we have written posts about other accused teachers.  Yes, we allowed Ms. Linsday to share her story.  Have we accused Robert Adams of molesting children?  No.  We have accused him of lying or at minimum withholding the truth.  We have pointed out inaccurate information given to supporters.  Where exactly are these "vile attacks" BG speaks of?  I find it sad that no one can take the time to answer simple questions of supporters asking about Mr. Adams' health, but can jump all over a post about McMartin Preschool trials, Ms. Linsday's involvement, or anti-government groups opinions on CPS.  On Oct 2nd, HPG asks:
Is there any more news on Bob, his family or the school?  It's awful being in the dark and feeling helpless.
It has been 10 days and no one from the family or any of the vocal supporters provided an answer and yet they can find the time to like and comment on the ridiculous rants offered up instead.
Now the rest of her post, I can only assume is directed at Ms. Linsday.  I find it humorous that BG feels she can safely say Ms. Linsday is "not satisfied with the harm they've already done, that they have to impose themselves on others who are accused, acting as if they have some sort of wise insights" Again, Ms. Linsday is not convicted or charged with any crimes.  Ms. Linsday, as the children's mother, did give her testimony during the trial of Ryan Smith, and so did the victims, expert witnesses, teachers, doctors, therapists and hundreds of exhibits.  The judge looked at ALL the evidence and Mr. Smith was found guilty.  Go back and read that guest post BG.  See WHY Ms. Linsday posted.  Read the things she has written on Websleuths.  What has she, or anyone here accused Bob of doing?  The only thing I've seen him be accused of here is not being up front about building code violations and making the repairs.  I suppose if Ms. Linsday also operated a school which had similar violations and was commenting here about it then yes, it would be ironic.  Seeing as though she has not now, nor ever owned a school, I fail to see the irony. 

At this point, I don't know what evidence the police and the District Attorney have or do not have on Robert Adams.  I'm assuming Mr. Adams has remained silent because his attorney has advised him to.  I question the lack of a plea.  I question the delays.  But this is all part of a legal world I, admittedly, am naive to.  There might be good reason, but I can't even being to speculate.  Having questions, doesn't mean I am accusing him of anything.  Mr. Adams public silence has probably been a good idea on his part.  Most of his supporters and his other family members have become silent as well.  In contrast, the outlandish comments by PSP, BG, and Peet are foolish and have, if nothing else, given less credibility to all supporters by association.  Hopefully soon, Mr. Adams will have his day in court.  His guilt or innocence can be plead.  If Mr. Adams is found not guilty, if one or all of the witnesses recants their story, I can still look back on everything I have written and not be ashamed.  Not a word of it wasn't true.  Not a word of it said Mr. Adams is guilty of the crimes he is accused of.  Tell me BG, PSP and Peet, can you say the same if Mr. Adams pleads guilty?


  1. Oh look....Robert Adams brother, Dan Adams, breaks his silence to make this asinine comment:

    "Dan Adams Mrs X claimed the exact same crime againts 2 former foster mothers in California before she was succesful againts Ryan Smith in Oregon. She should be pursued for filing false police reports in California as well as overturning the Oregon case.
    41 minutes ago"

    Not answering questions about his brother's health. Not thanking those still supporting the school. An odd, twisted, and untrue statement of fact, on a case he knows nothing about AND that has nothing to do with his brother. Seriously, what do they think they are gaining by attacking this woman? The man accused of molesting her children was CONVICTED. Perhaps he should make some more bedpan jokes. For a man who used the name "NotASheep" to make comments on the SacBee, he sure acts like a good little sheep in Christian Peet's flock of idiocy.

    Once again, since the supporters seem to still not get it...


  2. Looks like Dan Adams now has an opinion on the Ryan Smith case. Perhaps that is Peet's motive, to get more supporters to follow his cause of bringing pain and suffering back to those who have already suffered.

    Suffered a tragic molestation. Then suffered with admitting the truth to their loved ones, and then again admitting the truth to prosecutors, Psychologists, Detectives and a jury. Just when they think justice is served and they can finally put it behind them somebody like Peet comes out and makes ridiculous claims, and demanding that the family come back out and speak about the crimes again.

