Several have claimed that this blog operates under some form of malice. That it is run by former supporters who owe the school money. That people who are non-supporters are merely people who would directly benefit from the fall of Creative Frontiers/Robert Adams.mal·ice
1. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy.2. Law . evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.
There have been former supporters named publicly by name. Horrible things said about them. A comment I received (and refused to publish) yesterday even claimed to have called a former supporters place of work to "report her" as being the owner of this blog. You want malice? There is a perfect example.
I feel bad. But not for things I have said, but that some people who support Robert Adams think that it is appropriate to attack anyone who no longer supports the cause and act upon some unfounded notion that they are me.
Here is a clue for you. I was NEVER a supporter of Robert Adams. I was always a skeptic of what was being presented to me. I questioned some of the actions of the CHPD upon the closing, but even more concerning to me were the actions of the Adams Family and supporters after the fact.
Here is the thing though, if anything I have posted is incorrect, by all means correct it. If a child is caught in a lie, do we want them to attack the person catching them? Or own up to it? Sometimes, there is a reasonable explanation. Sometimes there isn't, but you own up to it. Unfortunately, with the CFS case, it just gets worse and worse. Lies to cover up lies. Instead of seeing a reasonable explanation and an apology, we see either attacks, more lies, or diversions.
I want to extend a personal apology to the people who have been attacked by these supporters. The intent of this blog has been to provide a clear source for factual information. Since then, it has been the goal of some supporters to "expose" my identity. They have been wrong with every guess, but does that stop them? Sadly, no. They move from one person to the next getting more malicious as they move on. It is odd that they speak of the "false accusations" of Robert Adams, and yet are doing the same thing to former supporters.
I will stand behind my facts. I will retract untrue statements. So I ask you again supporters, instead of focusing your energies on attacking the wrong people, why don't you address these issues? I will post ANY document that refutes any of the information posted here.
Correct me if I am wrong, but don't attack other people because you don't like what I post.
i can tell you that no one in the adams family would want bad or intentionally harass any former supporter or anyone who has never supported them. i know them well enough to know that much. but i do believe their guard is up, as it should be. can anyone imagine this happening to them? you may say, "no, of course not, i am not a child molester." well, either is robert adams. it could happen to you or a family member. it is easy to accuse, especially of crimes of this nature. once you see the actual discovery, i am sure it will make "sense" to all of us. i also do not believe that there was ever any intention for them to mislead anyone under any premises whatsoever. i tried to contact the owners several times and they were in shock and in disbelief. i also wish they would address the people who feel like they have been mislead. clearly their is a disconnect. not talking to anyone doesn't seem to solve things because it leaves people to make their own assumptions. with that being said, one must remember that these assumptions are just those and not fact. but i am sure their attorney has told them to not talk. who would not listen to that counsel in such an extreme situation? i don't think anyone knew what they were doing on the other side. the daughters seemed to do the best they could. since then, i have talked to them quite a few times. they will be able to refute each and every "fact" with documentation of their own (interestingly enough, also sent from city, and from conversations with the city, as well as transcripts of credentials, etc), but i doubt they would do it on this forum. it will probably be done in court. i believe the attacks have gone both ways. just as this blogger can not always necessarily control what is posted here, either can the adams family necessarily control what is posted on the fb. i was disappointed to see the page had closed as well, but i can't blame them. also, just because one says that something isn't malicious does not mean that malicious intent is not there no matter what disclaimers are used. if he is guilty, then he will have to pay for his crimes as he should. if he is not, then my heart goes out to that poor man. after talking with several close sources, the case is weak. i also heard the robert adams plans to enter a not guilty plea as soon as his attorney gives him the okay. he actually told an extended family member of mine and i also heard from another person that we will rot in prison before ever taking a plea bargain or saying he did something he did not do. it will be interesting to see how all this pans out. both "sides" have people who may not "represent" with the respect that all people deserve. i know those few people are hopefully not representative of this blog and one would hope that the same benefit would be given to the supporters of cfs/ra. it doesn't matter who the author of this blog is nor does the identity of the posters. "fact"-fair enough at this point, fiction, and opinion have been blogged and posted and once it is out there, their is no turning back. i hope that this comment isn't ripped apart or anyone gets overly defensive, as you have made it clear that this is a page where anyone can express their views. no disrespect intended for those who may not agree with this. it seems clear that a little allowance, benefit of the doubt, and less defensiveness could be practiced on both sides of this horrific situation.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous- Thank you for posting your view in a respectful manner.
