Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We're Opening! Oh wait... no they aren't

In a time of economic crisis, most businesses come to realize that customers/families want high value for their dollar and to trust their business relationships.  As we have seen over the last several weeks, Creative Frontiers has not met either of those standards.

They have yet to contact families they owe money to with regards to setting up payment plans and they have routinely not met commitments to their families.  "Just one more signature!" has been their mantra for nearly a week.  Parents supporting CFS and Robert Adams have worked to repair all the building violations (at the cost of materials, if that) that led to the shut down of the elementary portion of the school.  Yet, the school is still not opened. The Adams family blames the City of Citrus Heights but the city is not the one that made commitments to parents.

One parent pulled their 5th grader out of public school on Friday September 2nd in anticipation of a start date at CFS the following Tuesday.  A start date that has now come and gone.  Some parents chose not to enroll their child in any school or worse, enroll them in a different private school only to not show up. Parents are gambling with the education of their children on the word of the family that has lied and misled them.

If this weren't so tragic for the education these kids need, it would be laughable to see the Adams family support this type of behavior.  Imagine, if you will, a family of educators supporting the lack of education for children.

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