Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Keep Guessing

Yes, I know I am supposed to be on a break, but seriously, I can't help but address this.
Im really tired of the idiotic half truths or out right lies they are posting. They keep harping on all these violations of building codes and how unsafe the school was. ! Here is what I have to say in the matter. ( BULL ) I was there the electrical wire hanging down from the building, first it wasnt an electrical wire it was a phone line and a student would have had to be 7 foot tall to even reach it, second the shape of the buildings yes had some dry rot on the outside wood paneling. Replaced and painted in a couple hours. Not dangerous to anyone. I was there for the fire Marshall visit and she passed everything with flying colors then was TOLD to come back and go over the place with a microscope by her boss, her words not mine! Pool was never closed and I saw the paperwork where the repairs had been made two years ago. As for bobs credentials I again was there when [S] faxed all of those to the bee to shut them up, and they recanted only part of it. I have two BA degrees and they are from five college's and university but I still have them. [J] and j&j hide behind fake names and venomous blogs and lies and say they are affraid of attacks on them and their friends. Well I have tried to post on their blog and have never seen anything posted because I disagreed with the lies they posted.
they have continually attacked me and my family and still I have not used a fake name and take responsibility for anything and everything I have said or posted, so yes the mayor and city manager and by far the police chief of citrus heights are corrupt and in fact did screw up in this entire investigation and are covering up their inept abilities. And yes miss blogger I know this for a fact all the way up to miss mayor. Ask her what happened to the grants and funds for the teen center she ran ( into) the ground you want an investigation start with the people who are trying to cover their butts because they blew it, and I for one am looking forward to the civil action suit thats coming.
Oh and personal note to [j], [h], [S], and [J] and [j] who are involved with the blog spell it right my name is John Daley and you can come at me with everything you got you are still slimy little cowards who will get whats coming to you.
I do apologize to any innocent persons I may have offended but I am finally offended and just pissed off being compared to hitler and his followers that went over the top. So to the Adams family you have my support to my dying breath. Along with my family and friends without question, thanks for letting me vent on the miscreants that wouldn't know the truth to save their lives.

Dear John Daley (Since I've never used your name, and you insist I spell it right, I won't bother editing it out),

My name is not [J], [J], [J], [H], or [S].  Wrong on all 5 counts.  You know, there are a lot of people in the Greater Sacramento area.  I'm sure if you keep guessing, you will get it right eventually.  You will probably loose all CFS supporters in the process, but it seems quite important to you, so keep trying.

The building code violations posted here are not something I made up.  They are available to read for then general public to decide what they like with them.  All reports are listed to the right side of the screen.

There are only 5 comments I have never posted.  Two were links to other blogs.  The others were personal attacks on people or used violent, inappropriate language.  Which are you taking credit for?

Attacking you and your family?  When?  I've never once used your name.  After that...you've lost me.

Compared to Hitler? Where?

I'm confused as to why you think you are justified to randomly accusing people of writing this blog...you are only making one person look bad...and it isn't me. 

So you have 5 people to apologize to, because I just looked in the mirror and and my drivers license, I assure you, I am none of the people you listed.  Besides, I thought Dan Adams had it all figured out that I am "S.L. in Oregon."  By the way, that's quite wrong as well.

I suggest you quit before you get further behind and lose even more supporters for the Adams family you love so much.  Personal attacks don't gain you supporters, they loose you supporters.


Not [J], [J], [J], [H], or [S]

I'm going back to my vacation now.


  1. Let's see -- official documents from the City signed and on City letterhead... Or John Daleys interpretation of electrical cords and building codes. Hmmm I know which one I will take as the truth.

    I suppose the fully grown tree growing in to a building causing structural damage was really a small sapling 20 ft from a building too right?

    Grasping at straws.

  2. I read the entire post on the CFS FB page and all I have to say is some people should think before they commit their cruelty to print. I found this description online:

    What Is Cyberbullying?
    Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. By definition, it occurs among young people. When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking, a crime that can have legal consequences and involve jail time.

    Sometimes cyberbullying can be clear-cut. For example, leaving overtly cruel cell phone text messages or mean notes posted to Web sites. Other acts are less obvious, such as impersonating a victim online or posting personal information or videos designed to hurt or embarrass another.

  3. Oh it gets better. Apparently everyone who looks at the documents you've posted is now ignorant and has "daddy issues".

    From the CFS Facebook page:

    "Patricia Shoemaker Pluim
    John, their posts are nothing but trying to force a truth out of heresay, misconceptions and misinformation because their whole personalities depend on them feeling special in the world. Perhaps they have daddy, drug, sex abuse or alcohol issues themselves which cause them to be anonymous because they don't want anyone pointing the finger at them and of which many people can relate so those are the people that will buy into their nonsense. There's really no point into getting in a huff about their posts or even visting them because they are liars and everything they post is a fabrication to make themselves look important which it does to some people who are just like them. Ignorance is bliss so let them wallow in their own definition of bliss because they are ignorant. Remember, sticks and stones...."

    Yeah, there is a whole lot of ignorance going on, but it is on the CFS facebook page, not here. At least Bob's daughter tries to steer the conversation in the right direction. I think some of those people have downright lost their minds. I'm so glad I am no longer associated with them.