ReplyDeleteOther than the brother of Robert Adams, the rest of the family has been relatively respectful in what they have posted and I DO appreciate that. I agree, if they would just address the people who feel they have been misled, they would probably not be losing support.
While they are not the ones posting the disrespectful comments on the Creative Frontiers Facebook page, they are the admins of the page. They are allowing people to speak as though they are representing the family. They (the 3 Adams family Admins) ARE in full control. It is clear that it is only a small handful of supporters who feel it appropriate to post these severe comments, but it is allowed and even "liked" by family members. That pretty much implies support of these comments. They could easily just delete them as I have done with several comments on this blog.
I don't expect that anyone would actually take me up on my offer to post things here, however, they could post them on the school facebook page themselves. They claim to have sent the information to the media. Well why not show it to your supporters themselves if the media won't publish it?
The files listed here are directly from the City. They are not edited (other than my early attempts to remove personal info) What you see is what there is. It is doubtful that there is some hidden documents that prove all these other documents are incorrect.
I agree, if Robert Adams is truly not guilty, I hope that his name is fully cleared. False accusations are a terrible thing. I think everyone agrees with that. I do not know if he is guilty or not. I am not a witness, an alleged victim, or the accused.
I have not gone after any one person who is a supporter of Robert Adams. I HAVE re-posted comments and pointed out where someone is VERY wrong or being far out of line.
I will agree, opinions have been posted, but not posted as fact. There has been nothing posted by me that is "fiction".
As I said before in my post, some of these supporters have crossed a MAJOR line. If all Robert Adams/CFS supporters could express their views in the same adult manner that you have just done, rather than name-calling, insulting, and finger-pointing, there would be a lot less of a problem.
Again, I appreciate your input and opinion even if it differs from my own.
I am completely amazed/disgusted.
ReplyDeleteYou actually received a message from someone who called a person's workplace to "out" them for blogging? I read that part of the blog and then just sat here, dumbfounded.
How obsessed are some of these people to do such a thing? There is nothing wrong with this blog; it violates NO rules or regulations, but WHY would anyone call a person's place of employment and try to get them into trouble over a blog?? What kind of person would do such a thing?
Some of the supporters have gone too far. you don't like YOUR (supporter) version of the truth so you try to get someone fired from their job??
Do you think Mr. Bob, or any member of his family would support such actions? I sure don't.
I can tell you this. If it were me, and I had a document that disproved the things posted here about myself or my father, I'd be posting it publicly daily. I wouldn't be allowing it sit and fester. I'd put it out there so there WAS no trial so my life could get back to normal.
ReplyDeleteI left the page when it was clear that we weren't going to get real answers and the attacks on former teachers and all the BS about victim recruitment started. Also about the time when we were told the school WILL reopen on Sept 6th but it did not. It is clear now that they had no assurance that it would from the city and it was clearly irresponsible to act like they did. Some parents even pulled kids out of school because the family misled them. I would say that is the biggest misrepresentation so far and what really upset me. They let people believe that the school didn't reopen because of the arrest, and that is just a lie.
I feel bad for the daughters of Robert Adams, I really do. They are trying. Even attempting to calm down a few of those 'extremists'. I just don't understand why they don't direct the page to a more positive tone. They've tried, posting things about Halloween and Thanksgiving, but they need to be deleting those nasty comments and not encouraging them. I am positive if they told these people to stop, they would. But they haven't and so people like me, who don't want to associate with that garbage, have left the group.
