Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Teacher, Camp Director, Masseuse....and Much More

David Devine was a popular West Chester PA 1st grade teacher.  He had 15 years experience teaching summer camp, he even owned his own summer camp, Camp Flying Hawk, which was reportedly run out of his mother's backyard. The camp stated it's "mission is to create a one-of-a-kind summer experience for your children."  Not only did Mr. Devine have a summer camp, he also ran another side business.  It seems he also worked as a masseuse specializing in children. 

When police were investigating a child pornography ring, Mr. Devine's name came up.  When police investigated, they found over 500 child porn images on his computers.

One news article quoted a neighbor:
"It is just unbelievable that would happen," said Janet Sullivan, 54, a neighbor on the quiet street. She said a stockade-style fence surrounding Devine's backyard went up a few weeks ago.
Comments on news articles were defensive of Mr. Devine.  One former parent wrote:
" Mr. Devine was/is a fantastic teacher. I've asked my daughter (whom had him for second grade) if he was inappropriate in any way, and the answer is NO. I hope these CHARGES are not true (from the way everybody writes, he was already found guilty.) He was never "creepy" in any way, shape or form. Your kind of guilty as soon as somebody levels these kind of charges at you - any of your remember the McMartin Preschool Trial? See what happens before you pass that final judgement. "
Oh yes, McMartin.  Where have I heard that before?

Another wrote:

" Wow, what a frenzy the news media can put people in. Burn him at the stake, crucify him, stone him to death. Guilty until proven innocent. "
Another former parent wrote:
" Wow, those of you so quick to damn must have some view from those glass houses you live in. I made these same comments in another comment section and I will post them here too, as Spritle did> For the record, Dave Devine was a fantastic teacher; my child was one of his students too last year. In this class there was a student with a full time aide, so there was never a time he had access to these children during the school day. Regarding the tattoo issue: He was always presentable, never once during the entire year in an UN-air conditioned classroom did he ever come to class without wearing a long sleeve dress shirt and long pants. Not even during outside field days. The tattoe on his leg? Not an indication that he loved little boys, but it could be from the 80's movie about treasure hunting called. Not once did he ever make any inappropriate comments or act odd. The saddest part in this situation is that no-one is to blame but a valuable member of society who offered a tremendous amount to his students with genuine care but who has an illness, plain and simple. There are reasonable explanations to some of the "facts" reported by the news and to consider this the fault of anyone else is irresponsible. Unfortunately, the laws are written as such that one video counts for 75 images. One image or video is too many, I agree, but let's focus on punishing the web hosts, the producers of this filth and the actual abusers themselves. Because there is NO evidence and no-one likely to report he had any indecent motives OR actions. And the way it works today, he will get more time and punishment than the abusers, producers or the webhost. You want to vent? Do something about those laws being changed! Look at statistics: One new child p*** video will draw over 1 million viewers in less then three minutes. There is obviously a market out there, it could be YOUR family member or neighbor or your child's teacher too caught next in the act in the privacy of their home. No, it's not right, it repulsive, but have some compassion. This person needs help because like those of us who can watch someone dismembered in a horror flick like Saw 1,2,3,4 and 5, where we may not go out after viewing and chop someone up or become a serial killer, he this may be the same case in his situation. A person viewing this with whatever sickening fascination it holds DOES NOT mean they will go on to harm anyone. It still is breaking the law however. Many of those who have been convicted didn't realize that by simply saving it to their hard drives, they are setting themselves up for distribution charges and by (obviously) using a computer they are adding "enhancements" to their charge. We are punishing the viewer but not using our resources well enough to stop the production and actual abusing. How do we know (by some long stretch of the imagination, but let's wait and see) that he wasn't searching the only way possible for someone who may have abused him at some point in his life? Or someone's child? Whatever the end result of his trial, in Dave's case, his life is over. How exactly is he likely to be rehabilated in jail? He won't be and it will come at our cost and we will lose a contributing member of society to a mental illness that is more common that you realize. Just be sure when you flirt with that old honey online using facebook or yahoo or whatever, that you remember if you’re married, it's no different to cheat online than in person. Honesty applies in both cases, just as dishonesty! You are in the privacy of your own home, so don't go critizing the system. It's there so you have that right, as he has to a fair trial whether he is found guilty or not. So don't throw stones people! It's getting old! "
Oh...Glass Houses...I've heard that too!  They FOUND child pornography on this man's computer and people were still trying to justify it.

