Several have claimed that this blog operates under some form of malice. That it is run by former supporters who owe the school money. That people who are non-supporters are merely people who would directly benefit from the fall of Creative Frontiers/Robert Adams.mal·ice
1. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy.2. Law . evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.
There have been former supporters named publicly by name. Horrible things said about them. A comment I received (and refused to publish) yesterday even claimed to have called a former supporters place of work to "report her" as being the owner of this blog. You want malice? There is a perfect example.
I feel bad. But not for things I have said, but that some people who support Robert Adams think that it is appropriate to attack anyone who no longer supports the cause and act upon some unfounded notion that they are me.
Here is a clue for you. I was NEVER a supporter of Robert Adams. I was always a skeptic of what was being presented to me. I questioned some of the actions of the CHPD upon the closing, but even more concerning to me were the actions of the Adams Family and supporters after the fact.
Here is the thing though, if anything I have posted is incorrect, by all means correct it. If a child is caught in a lie, do we want them to attack the person catching them? Or own up to it? Sometimes, there is a reasonable explanation. Sometimes there isn't, but you own up to it. Unfortunately, with the CFS case, it just gets worse and worse. Lies to cover up lies. Instead of seeing a reasonable explanation and an apology, we see either attacks, more lies, or diversions.
I want to extend a personal apology to the people who have been attacked by these supporters. The intent of this blog has been to provide a clear source for factual information. Since then, it has been the goal of some supporters to "expose" my identity. They have been wrong with every guess, but does that stop them? Sadly, no. They move from one person to the next getting more malicious as they move on. It is odd that they speak of the "false accusations" of Robert Adams, and yet are doing the same thing to former supporters.
I will stand behind my facts. I will retract untrue statements. So I ask you again supporters, instead of focusing your energies on attacking the wrong people, why don't you address these issues? I will post ANY document that refutes any of the information posted here.
Correct me if I am wrong, but don't attack other people because you don't like what I post.