Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tsk tsk tsk

Oh PSP, you never fail to bring laughs to the table.

What a great turn out of supporters today, physically and emotionally, for Mr. Bob and his wonderful family! Truly amazing how there are so many that will stand up and show their face for the truth, without an agenda, because they despise injustice and they know the truth and the truth is Mr. Bob has been falsely accused by a bunch of idiots looking for revenge and/or monetary or political gain. No doubt in my mind that everyone in this world, unless they are evil, is against child abuse and child molestation. There are many unknown Jaycee Dugards out there and we ALL want justice for these little kids. But CFS is NOT that in any shape or form. This public and moral hysteria was created by government agencies who didn't do, or chose not to do, the appropriate due diligence to determine the validity and credibility of the claims, who, just by chance, are in a major budget cutting mode and perhaps needed this big fabricated case to ensure their salaries, man-power and pensions. We see the prosecution's view flamed by all media but we have yet to see Mr. Bob's side. Us as the public should be screaming, WHY! Why are you wasting our tax dollars AGAIN on pursuing false allegations like what happened in the McMartin case (which btw cost us California tax payers $15,000,000--that's 15 Million dollars folks--thrown away for nothing?) For those naysayers and witch hunters, for those that hide behind pseudo blog names, for those who have a monetary gain or political agenda or want to try to make a name for themselves, for those that rely solely on believing what the media or government tells them is truth because they are too lazy to do their own research, for the media who wants ratings no matter what carnage they leave, can you answer this question: What if, just what if, you are wrong? Will you say your sorry for ruining a man's life and his career? What excuse will you make to yourself to feel better? Will you put your money where your mouth is and reimburse him for all he has lost, is losing and will continue to lose in his whole life? How will you be able to live with yourself knowing you made a mistake as huge as this? Anyone who has seen any of the FACTUAL evidence can clearly determine that these are false allegations fabricated by others who have an agenda and it will be determined as such....that's why we support him now and will continue to do so. The answer we all want to know is, who will be the first media outlet to expose the multiple hidden agendas and stop our precious tax dollars from getting thrown down the drain on this wild goose chase? Just wondering.....
I agree with PSP in that it is nice Robert Adams has supporters.  Supporters are good, when they are not slamming down the victims, particularly when those victims are children.  PSP talks about those not willing to do their own research.  We have shown a lot of the research we have done and the public documents we have received have been published. I wish I could ask PSP what research she has done.  Her beliefs appear to be rooted in her personal experience with Bob Adams, rather than in some level of tangible evidence.

We have spoken before about supporters that say "He is the nicest guy", "He would NEVER hurt a child" yet they fall eerily quiet when their loved one is convicted or pleads guilty to exactly what the accusations are. It's ironic that so many times we have heard from Dan Adams "Don't be a sheep" (complete with bleating sounds) yet CFS supporters are expected to swallow the Adams family's version of facts without questioning, without thinking, without analyzing.  If you ask unpleasant questions, you are labeled as someone not truly supporting CFS.  If you say something about the obvious building code violations, your posting is removed.  If you analyze facts and attempt to gain understanding, you may be banned from the CFS group altogether.

In terms of "naysayers and witch hunters", I can only assume PSP is referring to our blog.  Why are we "hiding" behind a "pseudo blog name"?  We aren't really.  As many bloggers on the web are anonymous, we are too.  Choosing to reveal our names does nothing but distract people from the real issue which is the lack of accountability and transparency regarding what was really happening at CFS in terms of licensing and safety standards.  We see members of the CFS group cry over and over that the facts aren't the facts regarding the lack of safety, the numerous license violations and the business license. We have also seen, as recently as yesterday, the attacks against current and former CFS members for daring to ask questions the Adams do not want to answer or have answered.

Our message is simple and straightforward, "Don't be a sheep". Look at the evidence in the documents received from Department of Social Services.  Look at the building code violations.  Look at the failure to comply with the city of Citrus Heights' license application.  And then, when your eyes are scratchy from all that reading, ask yourself this.  What would any of the agencies involved have to gain by conspiring to close down CFS?  How could they create building code violations and accusations that stand up to public scrutiny if there wasn't some level of truth behind them?

