Monday, February 27, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

I occasionally get messages with information and/or articles written about Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers, and received the information that Christian Peet had written more about the case on his site. So I'm not really sure what to say to his recent entry as it is so far based in fantasy land.  According to Peet,
To date, no children have confirmed any of the adult allegations of molestation that originally closed Adams’s school in July 2011.
Really?  While 3 of the girls listed in the arrest warrant are now adults, in 2000 when two came forward with allegations of abuse they were merely 10.  Six years later, in 2006, another came forward at the age of 16.  These CHILDREN came forward and told investigators of the alleged abuse.  Just because the DA is now deciding to prosecute their cases when they are now adults, does not make the allegations less valid.  It does however, make Peet's statement 100% false. 

He goes on to say, "Children have, however, told forensic interviewers that they were not abused..."  Wow.  Peet's ability to twist what has been written to suit his own needs is astounding.  Here is what the report says,  "In July 2011, 8-year-old, B.R. (7/8/03) Stated at a Special Assault Forensic Evaluation (SAFE) that she attended Creative Frontiers when she was seven (7) years old and in 2nd grade (2010-2011).  While she attended Creative Frontiers, she often went to visit "Mr. Bob" in his office.  On several occasions, while visiting "Mr. Bob" in his office, she sat on his lap, where he proceeded to rub her body, including her inner thighs and vaginal area."  I'm pretty sure any semi-literate adult could look at that and deduce that a child born in 2003, that disclosed to the investigators in 2011, that she was abused in 2010-2011 is indeed a child.  So yes, more than one CHILD has come forward and confirmed the allegations.  In addition, the warrant states that another child, 'A.P.'  Was "interviewed twice at the SAFE center and did not disclose anything."  This does NOT say that this child says she was not abused.  This says that this child was interviewed and said nothing.  As I have posted before, forensic interviewers are very careful not to ask leading questions.  This child was quite young and they weren't going to push her.  No where does it say they child said that she was not abused.  Not disclosing is not the same thing as saying it didn't happen.

Sorry Peet, you fail again.  Funny enough *I* am the one being accused of twisting the truth when some supporters like Peet spread blatant lies about the children who have disclosed and their families.  Disgraceful.


  1. I don't get why this guy feels the need to lie to try and prove that Bob is innocent. Clearly the arrest warrant doesn't say that no children have come forward. There is at least one who point blank says she was abused. Lying and discrediting witnesses only makes their case look weaker. I do, however, wonder what the hold up is with the DA and the discovery. Surely a judge wouldn't let this continue if there was no case...or if the DA was not giving the other attorney all of the documentation. I just don't get it. None of it makes sense to me and the story that I'm being fed by the CFS crowd just doesn't make sense.

    1. Obviously, when we want the truth, we refer to this site... when we want a good laugh, we read Peet. Nuff said!!!!

  2. Funny enough, he's read your post here and replied in the *closed* CFS Facebook page. Funny though, some people, like me, who are still waiting to see this out are watching both sides, can still see both. And when caught in a lie, Christian Peet aka Tarpaulin Sky Press, just tries to dig his hole deeper. I still don't think Bob is guilty, but that Peet guy is a real nutcase. The fact that Bob's poor kids are so desperate as to be feeding in to his bull is sickening. You don't need his support that much. Read the crap he supports. Do you really want THAT supporting your dad?

    Listen Peet, the arrest warrant clearly says that at least one little girl was interviewed at SAFE and disclosed abuse. You can't say no child has come forward because I can see with my own eyes one has. I don't agree with everything this blog writes, but to continue to just say things and pretend like they are true despite clear evidence otherwise is just silly and insulting. We aren't stupid.

    p.s. I'd post this with my name to the CFS Facebook page but I have see what happens when anyone posts anything even slightly negative, unless it is about Sam Stanton, the Sac Bee, or this Blog.

  3. That is pretty humorous. I guess if he had anything real to say he could post it here, but then people who aren't acting like mindless sheep would see it too.

    Sorry, I know there are some people like anonymous above who are waiting to see both sides. But I think it is silly to make a response to me on the CFS facebook page that they closed, so that I wouldn't see it. If he can disprove what I say, post it here. Show everyone I am wrong. I'm backed my real documents. He is backed by evidence he claims to have that no one else does. One has to question why a poet in Vermont would be privy to all the details and discovery of this case, and yet no one shares anything with the actual supporters who have trusted Mr. Adams with their children.

    Rather than tell people what they should be thinking, I'd rather put the facts out there and let people decide for themselves.