A slightly more reasonable commenter wrote:

" Slow Down! Don't you think that we ought to wait until all of the facts are in before we all comvict this guy, Pennwood Elementary School and the WCASD?? All we have at this point in time are allegations that have been made by a district attorney who is obviously out to make a mane for himself (otherwise there would be no need for press conferences, TV interviews, etc) Our recent history is full of examples where various shcool teachers and day care operators have been publically charged with abusing children and when the charges are later withdrawn the report is buried on the 10th page. Slow down and let the system work. "
 Wait...District Attorney...out to make a name for themselves...Yeah.  I'm certain I've heard that before too...

An article came out about his Camp not being accredited, and defense of his questionable resume begin...this sounds familiar too: 
" Nothing like trying to sensationalize things that aren't.

Why does it matter that he didn't put the camp on his resume? He may have just put jobs where he worked for someone else. Most people don't put EVERYTHING on their resumes.

And why try & make it sound like he was doing something nefarious by using his personal e-mail to send out camp info? It was the right thing to do to NOT use the district e-mail. He wasn't trying to pass off the camp as a district sanctioned camp. "
On Jan 13th, 2011 he was arraigned in Federal court and pleaded 'Not Guilty' (see it isn't that hard).  But in July, 2011, he took a plea deal and pleaded guilty to 50 rather than 500 counts of possession of child pornography.  Sentencing has been delayed to allow time for a "psycho-sexual evaluation" and for "until the sexual-offender assessment board performed an evaluation and reported its findings to the court." Each count could carry a maximum seven years in prison and $15,000 fine.  The prosecutor in the case, Joseph Lesniak said:
“This man put himself in a position of care over kids the age of which he was looking at, both as a teacher and as a summer camp ... owner,” he said. “And also, he had a girlfriend who had two boys the same age. … We know what this man was interested in.” 
While he still has federal court to deal with, in PA state court, he was sentenced Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 to a much reduced sentence of three to 23 months in prison on a single count of sexual abuse of children for possession of child pornography, a felony of the third degree.  Much less than the minimum 11½ to 23 months Assistant District Attorney Joseph Lesniak had sought. 
"Devine will begin serving the sentence handed down by Keeler on 41 consecutive weekends at the George W. Hill Correction Facility in Concord beginning Nov. 18. He will be credited for any unserved county time through his federal sentence."
A plea hearing has been set for Nov. 14 in federal court.


  1. It's all so familiar! No one can ever accept that someone they trusted did things like this. You know why because then that means they used poor judgement and they blame themselves. It will be interesting come Friday to see if Adams finally enters a plea - on this, his 3rd chance to do so. Sad to hear people reason that it is okay when people do these heinous things in the privacy of their own home. It's easy to be so understanding when no one in your family is a victim. People should walk in the victim's shoes for a brief time and at least let the facts (whatever they may be!) come out in due time.

  2. In the beginning, I didn't think Bob was guilty. I thought the allegations were outrageous and totally untrue. BUT, I didn't bash the victims or the witnesses. I questioned IM's story, but certainly didn't call her names. I looked at the sign that some parent had their kid holding at a rally that said "I've Been Safe at CFS for 8 Years" and another that said "False Accusations Hurt" and just thought...what IF there are real victims? How horrible would it be to read these things? What if one of these kids WAS a victim and being forced to march around carrying a sign declaring their abuser as innocent. It all became too much for me to handle.

