Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Refunds on Their Way?

Curious that Robert Adams is selling $1700 worth of Home Depot gift cards on eBay.

(Please click on images to enlarge)

A listing:

Mr. Adams' payment instructions:
The other listings:
Does this mean some parents can be expecting refunds soon?


  1. I for one, as a parent of a student that was at the school at the time of the closure, would like to find out why these cards were not used toward the basic upkeep that obviously had not been done at the school? Were these a donation from Home Depot (or parents) to help get the school back up to code in order to reopen on Sept 6th?

    My gut feeling is that there is something odd about this whole Ebay thing. You wouldn't want to sell gift cards on Ebay at the value you bought them at because you'll lose money with all of the transaction fees.

  2. Uhhhh wow. I hope these cards weren't gifts from parents to help fix the school.

  3. Unless of course you are trying to max out your business credit card before you declare bankruptcy....

    Something very shady going on with this. Sadly I doubt the money will be used to generate refunds.

  4. Looks to me like he's doing what the above poster said and trying to max out his card before declaring a bankruptcy, which is no good for those filing a small claims law suit. Any small claims law suit you win he will include in the bankruptcy and you will get nothing. I think a civil lawsuit may be an alternative? He clearly committed fraud.

    Oh, and if he does declare bankruptcy and IS maxing out his cards for cash, I'm sure Home Depot would LOVE to know that he is knowingly committing fraud by doing this ebay nonsense.



  5. Oh geesh....I hadn't considered that. That would make sense too since then he wouldn't really have to "pay" for them at all if they were purchased on a credit card and that debt would be wiped away with a bankruptcy (if/when that occurs).

  6. While the sale of gift cards on eBay is not illegal, although selling more than one at a time is against their rules, it is certainly peculiar that the owner of a school requiring extensive repairs now has $1700 worth of gift cards he is selling for as much as he can on eBay.

    It could be completely innocent, but it is certainly peculiar.

  7. Astonishing .....Linda Parisi must be reaching deep into Bob's pockets....one can only imagine. Im sure an old fashioned garage sale must be just around the corner,why not sell the boat instead?

  8. This is probably a silly question, but how do you know it's THE Bob Adams? Aren't there more than one "Adams" family in Folsom? Did I miss something? Thanks for all the information though - it's very interesting! How did you even think of checking out ebay??

  9. You are correct Anonymous, I have no true way to verify it is THE Robert Adams, but I can make an educated guess. The account is adams340, a user name commonly used by Robert Adams. The email associated with the account is a known email of Robert Adams. The sellers payment instructions is signed "Bob" and the account originates from Folsom, Ca. While it is not impossible that there is another Robert Adams who uses the username adams340, lives in Folsom, and just happens to have the same email address as the Robert Adams we are talking about, it is highly unlikely.

    The information about eBay actually came in on a reader tip.

  10. I estimate on the first auction adams340 had a loss of almost $70.00 on a $300 GC. Ebay fees (ugh) are now 9%! Then there's Paypal fees and shipping costs. Huge loss. Maybe worth taking the hit if you have one GC to sell, but FIVE? Doesn't he have any friends that would buy them off of him for a better return? Everyone goes to Home Depot these days.

    Also, kudos to you for not reporting his auctions. I think that speaks volumes that you are not out to get Mr. Adams. Ebay rules are only one GC listing at a time, a rule we Ebay sellers all have to follow.

  11. But then again as indicated time and again right here on this site that good 'ol Mr.Bob makes common practice of not "following the rules " as you would expect a solid citizen would. As a parent of a former student of CFS, its been increasingly difficult for me to bite my tongue,the supporters truly amaze me, as a quiet spectator at two court appearances wearing anything BUT red, I have some concern with their acceptance of the silence of the defense .....do they all know something we don't?........I have a bad feeling this
    may be a prelude to what may be an attempt for a quiet plea bargain .....cowardice is a word I could use.......but it wouldn't seem likely Mr.Bob has any intention of ever really having to
    explain himself in any public forum in the near future.

  12. Robert Adams will continue to stall so that he can enjoy the holidays with his family. My prediction is a NO CONTEST plea in early January. And a spiel by Christian Peet, that he was forced to enter that plea but clearly is still not guilty. Also, a little bird told me that the house will soon be in foreclosure and the school property will soon be on the market. Let's see if all of this comes to fruition in early 2012!