    Anonymous above me. I appreciate you having an open mind and realizing when you are being fed a lie. I have never, on this blog, said any lies about Robert Adams and his family or even the school. I have put out documents. I have offered my opinion. I have not fabricated anything nor eluded that I have some secret information that no one else is privy to. I respect everyone's right to have an opinion, even if it disagrees with mine. I do not have respect for the people who choose to disregard public documentation as "lies" and "fabrications". If building code violations aren't a big deal to you, then I can respect that. If you are saying they didn't exist except for in my head...then I question your brainpower. Like with Peet, I don't question the people who think that Robert Adams did not molest little girls. That is their opinion and they are entitled to it. But to say that there are only adults alleging this abuse and there are no children when very clearly there are child victims alleging abuse is ludicrous and asinine. That doesn't mean it happened, but it DOES mean children were interviewed and at least one currently disclosed abuse to SAFE interviewers.

    At the end of the day, I wasn't there. Neither was Peet. The only people who truly know what happened are Mr. Adams, the children involved, and any witnesses. Those are the only people who actually know the truth in this matter.

  4. In case you hadn't seen it:

    "Dear "Doubting," if it makes you feel better you can continue to call me a liar, as you did tonight (just as you continue to call Bob, his family, and their friends all liars), but let me repeat the statement that you so hate to hear: To date *no children* have confirmed any of the allegations that closed the school.

    I know that spoils your hopes. But you should also realize that what you *don't* know about this case, could fill a book. And probably will.

    This nightmare is almost over. It's time to for you all to move along. Find some other happy family to try to destroy. You failed here. You ruined the school, no doubt, for all the children who loved it--(kudos, there)--but you haven't ruined the Adamses. Everyone still loves them. More than ever, too, as tough times will do.

    See, that's how the story ends, folks. Nothing to "doubt" there. The future looks exactly as it has looked all along: your little circle exists in darkness while Bob & the Adamses remain, by the light of day, loving and beloved."

    Uhhh so does he think if he says it enough that makes it true? You clearly proved his statement was incorrect, but he just repeats it again and it is now fact? I actually looked at the arrest warrant again to see if you were copying it correctly and it is word for word what you wrote.

    And how exactly did *YOU* ruin the school? This blog didn't exist at the time of the school closure. There is still plenty to "doubt". Everyone doesn't love the Adamses. I'm pissed off that I was lied to. I went to rallies, yard sales, pasta feeds, and even the city council meeting. I was a full fledged supporter. But then things weren't adding up. I was even planning on re-enrolling for the fall when we were promised that the school would reopen. But it didn't. I started looking for answers and found them, and it wasn't pretty. You didn't make the Adams family look bad. They did that themselves. You don't blame the person who catches an employee stealing, you blame the employee who was caught stealing.

    Then came all the victim bashing and former supporter bashing. Ugh. I nearly pressed the "leave group" button at least 10 times. Then they closed the group and I guess I am "spying" on them because I don't support them or their cause at all, but it is kind of like the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". I'm still owed a large sum of money from the school closing. Perhaps now is the time to file my claim as I am clearly not going to get my money back any other way.

    Have fun deciding who on that list of supporters actually supports you CFS group. I can tell you 95% are like me and only there to see what nonsense comes out of you all next.

    1. Yeah I saw it. It was emailed to me by like 10

      I have written fact on my side. He can say it all he wants, but I have an actual court issued document disproving his comments.

      The rest doesn't bug me. It is easier to blame me than it is to accept responsibility. I look forward to the book about "anonymous bloggers". I wonder whom, of the many people they have guessed as my identity I will get to play in the book.

      Sad really that there are still some who fail to see logic even when it slaps them in the face. At the end of the day, I can stand behind everything I have ever written. If Robert Adams is found guilty, I win nothing, I lose nothing. If Robert Adams is found innocent, I win nothing, I lose nothing. Either way, everything I have posted about and linked, actually happened. No matter what the outcome, I won't be the one looking foolish for making false statements.

      Even if the child B.R. recants her statement, my post is still true. There is an arrest warrant, citing this child, and referencing her disclosure to SAFE interviewers.

      It really is silly that this continues despite clear evidence that his statement is incorrect.

    2. "But you should also realize that what you *don't* know about this case, could fill a book. And probably will."

      LOL!!!! Saw that coming from a mile away. He is such a bottom-feeder. Oh, and I hope you supporters out there ***LOVE*** this thought: photos you so willingly allowed The Vulture use of will probably be in said “book,” and guess who the biggest buyers are going to be? That's right!! The people he most supports--pedophiles.

      Betcha if you asked him to sign a statement stating he will Cease and Desist using all photos of YOUR child on his website and/or upcoming “book” he will politely decline. How does it feel knowing photos of YOUR child are in his hands and he controls what happens with those photos?

      That he is in any way, shape or form involved in this case, or that he has access to photos and personal stories from your children is an absolutely TERRIFYING thought to me. Continue your support for Mr. Bob all day long, but run from someone who has NO VESTED INTEREST in this situation other than to try to make a name for HIMSELF.
      What IS it going to take for people to STOP blindly following someone who has no personal connection to this situation and take a look at what his REAL motives are?

