Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spewing Misinformation

I'm with you [name]. They blog all this misinformation and spew it out as the truth they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass, sorry for the terminology, but im just fed up with all the crap they are spewing and how people are taking out their revenge by making false claims against people they didn't get along with called them bullies because they don't belive the same things as they do,
You'll have to forgive me but I'm just really flipping mad and these people are allowed to say anything they wish.

I am sorry that we have the ability to make people "flipping mad" because of the truth. Actually, I am not sorry about that.  Sometimes the truth is ugly, it can be unpleasant, it can uncover lies and secrets that people want to stay hidden.  Sometimes the truth is the last thing that someone wants seen and sometimes the truth shows the opposite of the picture one was trying to portray. The truth did bite someone in the "ass", unfortunately it bit Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers School.

Unfortunately, when a criminal investigation takes place, all the covers get pulled so to speak.  Every aspect of the alleged perpetrator's life is delved into. In the case of Robert Adams, that included information around the state of Creative Frontiers at the time of the closure and since. The conditions that the buildings and campus were in at CFS were unsafe, outdated and out of compliance with state and city regulations.  This is not something we made up, this is not "crap [we] are spewing".  This is what it was, plain and simple.

The numerous emails we have gotten from parents saying things to the effect of "I am horrified that we paid as much as we did for our child's tuition" show the level of outrage that many parents feel regarding the deception at CFS.  Parents had no idea that their children were unsafe.  Parents had no idea that Robert Adams did not have the educational accomplishments he claimed.  Parents had no idea what was really happening there because that is something Robert Adams wanted to stay hidden.

We are not here for revenge.  We are not here to bully anyone.  We are not here to be best friends with CFS supporters.  We are here to lift the rock up and allow everyone to see the creepy crawlies that were living under it.  If those creepy crawlies are ugly, well, unfortunately that isn't the fault of the person lifting the rock.

The offer stands to publish evidence that corroborates Robert Adams' credentials. Unfortunately, at the time of this publication, that information has not been given to us. If you have access to this information and would like to publish it, please feel free to email us with scanned copies of degrees.


  1. He's flipping mad? Really? How does he think the girls who disclosed and their parents feel right now? How about all the parents stiffed for there tuition funds? How about people who have been written about in hateful ways who have NOTHING at all to do with Creative Frontiers?

    Yes, people CAN write whatever they wish. It's their opinion. At least on this blog, the opinions are backed up with documents.

    He's flipping mad? Give me a break.

    A parent

  2. Can someone explain to me why John Daley always likes his own posts? Is it some form of mental masturbation? I don't get it but he does it nearly everytime

  3. "people are allowed to say anything they wish"

    Well yeah... isn't that the point of Freedom of Speech? Thank you D CFS for all the stuff you have dug up, the explanations and documents. My son wasn't there for long but he'll never go there again.

  4. What a joke. I don't see how any of the documentation posted here has been "misinformation" spewed out as the truth, but rather legitimate publicly available information. If that isn't factual than what is?

    I've noticed that team CFS has backed off a bit from the stand that everything was fine last July for the "Fire inspection". Perhaps Team CFS has some information or other publicly available information not disclosed here that can explain the documentation that we see? Is there some circumstance that shows the school was in fact up to building code? That the business license was renewed? That the pool wasn't closed?

    Please J.D. we're all ears.

  5. The school passed all of it's inspections in June...Lie.
    Robert Adams had all of the degrees on his resume...Lie.
    There are no children involved in these allegations...Lie.
    The school will reopen Sept 6th...Lie.
    We have an agreement with the City...Lie.
    "Just one more signature"...Lie.

    So wait a min...exactly WHO "wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass"?

    Why does it not surprise me that JD's favorite part of the school carnival was the cake walk?

  6. Settle down now. Be nice.

  7. Its funny to me that someone that had no problem in participating in the bashing of another parent, victims and teachers is crying that a blog is bullying people. Someone that was so insistent and adamant that a former CFS supporter was the author behind this site. Yet suddenly this site is bullying people? I guess that saying about 1 finger pointing at you is really 4 pointing back at me is true

  8. I think Mr. D might want to stop and consider what sort of hateful and "uncomfortable" comments are written on the internet, spoken on talk radio, and reported on political pundit TV news shows every day about people like Sarah Palin, President Obama and even those accused of crimes like Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox. Some are true and some are not but everybody has an opinion.

    As long as you don't threaten to physically harm another person, I think you are in the clear to say whatever you want. I don't think it's right to do it without facts to back up your hard to accept statements though. That's what this blog site is doing - backing up really upsetting statements with facts shown through public documents.

    I can say for myself that almost everything posted here has been a big shock to me as a parent of a former student. I can't believe how I was misled. At the new school my child is at, there is a lot more transparency and oversight. It's not as touchy-feely, that's true. But I think I'm done with touchy-feely.

  9. I have to agree with the Anonymous at 1:08pm, folks. While the comments made are way out there, I'm convinced the good majority of people reading this blog know that we aren't magicking these documents out of thin air. They are what they are.

    While some people make it easy to mock them, let's tone it down a bit. You can say what you want and have an opinion, but let's try to keep insults out of it.

  10. To clarify, I was referring to JD's comments being way out there, not all of you.

  11. John Daley has no reason to be mad about anything! Were his kids or grandkids victims? Did he pay tuition for which he received no services? What a fool to bury his head in the sand insisting that Adams is still honest, for one thing, and we still don't know about his guilt or innocence. But clearly the CFS supporters are having a hard time with facts as they are presented. Hell, if he pleads guilty or goes to trial and is convicted, they will have new conspiracy theories. Some people are so blind they cannot see!

  12. If John Daley wants to be mad at me - FINE!!! He has accused 2 of my dearest friends of things they (as non-confrontational people) would NEVER do. He has made comments that are completely untrue. He has targeted me for unknown reasons, and has tried to turn people against me. His efforts have fallen flat yet he continues to hold a grudge against me. All this childish behavior makes me weary, but does not deter me from seeking the truth. I believe the children and their parents deserve that! Nothing more, nothing less!!
