Monday, November 14, 2011

DSS Hearing today

Remember waaaaay back when Creative Frontiers pushed back their appeal hearings due to an "agreement" they had with the city?

Well that hearing with the Department of Social Services is today.  The DSS licensed the preschool portion of Creative Frontiers School.  What is odd to me is that according to DSS rules, you forefit your preschool license when you sell the business and the new owner has to apply on their own.  Since Robert Adams sold the school "business entity" to Zsolt Benedek, it seems this hearing would be a pointless endeavor.

The original SacBee article on the change of date for the hearing here.

According to the agreement to postpone the hearing for the business license had an undetermined date.


  1. I also remember way back when they said that everything would be resolved prior to the dates of the hearings. They have said alot of stuff over the past few months. All talk though, no action. Does anyone know what will happen at this hearing today?

  2. To be honest, I'm really not sure. It is a hearing regarding the preschool license from what I can tell. According to the information give by the Adams/Benedek families, they were only going to focus on the elementary portion of the school and not offer preschool. In addition, as I stated above, when you sell your preschool, your old license is no longer valid. A new license must be issued to the new owner. The fact that Robert Adams now has criminal charges pending isn't going to help his case with the DSS either. Remember they are not required to have the same level of "reasonable doubt" as a court of law.

  3. Did we ever hear what happened at this hearing? Did it actually take place and was Adams or Benedek at the hearing?

  4. Sorry Anonymous, I actually have no further details. I would think though, that if the hearing went positively for them, they would have been announcing that sort of news all over the CFS Facebook page, but with criminal proceedings looming in the future, I can't see how or even why the DSS would reinstate a license to someone facing felony charges. If he is not convicted of any charges, it is my understanding that he would be allowed to reapply, though it might be under special circumstance.

    Perhaps some more information will turn up in a few days. Perhaps a continuance was asked for and granted until after criminal proceedings? I will post new information if there is any.
