Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Freedoms, Rights and Responsibilities

When I started more than a decade ago, I did it for my entertainment, to keep friends updated and to learn web design. I never would have thought I would (partially) own a blog that was receiving hundreds of hits daily nationally as far as Vermont. We appreciate you reading our blog, we hope that you are gaining new information from it. With writing comes freedom and responsibility.

I live in the US, in Northern CA to be more precise. I have the freedom of speech. I am able to voice my opinions, regurgitate facts and post public documents. I have the responsibility to be as factual as possible and to protect the privacy of those that I write about. One of the documents received was from the sale of Creative Frontiers from Robert Adams to Zsolt Benedek. You will notice its not posted in our "library". It contained Robert Adams home address and while, yes, it is a public document, ethically it is against what I believe to publish it. I also have the responsibility to refrain from starting riots or inciting violent behaviors. While I have no reason to believe Robert Adams is in danger, it would be irresponsible to post his home address on any site.

The writings of this blog are our opinion based on the factual knowledge we have through public documents, personal experience and media reports. The Sacramento Bee has a disclaimer that reads: "Reader comments on Sacbee.com are the opinions of the writer, not The Sacramento Bee.". Our opinions do not reflect the opinion of the Bee. The articles written in the news sections are factual based on the information available at the time of writing. Our blog posts are also factual based on the information at the time of writing. If you see a factual error, by all means, please let us know so we can correct it.

My freedom of speech allows me to comment on news articles with my opinion. It allows me to blog with my opinion. It also protects me. Men and women die daily for me to keep this right and I will forever be grateful for their sacrifice.


  1. But but but....there is a CFS supporter claiming you should all be sent to jail. I'm not sure what part of what you are doing she thinks is illegal. Not thinking Bob is your king is apparently punishable by law. It's okay, you won't be alone. She wants to have the police "subpena" the IP addresses of the posters on the SacBee website as well. Perhaps the writers of the Sacramento Bee will be included in her lawsuit and arrest as well. I'd love to see the arrest warrant for that one too. "Count one, felony being mean to Mr. Bob. Count two, having an opinion. Count three, putting public documents in one place and letting people see them."

    Unfortunately, some people are guilty of felony stupidity. I wonder if you can have them arrested as well.

  2. Very well written. Thank you for clearing this up for those who seem to believe they can threaten and attack to shut you down. An old adage, "The Truth Hurts" rings true. I doubt any of the trusting parents wanted to hear the sad truths back in July. Many kept quiet and reflected on the information that was being released, some refused to believe it, some immediately moved on and even now, a few are coming to realize how extreme conditions were at the school. I didn't want to believe there was no Santa when I was a kid, but finally, it became abundantly clear, he does not exist. I suspect many more "truths" will surface, rendering the defense "weaker" yet. For all the families who lost their trust, school and safety net, you are not alone. But please, please, please, think of your child and their safety first. Read the documents and consider what the city had to go through to put this shutdown order in place. It was well researched and thought out. If closing the school as they did saved even one child from danger, wasn't it worth it?

  3. "Subpena" - sounds like a male sexual dysfunction. Maybe that is what Viagra is for?

  4. I was really buying into the lies until recently. I was always told that the SacBee commenters were hateful ex-parents and had a grudge against Mr. Bob and the school. I was neutral on the allegations but adamant that the school should re-open at first.

    But, after finally reading the city documents for myself. And seeing that the official CFS response is to belittle, attack or delete legitimate comments and questions it is clear that I was tricked. I apologize here to my kids for not knowing sooner that the school was out of code with the city, didn't have a business license (not renewed because of code violations), and had many electrical/fire hazards.

    So, with all those violations and lies piling up it is getting very difficult to see anything honest coming from CFS. Unfortunately that also means that some kids may have been victimized horribly by "the King"... To hear somebody praise him as their "King" in light of the accusations is disgusting. Not to mention blood relatives of the "King" make disgusting comments about pre-schoolers who cry pee-pee...

    That is the day that made me start looking by the way. When I read that comment I knew I was not paying enough attention to the people I was supporting.
