Monday, November 7, 2011

Does Having Supporters Equal Innocence?

Maybe I am missing something, it wouldn't be the first time, but why do Creative Frontiers supporters seem to think that the number of supporters present at Mr. Adams court appearances is newsworthy information?

The Sacramento Bee's Sam Stanton specifically addressed the supporters in an article entitled, "Principal in molestation case back in court".  He opens his article with,
Robert B. Adams may be accused of serious crimes, but he still has a core group of supporters who want people to know they do not believe he is a child molester.
He continues to write about the "more than 2 dozen" supporters who showed up wearing their red shirts and chanting their support for Mr. Adams.

A great piece showing the support that Mr. Adams still has a lot support....this should make the supporters happy right?


Instead we are hearing all about how Sam Stanton, and by default all media outlets has gotten it wrong.  They claim there were way more than 2 dozen and the media is failing to report this, because it isn't sensational enough.  From the CFS Facebook page:

Did ANY of the media bother to cover the FACT that the courtroom was a sea of red? That there was standing room only in the courtroom, and not one person was there AGAINST Mr. Bob? I didn't see anything on any news channel on the evening news, and I don't take the Bee... This is clearly a witch hunt. Follow the money, folks...

 My family alone was 5 people in support. There were many more than that!!! I once had a belief in the media's ability to report the truth but now I know the truth they only want to tell a story that will sell. It doesn't matter what the truth is or who gets hurt in the process as long as it sells. I for one have stopped buying.
I was there and trying to do the math. I'm thinking there were 6 people per row (or is it 7 or 8) and 5 rows per side (?) so 10 rows altogether plus standing room in the back. I'd say Mr. Bob's supporters filled up at least 35 seats (not counting the Adams) plus about 5 were standing in the back since most all the seats were taken so I'm thinking around at least 40 supporters?
But here is the thing....does it really matter?  Sure it is great to have supporters.  I'm sure it means a lot to Mr. Adams and his family, despite their failure to thank those supporters publicly.  Sadly, the fact is, having 0 supporters or 1,000,000 supporters doesn't equal one's innocence.  A poster on the above mentioned SacBee article online put it perfectly, 
Adolf Hitler had millions of supporters.
Now before anyone goes there, I am not comparing Robert Adams to Adolf Hitler, but I am agreeing with this poster.  Many very nefarious people have hundreds of supporters, it doesn't make them innocent of their crimes.

If Mr. Adams supporters what to continue to show up at court appearances, then by all means, they should continue to do so, but they need to realize, their presence is not news, nor does it equal Mr. Adams innocence.


  1. I think it's a sad thing that the supporters are trying to shift focus to themselves. Who cares how much support he has? Is it really newsworthy how many people were there? Nope.

    And, like this blog points out, no amount of support now will change Mr. Bob's innocence or guilt. What if it turns out that Mr. Bob is guilty? Will they follow him right over the cliff?

    Interesting, "NotAsheep" (AKA, Dan) kept saying "Don't be a sheep!!" Many of the supporters are looking like sheep to me.

    They show up to support Mr. Adams and then "BLEAT!! The media didn't pay enough attention to us!! BLEAT!!! The media didn't count us right!!BLEAT!! We were a sea of red!! BLEAT!!"

    It's not about you supporters, it's about getting the facts out and discovering the truth. Stop trying to be attention-hogs.



  2. So in the article doesn't it say "More than 2 dozen".....I'm not a math major but I'm pretty sure 35-40 is more than 2 dozen. Right?!? So what's the problem?

    Why are they attacking the media now? Any decent journalist will present the facts as they are available. By looking around I'm sure the reporter counted more then 2 dozen. I know they really want a headline more like "Wrongfully accused super nice principal shows up at court with his 35-40 supporters." However there are no facts to support a headline line that. Would that headline change the fact that he still hasn't entered a plea? Seems like just another rant they can go off on to avoid the basic fact that the man has NOT entered a plea. If you're not guilty say NOT GUILTY.

  3. Interesting...Take a look at the picture of Mr. Bob that E.B. posted on the fb page. Look at the roof of the building right under the basketball hoop. The shingles are falling off of the building.

    By itself, no big deal, but knowing what we know now about all of the building codes and delaying to get repairs made?? Thank goodness nobody was injured.

  4. And I just noticed the light fixture at the top of the pole right over his head looks like it's about to fall off as well.

  5. What on Earth does a "sea of red shirts" have to do with him not entering a plea? This is becoming a media circus and the people in red are all coming out of the clown car. I am just glad I am no longer one of the blind and uninformed who support him.
    Fast forward to the end of this and we'll see how many red shirted visitors he has when he is behind bars.
