Saturday, November 26, 2011

Once Again, Only Slower

It seems apparent that some supporters (I won't name names here but we all know how to correctly spell one of those supporter's names now) still clearly believe that this blog is making up information and posting false or inapplicable information with malicious intent. Let's recap the FACTS to date. If any CFS supporter cares to correct me via a comment and can provide verifying documentation, I will be most happy to post it.

Fact- It has been widely reported that Robert Adams does not have all of the credentials he claims.
Fact- This blog has offered on more that one occasion to post any proof of credentials...if they exist.
Fact- No media outlet has retracted their stories regarding the degrees earned (or not earned) by Robert Adams.  There was a correction printed, but only regarding the dates of the degrees earned from CSU Northridge.  Nothing regarding the other degrees he claims to have, but doesn't.
Fact- The Department of Social Services temporarily suspended the preschool license issued to Robert Adams for Creative Frontiers School as is in their rights as the state licensing issuing agency when they investigate claims such as those made against Robert Adams.
Fact- Robert Adams is facing charges over claims of molestation from seven different sources.  Three of these allegations stem from 2000, one from 2006, and the others are more recent.
Fact- The City of Citrus Heights temporarily suspended the business license of Robert Adams for Creative Frontiers School.
Fact- The City of Citrus Heights gave Robert Adams ample notice prior to the closure of the school to fix the code violations. (same link as above)
Fact- Every building on the CFS campus had at least one item installed without obtaining the proper permits. (same link as above, pages)
Fact- Robert Adams sold the business entity to Zsolt Benedek.  He still owns the property at 6446 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights, Ca.
Fact- Zsolt Benedek applied for a license with the City of Citrus Heights, but did not fill out the application properly, or provide the City with the additional information they requested. (Same link as above)
Fact- This license application, as Creative Frontiers LLC, was denied.
Fact- Even though they knew there was no way his license would be approved on time, Zsolt Benedek and other members of the Adams family continued to allow supporters to think that it would open on September 6th, 2011 (and more at same link as above, pages 10-13)
Fact- Creative Frontiers School supporters have attacked anyone who even slightly questions the credibility of what has been stated by the Adams family. (too many links to list)
Fact- A civil lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Adams. (Case info can be looked up here.)
Fact- More than one small claims lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Adams for tuition refunds not issued. (Case info can be looked up here, same link as above)
Fact- I do not have a small claims court suit pending against Mr. Adams. ( I suppose you will just have to take my word for it.  My name is none of those listed.  Promise.)
Fact- All of the above are factual statements which can be backed up with actual documents.  They are not opinion.  They are not hearsay.  They are not misconceptions.
Fact- Every guess that has been thrown out there as to my identity has been wrong.
Fact- Knowing my name will not make any of the above more or less true.

C'mon CFS supporters.  Are you for real?  You really want to believe that everything above is just a bunch of lies despite seeing clearly the documents that prove otherwise?  I'm sorry you have been lied to, but it hasn't been me telling the lies.

So please, if anyone has documentation as to where any of this information is not factual, please do share.  As I have said before, I will post any comment that can factually dispute any of the above information.  I've made that clear.  I will not post pointless guesses at my identity, links to other blogs, or swearing.  Please also note that comments go into moderation before they are approved.  Sometimes it takes me a while to approve a comment, but this doesn't mean I won't approve it, just that I am not at a computer.  There have been 331 comments I have published and only 6 I have not...I'd say that's a pretty good ratio.


  1. Thank you for continually bringing forth the facts. Obviously this will be lost on many of the hard-headed CFS/Bob supporters, but those of us who have the ability to "think" and "reason" see the inconsistancies and lies we were fed at the beginning of this whole fiasco. The cult-like followers are so deeply embedded in their "cause", they are no longer capable of seeing the truth.

    The personal attacks will likely continue, but they have not gone unnoticed. Threats are never taken lightly and I suspect the ones who have gone to such lengths to "impress" the other followers with their "BIG TALK", may find themselves in "hot water"... alone!

  2. As a parent of a former student, I was a strong supporter of Mr. Bob and CFS. However, when I found your blog, I carefully checked over all the documents you presented. In my opinion, there's just no arguing with the facts. You have never ever stated that Bob is guilty of molestation and I appreciate that. You have presented the truth on many other important issues for all to see for themselves.

    When I read the FB page, where I'm still a member, I keep watching and waiting for proof that your documents are out of date or incorrect. I've yet to see any proof of that. The most vocal supporters seem far too interested in shouting you down than providing proof for their cause.

    Adams Family and CFS supporters, if you can refute any of these documents, please do so. I want to believe you but I'm afraid that I've been misled over and over. I started to lose faith on September 6th. Even we strong supporters rolled our eyes when we kept reading, "one more signature". It was quite pathetic.

    I'm done and we are moving on.