    I still don't know if Bob is guilty or not. My heart hopes he isn't. But I don't understand why supporters of Bob think that saying that the children mentioned in the case aren't 'true' victims, or that the allegations are 'false' is no better than someone saying 'I know Bob is guilty' when they have no clue. There are only a few people who know if what happened is true or not, Bob, witnesses claiming to see things, and victims who say things happened to them. Everyone else has no idea what the truth is. The first Anonymous is right, people should consider putting themselves in a victims shoes before they decide to bash them.

  3. I have to speak up about this case as I've researched it since the day Mr. Devine was arrested and was surprised to see it pop up here. It's a very disturbing story of a well-liked educator's fall from grace and his secret evil.

    I hardly think that "flirting with your old honey" is in the same ballpark as what Devine did. I also fail to see a comparison to horror films. Those are created by paid actors and special effects are used. No children are harmed. This man surrounded himself with children and child porn. He created a persona for himself which earned him the trust and respect from the community which he needed to access children. He has tattoos on his body which are suspiciously similar to some of the designs used by "boy lovers" around the world. I was very surprised that a professional man, a teacher, would wear shorts to court and display that tattoo for all to see.

    Child porn is created by sexually abusing and raping real children as young as newborns with their umbilical cords still attached, per officials:

    If you can't believe this, just Google~~child porn infants~~and see what comes up. And look at the professions of the men and women who are convicted. We're not talking about "saucy" child erotica/glamor shots of mid-teen girls (however, that's illegal too in most places). We're talking about full penetration rape, sadism, bestiality and torture and the photography and filming of such. The Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that child porn is becoming more vile and violent by the day and involving younger and younger children.

    Devine is an intelligent man, he knew exactly what he was doing and he knew there would be consequences. Sadly, because our system is literally overwhelmed by those arrested for child porn offenses, he probably won't get the therapy that might help him. Studies differ as to whether this "illness" is treatable. However, he will be out of circulation for a good bit of time and will spend the rest of his life monitored. He will be prevented from purchasing child porn and thus lessening the demand. Sometimes, that's all we can ask for.

    Let's all remember, though, that real live little children were victimized and traumatized to create the child porn that Mr. Devine purchased and traded. Those are the people who deserve our attention and empathy and tax dollars for treatment. Please educate yourself about this all too common crime and remember the victims. They are handed a life sentence. Make sure your legislators know where you stand on this issue.

    Shelley Linsday

  4. Sadly there were many more comments I didn't include. Many about the fact that Mr. Devine was only convicted of possessing child pornography, so, by their logic, there were no "real" victims in this case. As Ms. Linsday has noted above, the children in the pornographic films Mr. Devine was in possession of were most certainly victims. Some people are under the impression that child pornography is just a picture of a child under 18 naked. Sadly, often it is pictures of children being brutalized.

    I saw the tattoo as well. The fact that an educator has tattoos isn't concerning to me. It is the subject matter of the tattoos.

    I should also add that Mr. Devine himself claims to have been abused as a child, making it even more concerning that he will not get the treatment he requires.

    The weekend sentence is a joke. I think it is insulting to victims around the world.

  5. Reading Ms. Lindsay's post actually made my stomach ache. The thought of people actually finding the rape/torture of children arousing makes me sick.

    These websites need to be SHUT DOWN, and anyone who facilitates child porn should be given the MAXIMUM amount of punishment. None of this "weekend" crap.

    I couldn't follow the Google link, to be honest with you, I'm too terrified of what I might see...



  6. I fully understand how hard it is to look. However, I encourage everyone to let this information sink in. We cannot turn away from children in peril. Child rape/molestation and child porn are inextricably intertwined. Our law enforcement officers are swamped and often the child porn traders and producers win the battle. We have to keep our attention on these little victims. It always shocks me to learn that a child is identified by authorities in seized images and yet we learn that they never disclosed as they were threatened. They were scared for their own safety. There is nothing at the above link other than an article which I will quote in part:

    "...This weekend in towns across the length and breadth of the country, men are sitting in the comfort of their homes downloading and swapping images of children being raped. Some of the children are still infants. Others are older and the pain and realization of what's happening to them is visible on their young faces. In one of the most graphic photographs ever detected, an attempt is made to orally rape a newborn baby still attached to its mother by the umbilical cord. Some men (and possibly women too) are sitting alone in darkened rooms as they download these images.....Others may be gazing out the window at the children playing in the street...."