    Why? After they've already moved past it and are trying to heal. He has already been convicted and served a sentence. Let the family move on. Shame on you Dan for jumping on the bandwagon and giving support to this hateful cause. I beg you to think about what you are saying a bit more.

  3. Do you wonder why the NCRJ hasn't selected Peet's nephew's case to sponsor? I mean according to Peet his case was all a farce as well...

    Shame on you Dan Adams for yet again attacking this woman. Weren't you the one asking that people not judge your brother without all the facts?

  4. I could not agree more. Dan Adams, you have crossed the line! To attack this woman is really low. You weren't there for her case, just as she is not here for yours.

    All she did was share her story, and her experience with a certain person that is making YOU AND YOUR FAMILY look as guilty as sin.

    You really need to take a look around, Dan. You are surrounding yourself with lunatics and leaches.

    I used to support your family, and now I don't care anymore. You are constantly making bad choices, surrounding yourselves with lowlife creeps, lashing out at people for asking questions and accusing children of being liars.

    You need to take a good look in the mirror. Is this the person you really are? How does your brother feel about what you're doing "in his defense?"

    How would he feel if he knew the truth; many of HIS supporters jumped ship because of the acts of YOU, The Vulture, and the few crazies you have lingering around the CFS facebook page. It's really quite sad.

  5. First and foremost I am a supporter of CFS (the school itself). it was providing a great education for my child. Second, I am a law enforcement officer and have a few years of experience working around convicted child molesters. I too am questioning the lack of a plea not given by Robert Adams and his attorney. They have had ample time to build up enough to atleast give a plea. This makes me very skeptical of the situation.

  6. I wonder if his brother has told Dan of the discovery evidence he must by now be aware of. This is quite a strong case against Mr. Adams. I am privy to some of it and I don't see him being acquitted, let's just say. Praying that justice will be served. The victims are the poor little girls who trusted a beloved adult, whose every action toward them was as dishonest as red riding hood's wolf.

  7. Well maybe if CHPD and DAs office would hand over the discovery then I'm sure he would enter a plea. Law 101 would clearly not let an innocent or guilty man enter a plea without getting all discovery. Come on guys we are all on the same team here. Let's think before we post.

  8. shocking that comment came from a law enforcement officer. really???!!! you should know better. maybe you should go back to training...

  9. Just curious why you think the above anonymous poster is a law enforcement officer...

    They said they were "privy" to some of the discovery evidence, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are in law enforcement. An intern at the DA's office? a parent of a victim? or one of the now adult victims even. Many possibilities exist. Throwing out speculation as fact is how things get blown out of proportion.

  10. An innocent man that knows in his heart and soul that he did not commit these crimes of abuse against children cannot assert his innocence until he sees the discovery? Seriously!?! If you're NOT GUILTY, shout it from the rooftops. I know I would!

  11. The fifth comment says he/she is a law enforcement officer AND a supporter of CFS. The sixth one, says they are privy to information. Why would you think they are the same person?

  12. Yes if you are unintelligent then you would not listen to the advice of an experienced attorney and you may shout it from the rooftops. I can tell you that I would listen to my attorney and not do irrational things such as shouting it from the rooftops.

    Interesting note from the most recent anonymous "The fifth comment..." I stumbled upon this blog today and I get the feeling that this is a handful of people making themselves to be a big group. Nobody needs to respond and tell me different, it is very obvious.

  13. I'm sorry, but the the poster that says maybe the officer should go back to training: Perhaps you should take a 2nd look!

    The person that said they were privy to some of the info never said they were in L.E.

    So fast to jump on a person making a comment. So fast to make fun of the police officer.

    You must be a conspiracy theorist/supporter.


  15. You are more than entitled to feel that way if you'd like. I, however, can look at IP addresses associated with comments and can see for myself that they are different.

    By all means, if you choose to think there are only a few people reading and commenting then I'm not even going to attempt to change your mind.

  16. Yes Anonymous #14, isn't it crazy that some of the supporters have sunk so low?

  17. does no one see the post that says i am a law enforcement officer? Hmm... it must've just showed up on my screen. weird. for a group that prides themselves on considering the facts you seem to be missing some obvious ones.
    I'll paste it below.

