Saturday, November 12, 2011

Imagine this...

Imagine that you are in your early 20's,  law enforcement is listening to you this time and the man you believed to have harmed you is finally arrested.  You might feel relieved, validated, impatient or even frustrated at how long it took. You come across the school Facebook page where the abuse happened after numerous news outlets talk about the out pouring of support against your abuser. You read horrible accusations about yourself alleging that you being greedy for money, for attention.  You must be lying because it never could have happened that way, according to these people.  You see references to a much younger child as "the girl who cried pee-pee". You know the truth, you know what did or did not happen. Yet you have numerous people telling you that you are wrong.

Now imagine that you are someone that had been molested however you have not come forward yet.  Perhaps you were scared of your abuser, perhaps threats had been made, perhaps you just wanted to try to put it all behind you.  You see supporters picketing at the school, at city hall and you come across their Facebook page. How inclined are you to tell anyone what happened?  Will anyone even believe you?  If people didn't believe them, why would they believe you? Should you just suffer in silence longer?

Imagine you are a parent that sacrifices to have their children in a private school. You believed the school your children attended was run by a highly qualified educator.  You believed that your child's teachers were credentialed.  You believed that the building were safe for your child to be in on a daily basis.  At first you support your school, after all - these are people you know.  You slowly see that maybe things weren't what they were supposed to be.  There were safety issues with the buildings.  Credentials and resumes don't add up. That monetary sacrifice was already hard enough and you pre-paid all of the upcoming school year to lighten the financial burden.  Despite the school being closed, no refund was issued.  You were given a nugget of hope though, the school would re-open.  Part of you still wanted to believe in what you had been told by people you trusted. Yet almost 4 months later, there is no possibility of the school reopening.  You still have not received a refund, in fact other than a Facebook page- you haven't heard from the family at all.

We have yet to see any acknowledgement of the issues that plagued the Creative Frontiers School campus and the handling of the closure and since.  We have seen supporters further victimize victims with verbal assaults, we have seen family members hurl hurtful words towards former supporters.  We have seen a complete denial of public legal documents.  We have seen a failure to tell their families that the school will not be reopening any time in the near future because the business license held by Robert Adams and the application for a business license by Zsolt Benedek have been denied.  Yet, in some bizarre reality - Robert Adams and CFS still continue to have supporters.

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually disgusted that I paid this man money to provide care for my children. Molestation allegations aside, I paid thousands of dollars to that man thinking I was getting my children a quality education in a safe environment. Unlike the few lingering CFS supporters in their "sea of red shirts", I can admit I made a mistake. I was duped. I made a bad judgement call. I flat out refuse to be a part of their ridiculous "smear the victims" and "it's all a big conspiracy" campaign. The way they have behaved is disgraceful. I can't believe that the high priced legal counsel obtained by "Mr. Bob" hasn't told them to shut their traps before they dig an even deeper hole.