I want to believe in the Adams family and CFS, but after reading what is here, and their refusal to address it, I just can't. I still have a hard time believing Robert Adams is a child molester, but I would never send my child back to CFS or any school run by that family.
I think it was important for you to reiterate the definition of malice. I hope it will help alleviate some of the building tensions on both sides. I have not commented here before, but have kept a watchful eye on this case as a relative of an abuse survivor. I have tried to keep an open mind and remain impartial, but your blog has pointed out so many suspicious behaviors and inconsistencies, that I have to wonder: If Robert Adams was so untruthful in all the dealings of this school, how can we now take his word that he speaks the truth? I have been very disappointed in the CFS Facebook page and the fact that the Adams family has let mouthy supporters (3 in particular) spout off repeatedly challenging law enforcement, challenging government agencies, former supporters and in particular, victims! That last part is the most disappointing and I would have to say heartbreaking. It takes a lot of courage for a victim to come forward and many are not likely to come forward after seeing how victims are treated and put on trial themselves.
ReplyDeleteI personally don’t believe that the Adams family set out to be disrespectful to former CFS families and supporters as well as alleged victims, however they had an obligation to put a stop to it months ago and they let it go on. Robert Adams’ brother Dan has made fun of victims (too callous to repeat here), questioned their financial motives and has made a mockery of the Citrus Heights Police Department, the City of Citrus Heights, the Department of Social Services…and the list goes on. He has questioned motives of people performing investigations as they are charged by law to do so. Now, don’t get me wrong….I know they feel angry and that is why they are lashing out, but that doesn’t make it right.
Robert Adams may not be a child molester, but he did not have necessary precautions in place to alleviate all doubt. He should not have been lying down with children, rubbing them, kissing them and so on. That is not appropriate behavior for a Principal, in my opinion. I hope this will be a lesson to many to draw boundaries and when in doubt, proceed with caution.
I for one would wholeheartedly welcome documents that refute those listed on this blog, mainly because these are official documents and we have nothing else to form our opinion on, as it pertains to the health and safety of children at CFS.
I respectfully disagree with the above poster regarding the Adams family’s ability to control what is posted on their school Facebook page. It is easy to delete and the family accesses that page multiple times a day. With the allegations their father is facing, this page has seemingly only added fuel to the fire.
The reason I understand that they closed the Facebook page to the public is because a poster there indicated that tuition financial records are known and the Adams family has been denying that all along as single mothers and other families have requested refunds. I hope that is just an ignorant comment by a poster, but again, it raises suspicions in an already suspicious situation.
I respectfully disagree that “the case is weak”. That is not correct although I cannot say how I know this. We all must be patient and wait. If a plea bargain is not struck, the facts will all come out in a court of law someday.
I am in agreement that this blog does allow people on either side of this case to comment, and corrects inconsistencies as the blogger sees fit. I do not know how many people contribute to this blog, however I feel it is very well written. Sorry to post such a long comment.
Yes DoubtingSupporterSanity, I actually received a comment, that claimed that they had called a named workplace to report an employee they thought to be me. I don't work at that company (nor does anyone contributing to this blog), and I certainly HOPE that the company just ignored the complaint, if in fact one was actually made. I suppose they could call my workplace and complain (if they actually knew who I was) but seeing as though I am co-owner of my workplace, I won't be too harsh on myself. That is what is so ridiculous. Someone out there feels that was an appropriate thing to do. That it was appropriate to allege that other former supporters were writers of this blog and name them by name in public. A few of them have posted here, ironically using their real names, and yet look at what has been done to them!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the kind words from all of you. A lot of effort goes into maintaining this blog and it isn't easy. It is nice for us to know those efforts are appreciated.