Monday, February 27, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

I occasionally get messages with information and/or articles written about Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers, and received the information that Christian Peet had written more about the case on his site. So I'm not really sure what to say to his recent entry as it is so far based in fantasy land.  According to Peet,
To date, no children have confirmed any of the adult allegations of molestation that originally closed Adams’s school in July 2011.
Really?  While 3 of the girls listed in the arrest warrant are now adults, in 2000 when two came forward with allegations of abuse they were merely 10.  Six years later, in 2006, another came forward at the age of 16.  These CHILDREN came forward and told investigators of the alleged abuse.  Just because the DA is now deciding to prosecute their cases when they are now adults, does not make the allegations less valid.  It does however, make Peet's statement 100% false. 

He goes on to say, "Children have, however, told forensic interviewers that they were not abused..."  Wow.  Peet's ability to twist what has been written to suit his own needs is astounding.  Here is what the report says,  "In July 2011, 8-year-old, B.R. (7/8/03) Stated at a Special Assault Forensic Evaluation (SAFE) that she attended Creative Frontiers when she was seven (7) years old and in 2nd grade (2010-2011).  While she attended Creative Frontiers, she often went to visit "Mr. Bob" in his office.  On several occasions, while visiting "Mr. Bob" in his office, she sat on his lap, where he proceeded to rub her body, including her inner thighs and vaginal area."  I'm pretty sure any semi-literate adult could look at that and deduce that a child born in 2003, that disclosed to the investigators in 2011, that she was abused in 2010-2011 is indeed a child.  So yes, more than one CHILD has come forward and confirmed the allegations.  In addition, the warrant states that another child, 'A.P.'  Was "interviewed twice at the SAFE center and did not disclose anything."  This does NOT say that this child says she was not abused.  This says that this child was interviewed and said nothing.  As I have posted before, forensic interviewers are very careful not to ask leading questions.  This child was quite young and they weren't going to push her.  No where does it say they child said that she was not abused.  Not disclosing is not the same thing as saying it didn't happen.

Sorry Peet, you fail again.  Funny enough *I* am the one being accused of twisting the truth when some supporters like Peet spread blatant lies about the children who have disclosed and their families.  Disgraceful.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Court Update*** Updated

It was rumored that the court hearing today for Mr. Adams was moved from 8:30am to 9:30am to accommodate some schedule conflicts for attorneys.  I will post new information here as I receive it.

 My apologies for the slow posting.  I've had trouble verifying information this morning.  One of my Doubting CFS spawn has been under the weather and had to go to the ER this morning.  Priorities lay else where at that point.

My unverified information is that Ms. Parisi claims to have still not received all of the discovery and asked for a discovery.  A new court date is said to be set for April.

It seems odd to me at this point for this same argument.  If the DA has indeed not turned over the discovery, surely Ms. Parisi and the judge wouldn't keep letting that happen and would issue some sort of reprimand or demand for the information.  If Ms. Parisi is not being truthful, and the DA *HAS* turned over the discovery, why is she being allowed to drag her feet?

I don't know the reason.  I'm not a lawyer.  I wasn't at the hearing.  If there is anyone who was there and wants to add comments, that would be great.  Hopefully I can verify some things and post some definitive information soon.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another Court Date Soon Approaches

I know some people have been wondering what happened and why there have been no posts to the blog recently.  Although some choose to think otherwise, this is simply because there is nothing to post and I am not in the business of just making something up in order to have a post.  I've been dealing with some health scares and so, my mind has been elsewhere recently.  However, if there were any new, pertinent information, I would have it posted here for you all in a jiffy. 

Mr. Adams does have an upcoming court date:

02/24/20128:30 AMDepartment 61Sacramento County Main Jail - 651 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 SC

This again will be a settlement conference where the two attorneys and Mr. Adams will be encouraged to come to an agreement.  If none is made, then the case goes to a preliminary trial.  However, this has been the case the last few times and not even a plea has been entered.  At the last appearance in December however, Ms. Parisi, Mr. Adams' attorney, claimed to have "finally" received the discovery and now just needed time to go through it.  I would think she is out of delaying excuses at this point and the charges would move forward.

Mr. Adams also has an additional Small Claims court case pending against him filed 1/18/2012.  I am unsure what the status of these cases are, as the information isn't available online, but I would have thought there would be judgement of some kind at this point.  These cases are usually given a date within a month or two of the filing date.

I can also find no further information on the Civil case against Mr. Adams from Stonington Insurance.

Sooooo, that's it really.  I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens on the 24th.