    "First and foremost I am a supporter of CFS (the school itself). it was providing a great education for my child. Second, I am a law enforcement officer and have a few years of experience working around convicted child molesters. I too am questioning the lack of a plea not given by Robert Adams and his attorney. They have had ample time to build up enough to at least give a plea. This makes me very skeptical of the situation."

  18. It makes it easier for them to wrap their brains around it if they think there are only 2-3 "non-supporters" and we have nothing but time on our hands, sitting on our computers all day somehow manging to get this blog nearly 10,000 views. Riiiight.

    I have posted on this site several times, but never acting like I am more than one person. What kind of paranoid people are you guys? It's scary seeing the workings of your minds.



  19. sorry doubting cfs... i mean that this blog is crazy in a very negative way.

  20. Hi Anon

    Not sure why you think our blog is crazy, although I can see how we do attract people that are crazy. We have reported on facts regarding the closure that CFS does not want known. If you have evidence to dispute those facts (i.e. public documents), please by all means send them to us.

  21. thats is a lie doubting cfs. you cannot look at the ip addresses. This blog site"blogger" is through google which is highly protected. So unless you have a program that is allowing you do that, then what you are telling me is that you are engaging in illegal activity. Right?

  22. Oh Suspicious Anon.

    Tracking hits and visitors to one's website is neither illegal nor uncommon. We do track visitors, pages they view and the frequency of their visits using statistics through Extreme Tracking. If you truly believe that website visitor tracking is illegal, I urge you to file a report with your local law enforcement

  23. Regarding: "does no one see the post that says i am a law enforcement officer? Hmm... it must've just showed up on my screen. weird. for a group that prides themselves on considering the facts you seem to be missing some obvious ones.
    I'll paste it below."

    And then:

    "shocking that comment came from a law enforcement officer. really???!!! you should know better. maybe you should go back to training..."

    What, pray tell, did he/she say that would require them to "go back to training?"

    To go on a site and express an opinion is not against the law and has nothing to do with L.E. training. I found his post well-written, it included capitalization, proper grammar and punctuation--pretty interesting to read!!




  24. Well, I'm not sure why you are calling me unintelligent based on my "if he's not guilty, he should shout it from the rooftops" comment. Your comment is very enlightening to me. That an innocent man would proclaim his innocence under a court of law...on either of the 2 opportunities would be "irrational"? Okay..if you see things that way. But just remember Parisi gets paid for everything she does, no matter how long this is dragged out in the courts by fake chest pains and not entering pleas. Glad to hear Mr. Adams' heart has been just fine since he quickly got out on bail.

  25. I am the poster of the 6th comment, not connected to law enforcement but connected to a victim. Just clarifying.

  26. Now that the vicious few know you can track them, I doubt they will be back, although it must be terribly hard for them not to look. Like an arsonist, they love to see their work. I wonder how they would feel, (those who claim they are about to unmask the blog writers) if their identity was revealed. Obviously, they want their anonymity but threaten to expose the identity of those they fear. I am very curious to know what they "think" they know. Of course nothing will come forward because they are bluffing. They have no idea who writes it, nor do they have the intelligence to ever find out, and I doubt the writer(s) have an agenda. They are providing information in one location so anyone questioning can do their own research. I have no desire to know the writer(s) - so far every document they have produced has been factual and confirmed by the agency that provided them. I am just happy to see that my suspicions are not mine alone. Hopefully, the jury will weigh the facts and evidence and come to a viable conclusion.

  27. That's the thing. I have a pretty good idea who is commenting, but could really care less to reveal their identities. They can "think" they know who writes the blog all they want. They've made several guesses, but they've all been way off. I'm pretty convinced they've got nothing, because if they did, they would have posted publicly already.

    I can assure you, I have no agenda. Just a person who saw what was happening and said "wait a minute..." As I said in this post, I have nothing to be ashamed of. I've written nothing untrue. There have been criticisms made, but only of untruths, lies, and downright mean or insensitive comments. At the end of the day, I know that at least a few of them, can't say the same thing.
