Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So He Finally Entered a Plea...

It has only taken what...9 months for him to do it, but Robert Adams has finally entered a plea of 'not guilty' to the charges he is facing.  I was not there so I am unsure of the exact details, but according to news sites, he has pleaded not guilty to all seven charges (6 felonies and 1 misdemeanor.)

From here the process should go to a preliminary hearing and then, if the judge finds the prosecution has enough evidence, a full trial.  Of course a plea deal could be reached at any time.

The court appearances haven't ended yet this month for Mr. Adams.  He is also due back in court on May 31st for a case management conference regarding the civil case with Stonington Insurance who has asked for a dismissal without prejudice of their case.  Presumably this is because the other civil case against Mr. Adams was dropped until after the criminal hearing was completed.


The Preliminary Hearing in the case is set for August 17th, 2012, more than a year after the school was initially closed.  Eleven months after he was arrested on seven separate counts of child molestation.


  1. Hasn't it been closer to 10 months? Wow, so it took this long for him say he was not guilty in a court of law? Why has it taken so long? If he was "not guilty" now, why wasn't he "not guilty" MONTHS ago? I just don't quite get why it took this long for him to enter a plea. Hopefully now they can get on with things, get this all over with and be done with it!

  2. 9 months, 10 months--either way--TOO LONG. It's been said in this blog many times--STOP DELAYING and proclaim your innocence!! By delaying for almost a year, he's managed to make himself look guilty to me. I hope he's not, of course, but why wait so long to enter a plea?

    At least it's entered now and the case can move forward. My thoughts go out to the families involved, I know the upcoming months will be difficult.



  3. Amazing that when told no more delay tactics would be tolerated, he finally entered a plea. I'm not sure what kind of discovery he needed to say "guilty" or "not guilty" to the charges.

    I'm still betting the continuance game...continues. This will be dragged out as long as it can be. Funny enough, if he was truly not guilty, had entered a plea as such waaaaaaaay back in September when he was arrested, forced the prosecution to grant him his right to a speedy trial, refuted all of the so called "weak" evidence, got the case dismissed or get a verdict of not guilty" and this whole thing could be over and done with. He and his family could be returning to some normalcy. I think most innocent people would want that. Of course, this doesn't mean he is guilty, but it certainly isn't a tactic I would employ if I wasn't guilty. I think most of us would want our lives back to normal as soon as possible.

    I will update with any new information as I get it. I assume there will be a new curt date for either a settlement conference or a preliminary trial.

  4. Edited to add the preliminary hearing date.

  5. any update on what happened at the prelim hearing??