  4. "you are still slimy little cowards who will get whats coming to you."

    So now they are going to allow people to directly threaten others? He can not like the blog all he wants, but threatening people is not okay at all.

  5. Rest assured, CHPD is quite aware of the threat and will follow up.

  6. Just another big mouth writing a check that their (lack of) intelligence can't cash. Idle threats are still taken seriously. Does the Adams family realize that encouraging this type of behavior links them to yet another dimention of dishonesty? If they had their wits about them, they would neither endorse or comment on these vile accusations and threats. How sad the comments have slipped this far into the gutter, and that anyone would believe what JD has written.

  7. It's really rather funny, and quite pathetic, that they continually try to guess who writes this blog and who the anonymous posters are. Who cares, JD and other supporters?? What difference does it make? You have your "core" clan of supporters and your "sea of red" so just go about your business while we go about ours.

    Anyone who was working out there to help with the "punch list" knows darn well that things had been let go too long. Multiple water heaters, rats, bugs, dryrot, exposed wiring, the tree/building--COME ON!!! WAKE UP!! There were MULTIPLE violations and instead of taking the kids and running, people did the "right" and "honorable" thing, and pitched in their time, effort and their own money to get things where they should have been in the first place. And now the people that pitched in, made trips for supplies, spent days out there helping see Mr. bob selling Home Depot gift cards on ebay,in addition, parents are still waiting on refunds. It's ALL wrong.

    Don't worry about this blog, if you don't like what you read here--don't come to the site. I don't care for NASCAR, so I don't hit NASCAR sites. Make sense?

    It's not rocket science, champ.



  8. I guess he is referring to this:
    "But here is the thing....does it really matter? Sure it is great to have supporters. I'm sure it means a lot to Mr. Adams and his family, despite their failure to thank those supporters publicly. Sadly, the fact is, having 0 supporters or 1,000,000 supporters doesn't equal one's innocence. A poster on the above mentioned SacBee article online put it perfectly,


    Adolf Hitler had millions of supporters.

    Now before anyone goes there, I am not comparing Robert Adams to Adolf Hitler, but I am agreeing with this poster. Many very nefarious people have hundreds of supporters, it doesn't make them innocent of their crimes."

    I guess reading comprehension is not John Daley's strong suit as I think the majority of people reading the words "I am not comparing Robert Adams to Adolf Hitler", would understand the meaning of the word "not". The point still stands. Having supporters doesn't make you innocent or guilty.

    All of the people he attacks openly in his posts were supporters of the school, even after the closure. It is disgusting that people are "liking" that garbage he is spewing. Talk about hateful posts, ignorance, and misinformation...why the family continues to allow this to happen is beyond me. It doesn't make them look good. I'm glad these are people who aren't around my children.

  9. Judi Browning (and proud of it)!November 23, 2011 at 9:54 AM

    It is pathetic that the Adams family is so desperate for "numbers of supporters" that they allow this type of behavior. Even the very person who put together the petition has removed herself from the fray. That should speak volumes.

    Many people who contributed hundreds of dollars in donations and supplies for the fundraisers (spaghetti feed/yard sale/carwash etc.) are now embarrassed to have ever been affiliated with this group. I am one of those people. I am not ashamed of my efforts, I know I did it for the right reasons, and worked tirelessly for the cause, but now feel foolish for believing the stories I was told. If someone tells me something is one way and I find out they were untruthful, I try to find a reason I was lied to. When this continually occurs, I remove myself from their presence. Being involved with this group has been one of the biggest mistakes I ever made.

    Being accused of participating in this blog is not criticism, it is flattering. I respect what I have read, have researched the information presented and find it to be "SPOT ON". All facts are easily confirmed through contacting the city, county and state regarding the documents provided. Follow up phone calls have proven each and every item to be well researched and TRUE!!!

    I have been threatened by the likes of JD.. yet I am not fearful of him in any way. HE is the spineless coward. If he wanted to CLEAR anything up, or make accusations, he could have initiated a dialog with me on any of the occassions our paths have crossed, yet he scurries away like a scared little girl.

    As for accusations against my friends J&J, anyone who knows them, knows they are NON CONFRONTATIONAL, loving, people who only have the children's best interests at heart. I consider them FAMILY and know for a fact, they are not involved with this blog anymore than I am. How sad that the ones who have been at CFS the longest have now been targeted... could it be that they might have more knowledge of wrongdoing, than anyone else? Is that why they have been misrepresented and mistreated? Since we DO NOT discuss CFS when we are together, as we choose not to bring up negativity around my grandson. But I know they have never said one word against BA or any of the staff at CFS, even though they are continually in the CFS Supporters' crosshairs. I wish the "SO CALLED" supporters would take the high road as this gentle couple has done. Supporters are doing exactly what they claim was done to BA... making accusations without merit!

    Thank you again, Blog Writer/s. I appreciate having this forum to voice my opinions without fear of stoning!

  10. This fighting and bickering needs to stop. The CFS FB'ers are starting their own blog so as to spew their rhetoric on another outlet. I have heard enough and I for one am sick of it. I feel that this is an attempt to lure the "unknown" posters so that they can follow the IP addresses. I don't see the point in all of this madness.

    Let's stop trying to "out-do" each other in an attempt to change the things that can't be changed.