      Signed, (with a big sigh)


    3. Oh, and I forgot to address this:

      "To date *no children* have confirmed any of the allegations that closed the school."

      Allegations from children didn't close the school. The complete and utter lack of compliance with MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS did.


    4. I'm confused, please forgive me, but did the school close down due to the allegations, or to county code violations? His facebook post made it sound like the allegations closed the school but I thought it was due to code violations.

    5. Anonymous- The preschool portion of the school was temporarily suspended due to the allegations while a formal investigation took place. There was a hearing set, which has come and gone. I believe it was continued, but I am not 100% certain. The elementary potion of the school was closed because of building code violations and the allegations probably sped up the process. There were violations still pending dating back to 2009.

      If you read the post by Peet above, he indicates that I somehow "ruined" the school. I guess by finding and posting documents that I'm sure Mr. Adams would have liked to never surface, I probably made it easier for some people to see they were being scammed and lied to...but that is a stretch. I didn't make Mr. Adams lie on his resume. I didn't make him make changes to his property without building permits. I didn't make him lie about being a non-profit. I could go on and on like this, but I think my point is made. Making this information easily accessible doesn't make me the one responsible for "ruining" the school. But like I said above, it is much easier to blame me than it is to accept that the school closing was really only the fault of one person...and it isn't me.

  5. I knew that Peet's spotty off and on involvement in this case was all for his own selfish purposes. He plans to USE the Adams family for financial gain. But I can't see said book making him any profit. Seriously who would buy it?!?

    Just ask yourselves why would an out of work poet from VT care about a wealthy family in CA? Hmm let me do the math here. There's plenty of other local cases that should spark his interest? Or is he too afraid to enter the realm of the Catholic priest who stands accused and who has at least as many supporters as Bob Adams if not more. The story is juicier but the payout isn't so promising for Peet. By the way count me as another former supporter still on the CFS page even if I laugh at most of the inane posts.

    1. I guess they are so desperate for support they will take anything. Kind of crazy though when you think about it. The guy's own nephew admitted to having a sexual relationship with a child he was charged with caring for, but claims it was consensual and therefore he is "wrongly accused" as well. Support for your cause is great, but at some point you have to draw the line. There are some individuals and groups that you just DON'T want on your side. If I could only show the daughters of Mr. Adams the sheer number of emails I have gotten from supporters who don't think their dad is guilty but are disgusted at the girls fawning over Peet like he is their savior, I think they might reconsider. He is hurting, not helping their cause.

  6. I'm not sure if your counter is working, it has 11 comments and then when you click on it there are 8 comments??? I wonder if the total pageview counter is correct?

    1. I get 12 comments now...13 counting this one. It was/is probably just a blogger glitch. Thanks for letting me know.

    2. P.S. I can verify the total page views with extreme tracker, and can see the number of different IP's etc that have viewed the site. In addition, I've watched the page view counter climb from 5 views to the current 33,714 it is as I type this. I'm not sure what you are asking now that I read back your question, but the issue with the number of comments on a page probably has to do with pages needing to be refreshed, comments awaiting approval, or just a lag in blogger programming.

  7. Thanks, I was just wondering why the recent discrepancy with the counter in the comment section and thought perhaps it could effect the total pageview count.
    Thanks for clearing it up for me.

  8. I think I understand the twisted logic Peet is using. I think he is being quite literal and saying that no children have backed up the original allegation from Mertens back in July. Well, since there was no specific mention of this child and that complaint in the arrest warrant, this is technically true, but horribly misleading and he knows it. It is written in bad faith to confuse people into thinking no children have come forward. They have. We don't know if there was any additional information with the complaint by Mertens as there hasn't been a trial yet.

    The point is, there are children who have come forward. Some even before Mertens complaint was ever made. In addition, it appears that the complaint by one of the other teachers was made BEFORE the school closure in July and might have led to the closure even if it wasn't listed on the complaint.

    Peet is really attempting to twist the truth on this one. While in the most technical aspect his statement is true, it won't be perceived that way my most and he knows it. Shame on you Peet.

  9. Is peet privileged with all the discovery Adams by now knows? Because there are more victims.

    1. I was wondering the same thing. How does Peet know so much if Bob and his attorney don't have discovery? According to the district attorney's office, they have the discovery. It seems the attorney is just too busy with her other cases to go to trial on this one.

  10. In his little comment Peet says this blog destroyed the school? Are you kidding me? How exactly does that work? The blog came about after the school was closed. Oh well, I'm sure he was just saying what the sheep all wanted to hear and I'm sure he got the ol' ego stroked afterwards.

    I've said it before and I'll say it's hard to know what a person would do in a case like this if accusations were made against them. I do know that I personally would be telling anyone and everyone that I was innocent, including the judge....if I was in fact innocent.

  11. Hmmmm... wonder if Mr. Bob knows now (almost 9 months later) if he is guilty or not?!
