Thursday, September 22, 2011

You can't have it both ways

It is amazing what a little phone call will get you. Forgive our rudimentary document sanitation skills, this skill set is not indicated in our resume.

Inspired from the latest tirade on the CFS Facebook page, a quick phone call to the City of Citrus Heights was made. Emails dating back to 8/25/11 between Zsolt Benedek and the City. Them clearly telling him the application had problems, waaaaaaay back then. You remember....back when they were telling the parents and supporters it was opening 9/6/11.

On 8/26/11 Mr. Benedek submitted his corrected application.

On 8/30 they were told that the city would BEGIN processing. Wait...wasn't this about the time the CFS supporters were told that they just needed "one more signature"?

On 9/7/11, the date Robert Adams was arrested, Mr. Benedek asks for a status update. On 8/8/11 he is told there is a problem with the application. They need to know if he is going to be merely operating or owning the school.

On 8/18/11 Mr. Benedek is sent a detailed letter from the city. He is told clearly that a business license application can take up to 60 days to process. Something many people were saying when promises were being made of the school opening September 6th. The letter goes on to explain that you cannot have negotiations going on with Creative Frontiers, Inc and Robert Adams and then apply for a license for the same type of business at the exact same location under Creative Frontiers, LLC. The letter explains that the statement that Creative Frontiers, Inc sold it's tangible assets and operations to Mr. Benedek doesn't answer the question as to who is the owner. You can't have both.

The City is requesting a full copy of the sales agreement stating WHICH assets were sold. They also want to see the insurance paperwork.

As of yet, a response is not a part of the file. The letter was sent to Mr. Benedek 10 days ago.

So advice is to read what is right in front of you. Hold off on blaming the city and read through the facts you have been presented with. It was clear from the beginning that the school would not reopen on September 6th. It was irresponsible to allow so many to think it would when they had no idea if that was even possible. I'm sorry you have been lied to and misled, unfortunately it was done by those you trusted.

City of Citrus Heights Business File on Creative Frontiers School


  1. We have been lied to and misled every step of the way. Some of us figured it out early others still need to. The problem is they are playing with these kid's futures, yet their remaining supports want to sue for lible. Amazing.

  2. So based on the information provided, we can only imagine what they would have told us, had the arrest of Mr. Bob not taken place, and the subsequent "HEART CONDITION". Wonder what their next "trick" is to divert attention away from their empty promises?
