Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is theTruth

Another definition for you:


noun, plural truths 
1. the true  or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true
5. actuality or actual existence.
This blog seeks to find the truth.  I would hope that the truth is something everyone would be seeking in this case, and in life in general.  Sometimes that truth is uncomfortable.  Sometimes it points out where you were wrong, and that is an uneasy feeling.  We have all been wrong at some point in our lives.  Here is the big difference between what I would hope most people strive for and what has happened with regards to the Creative Frontiers case.  Instead of acknowledging truths, we have instead seen blatant refusal to see what is right in front of everyone's faces.  

One of many examples of the denial of reality exhibited by the Adams family/CFS supporters is in regards to the building code violations.  We posted the building code violations and the multiple notices sent to Robert Adams regarding these issues.  And yet no one chooses to address this.  We hear yet again, about the Fire Marshal.  We hear about the postmark on the envelope.  Yet no one can answer where the red tags that were supposed to be on the building disappeared to.  We also hear that the 14 page document from the city citing violations can be summed up to a hanging telephone wire and some dry rot.  No one cares to address the numerous letters sent to Robert Adams from the City building department, clearly pointing out what the problem was, but also showing him clearly how to solve it.  Instead pretending like none of this exists because "we passed the fire marshal inspection with flying colors" despite basic reading comprehension skills required to understand that the Fire Marshal and the City of Citrus Heights Building Department are two separate entities.

Truth goes a long way with people.  Being lied to does not.  Mistakes are one thing.  I told someone I had 2% milk in the fridge the other day.  Poured it for them, they took a drink and said, "Um no, this is non-fat milk."  Oops.  I don't drink milk.  I didn't look at it closely.  I thought I had 2% milk and I told them, "I have some 2% in the fridge."  I don't blame the person drinking the milk.  I don't blame the grocery store.  I don't blame the milk company.  I don't blame the cow.  It was my mistake, but that is just it; a mistake.  I say I'm sorry and it is over.  Unfortunately we don't see this from the CFS family.

We all make mistakes.  What you choose to do with your mistakes can either make you a better person or one in complete denial. 

1 comment:

  1. I have another definition for you:

    Irony - Noun
    The incongruity between what is expected to be and what is.

    This correlates to the truth because it is ironic (adjective from the root irony) that if the Adams family had been truthful and admitted their mistakes, then it is quite possible that many of the mistakes would have been forgiven. It is also quite possible that CFS would be open today.