    There are many who don't believe that law enforcement can do enough. Because of that, a group known as Anonymous, a well-known "hactivist" group, has taken on the task. Google them in the news. See what they just uncovered and exposed. Quite impressive.

    We can't turn away as it's everywhere. Each bust brings in 45, 200, 1700 names. Each arrest seems to uncover tens to hundreds of thousands of images. Each image is of a little person. A baby, a toddler, a child, a young teen. A victim.

    It's almost too much to comprehend. But act we save the children from this horrible crime.

    Shelley Linsday

  7. I know that not looking at it won't make it go away, I was abused as a child so things like that are very hard for me to see. I did follow the link, and it did not show me pictures or anything (which is what I was afraid of) but was very informational.

    So, what can we do? A petition? Letters? Websites? What do we do to make it stop? Please tell me what I can do to help!!

  8. This post was too long to fit so I am posting it in three sections for Ms. Linsday.

    PART 1
    "I'm so sorry about the abuse you suffered. Please know that. You are surely not alone. There are some excellent resources available for victims/survivors on the internet and I encourage you to access them. If you want to learn more about the rapidly growing crime of child pronography, here's a great resource:


    After reading the basics, I would do some Google news searches which are of interest/concern to you. Find out what arrests are being made in your state by simply typing in~~Nevada child porn (as an example). You'll be able to scroll through and see what sorts of people are being arrested in your own state. I have an interest in exposing those in the helping professions who are arrested and convicted so I search the words~~pastor, priest, doctor, therapist, coach, teacher, law enforcement officer etc. I'm afraid that if you do the same, it will floor you.

    I've been clear on this blog that I frequently post on a crime forum called Websleuths. You can also look there to see the arrests and the sentences meted out. It's extremely disturbing but eye-opening as to just who is being arrested. You can do a simple search of the words, child porn, or add another to narrow the search. Our stories concerning child porn are in the "Spotlight on Children" forum. You are free to read or to sign on and post if you'd like. You remain totally anonymous. If child porn crosses a state or country border, the FBI and DOJ get involved. If someone produces porn with a foreign made camera or equipment, the feds also get involved. Of course, many child porn cases are handled by local courts.

    There will be some who tell you that it is easy to accidentally download child porn but that is an absolute lie. Downloading adult porn is totally legal (if you are above 18) but it is extremely rare these days to accidentally stumble upon child porn. It's far too well hidden. Most of the accused simply refuse to admit that their computers leave a "footprint" wherever they go--no matter how many precautions are taken. In the last few years, most child porn is either purchased and downloaded from very secret sites or is traded amongst collectors. They have many tricks they use to go undetected. There are some upper tier sites which are by invitation only. To remain a member in good standing, you must produce or procure new child porn and upload it to these sites to remain active. Often the member is required to procure something incredibly cruel and specific.

    As an example, I've been on a quest to expose traders and producers for 13 years. I have accidentally stumbled upon maybe five sites which included some child porn. It's just not something that comes up on a Google search. A site which is called a "gateway" might but you have to pay with a credit card to enter and it's best to quickly leave. Please remember that I type in the words "child porn" throughout each day while researching. When I did find something, I called my local police immediately and they directed me to the High Tech Crimes Unit. The first time it happened, our police chief actually came to my home and looked at the site with me. Now, I can quickly send it to the local unit or the FBI. Your local police can direct you. I also noted it and kept the email. For someone just wanting to know what they can do to help stop this crime, I believe you are completely safe doing thorough research. There are links at the two sites I noted above. You'll be able to tell if a site is an article, a study or something nasty quite easily. Just pay attention to the url. To be clear, I am NOT searching for child porn. I am not a very techy sort of person. I leave that totally to the professionals. My interest is in the societal implications of the crime.