The answer is they can't and they couldn't.  There is no motive for all of these agencies to conspire to bring down a man without cause.


  1. You wrapped up a perfect response to the latest crazy talk from PSP.

    "Mr. Bob has been falsely accused by a bunch of idiots looking for revenge and/or monetary or political gain." (PSP)

    PSP, really? A bunch of idiots? You're calling children idiots? Whether the children were molested or not, clearly there was enough evidence to bring Mr. Adams to trial, so I think you calling them idiots is insulting and heinous. You really are a horrible human being.

    This is clearly a person that has no life. I'm sorry, I genuinely hate to be insulting, it really isn't my cup of tea, but PSP is a fool. Only a creep would call these children idiots.

    I choose to stand behind my anonymity because I won't be attacked like others have. The supporters have turned into a bunch of mindless bullies, the only consolation I suppose I can take my solace in is that the supporters are dwindling. Thank goodness for that, at least.

  2. Somehow some CFS supporters believe that unless you announce your name publicly, your opinion is invalid. And yet we have seen what has been done to anyone who questions their actions that gives their name publicly. Knowing my name won't change my opinions or what I write, just like knowing the names of anyone who posts or comments here will not make their words more valid. Knowing my name will not change Mr. Adams guilt or innocence.

  3. Yes, we have seen people verbally bashed, and I have no desire to become one of them.

    I really like the way they are trying to figure out who you are, throwing peoples names around on the SacBee site, very funny to watch! Who cares who started this blog, it's had nearly 10k hits!

    The REAL problem they have with this blog is that you made it way too easy to find the truth. And when you have so many things to hide (fake resumes, code violations, etc) the truth can be a scary thing.

  4. PSP at her best again!!

    "People who post anonymously and hide behind pseudo secret names don't want people to find out who they really are because they have deep dark secrets themselves or are mentally ill and therefore can not and should not be taken seriously."


    Apparently, it is impossible or the supporters to act like adults and take the high road. You should be ashamed of yourself, PSP. There are other supporters that have been extreme in their support, but you take the crazy-cake for sure.

  5. I was a supporter of Bob Adams.. I was lied to along with the rest. Believing the school was to reopen "any day"... then I started making calls to City Hall and found that everything we were told ("just need one more signature..." etc) was a bunch of hooey! Lies, lies and more lies! I found inconsistancies in what we were told and watched these so called "good people" attack and defame friends of mine. One person in particular accused them of stealing a computer... MORE LIES. Operating the school without a valid license was also a lie. How could they take tuition payments knowing full well they were not legally operating. Any contractor who operates without a valid license is subject to fines and penalties, and if they contract work and cannot legally collect payment for services. why is this school not held to the same standard?

    Yes.. I did deceive them towards the end. I am not ashamed of that.. It seems to work for them... right?! I found their garbage hard to swallow. Like when CP instructed the followers to prank call the Victims' Attorney. Bizarre behavior!!! The lies he tells about the family in Ashland are easily disputed. Anyone care to contact the D.A. up there? Truth does not come easy for many of the Adams family or their followers, so I doubt anyone will seek it.

    As for my appearance in the court house on Friday, I had just as much right to be there as anyone else. I was not hiding from any of them or their mob mentality. If I was afraid to show my face, I would not have been there. I was hoping to hear him plead "Not Guilty"... or SOMETHING.. But to drag this out and delay is a tactic saved for the most guilty offenders. If he is innocent, he should be INSISTING on a speedy trial!! Yes.. there is a good chance Bob Adams will go to prison. He is the one accused and if found guilty, he will be incarcerated for a good long time. Being a school administrator does not make him immune to the justice system or the wrath he will receive while he is in prison. Even convicted criminals have no respect for the behavior BA is accused of. I do not want to see anyone falsly accused of anything whether it be stealing a computer or molesting children. The followers can dish it out but they sure can't take it.

    I am not ashambed to attach my name to this comment and hope the administrators include it.
    (by the way, I have nothing to do with writing it either.. so once again, the Adams' were WRONG!!!)