  9. PART 2

    "Find out what your state laws are concerning child pornography. If you don't fully agree with the laws or sanctions, write to your legislators and let them know. Write to your DA and ask what he/she would recommend doing locally for advocacy. Do a search in the archives of your local newspapers. Check to see if you have a High Tech Crimes Unit. I feel that we, as a society, don't give our teens nearly enough information about this crime. Talk to your teens and ask them to read what you find. Don't be afraid to talk about this crime with your family or friends. We must not turn away from the victims. To do nothing is to be part of the problem.

    In many ways, the way our society responds currently to child porn is exactly how child sex abuse, incest and domestic abuse was whispered about for 100s of years. It just wasn't spoken about in polite company. We all saw what that got us. The crime continued unabated. So talk. And try to use the correct terminology. It's child porn--not kiddie porn. This crime is about real children and we owe them the respect of referring to them with respect. They are a child. An innocent. The word, kiddie, seems to trivialize the crime.

    One thing you'll start to notice is that avid collectors amass huge and highly organized collections (usually of a particular genre or fetish). They also attempt to set themselves up in positions of trust in the community, often working with children. They can be well known for their volunteer spirit. Some hear the words, child porn, and envision a transient and/or mentally ill man huddled over a computer at the library. That surely happens but you'll find that more likely, it's a professional family man in the comfort of his own home."

  10. PART 3

    "The jury is still out on whether the viewing of child porn causes a person to escalate to actually molesting a child. The FBI tells us that a child porn collector is more likely to molest. It makes sense. The jury is also still out on whether this is an illness, an addiction or a paraphilia which can be successfully treated. I can't say. I just know that men (the vast majority of child porn collectors are males of all ages) seem to be arrested again and again for the same crime. Therapy seems only marginally helpful as most men don't truly want to stop.

    Let me leave you with one thought. The demand for child porn drives the supply. It is not a victimless crime. A real live child must be abused to create the images and since the advent of the internet, the images are constantly being refreshed. These are not decades old photos. Many were snapped 30 minutes ago or are available on a live feed. The accused often proclaim vehemently that they never molested or raped a child.

    However, their interest caused someone else to do just that.

    Shelley Linsday

    Note: If you would like to have more information or have specific questions, please contact me through Private Messaging on Websleuths. My screen name is Missizzy. I'm certain, too, that the blog owner here could help you make contact with me. Best wishes for healing."

  11. Thank you. (For everything)

    I will take a look at Websleuths, I have never been on that site, but I have heard of it. Thank you for all of the other information, as well--I have a personal passion for this topic due to my circumstances, if there were some way I could help, it would be amazing!

    And thank you again for all that you do!!

  12. I think you'll find that Websleuths is filled with members who have been touched, in some way, by crime. There are also a large number of law enforcement officers, attorneys and victims advocates on board. We even have a prison chaplain who posts. So there's lots of insight and information presented which we can debate and absorb. It's very humbling to listen to the words of those who have suffered from abuse. They speak words of wisdom that we all need to hear. Most of us on the forum do have a "personal passion" to expose those who commit crimes and to give the victims/survivors a place to share where they feel safe.

    I am one of many other members who has a driving desire to figure out why some people offend, how childhood and societal experiences and traumas effect human beings and what sorts of sanctions and/or treatment work best. You will notice that Websleuths is a very victim friendly site. It is also tightly moderated and thus, there is no name calling, such as allowed in the comment sections on news sites. The Terms of Service are strict. That's why I chose Websleuths as a platform to get the word out. It's a place where I feel as if I can shine a light into the dark and hidden corners of our society while also reaching out to others who are on a path toward healing.

    Shelley Linsday