  6. It is hard for me to understand why many supporters cannot seem to be supportive without bashing and discrediting witnesses and potential victims. As I have said before, the goal here was never to prove Mr. Adams' guilt. I don't know if he is guilty. I wasn't there. I didn't see him commit the alleged crime. I do, however, see many issues that should have been dealt with prior to these allegations surfacing AND I see a lot of inappropriate behavior from a few CFS supporters. The goal was to make such information readily available.

  7. Ms. Browning,

    Thank you for your comment. I saw the Sacramento Bee comments yesterday. I apologize for them. I'm unsure why they equate your being at the courthouse with being the owner of this blog. Despite what they seem to want to believe, ANYONE can show up at the hearings because they are not private. The seating in the courthouse is not reserved for supporters only. Good for you for not allowing them to intimidate you. I am truly sorry you are the latest victim to their bullying tactics. I am also sorry that the existence of this blog has brought you the wrath of some supporters who believe you to be the creator, or at least a contributor.

  8. I saw the comments yesterday using Judi's name as well, and I thought it highly inappropriate, but then much of the behavior of that select few has been very inappropriate.

    I also thought it very sad that a child had to come in and do damage control to protect her mother's name, but I thought that she did it with grace, considering the circumstances.

    Judi, you're another victim, unfortunately. I think you are very brave to have come forward. I think it's also a true testament to the mentality of these people to encourage prank calling the victims attorney! What are they thinking???

  9. CP-"Also, it's important to remember that Mrs. X has no actual bearing on the CFS case."

    Could someone please explain to me where The Vulture has any "actual bearing" or interest in this case?

    At least "Mrs. X" is trying to keep the record straight and not just further her own agenda, Sir. How's the new book coming along?

  10. Thanks to the previous poster.
    A few bullies are not going to deter me from seeking the facts. My purpose is not to ruin anyone. In fact, I would like nothing more to know that Mr. Adams is innocent and life for him and his family can get back to normal soon. He never did a thing to me, nor did his family. His wife and daughters are sweet and caring individuals. I do, however question some of the tactics used in the attempts to reopen the school. Apparently they still have not complied with city policy, therefore the licensing process has been delayed much longer than was necessary. There were families depending on that school reopening. There are individuals who paid for the school year in advance, yet nothing has been returned to them. Claiming money cannot be refunded till the computers are returned is ridiculous. Anybody running a business knows you back everything up on paper. Even small businesses using basic bookkeeping software backup their records and print weekly or monthly reports and each account has its own report so you know exactly how much was billed and paid.

    Attacking me apparently has made those rabid supporters feel better, but I will be a distant memory in a year or so when they have someone else in their sights. I see they lost another follower. I sure hope there are a few left to wear their red shirts and sit up front during the trials. Maybe PSP can give psychiatric evaluations during court breaks, since she is now diagnosing anyone who disagrees with them, as being MENTALLY ILL. I wonder what a true professional would say about the mentality of some of the fiercest supporters.

    Thank you for posting my previous comment.

  11. Upon looking into this CP character, I find that most of his rants are in support of the most vile offenders out there. Child rapists and violent felons. Why would anyone want their name linked to his in any way? He has continued to try to discredit this woman in Oregon, whose children were raped and abused by their neighbor. The young man was convicted and served time for this, yet CP continues to beat the dead horse by repeating his dialog over and over and over. Then he goes so far as to question the victims' mother's motives in her quest for the truth in the CFS/Adams fiasco. She has no agenda, other than to pursue the truth and to protect children, everywhere. What has CP done? Does he know any of the Adams family personally? He seeks out the weak, grooms them into thinking as he does, encourages them to act out in ways that hinge on illegal, then he uses them as instruments in his next (for profit) book. Pawns? Hmmmmm?

  12. CP and his agenda disgust me. Do you know that his own nephew brutally raped and molested several children in one family and admitted to such, when his VERY OWN mother turned him into authorities? He was quoted by the courts as saying "Thank God you found out and this is over". May I repeat, his own mother turned him in to law enforcement, yet his Uncle wants to proclaim his innocence, even though he was tried and found responsible and guilty in a court of law.

    Why do the Adams' family and their vehement supporters want to associate themselves with a writer that swooped in from Vermont out of the clear blue, in support of Mr. Bob and his innocence? Seriously, question his agenda people!
