Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

I have to say, some of the excuses and "explanations" that have come out on this long journey towards the truth have been  pretty unbelievable when you sit back and look at them.

One Mad Parent- When we first heard about the allegations, one of Robert Adams' daughters said, "this is all just one mad parent trying to ruin it for everyone."  But it wasn't.  While she was probably just mistaken, the Department of Social Services paperwork was available to the family, and most certainly Mr. Adams when the police and DSS showed up.

The Disgruntled Employee- According to some of the supporters, none of the allegations can be true because Ms. Mertens was passed up for permanent employment and that must be why she "made up" her allegations.  While I guess one could say there could be some merit to this, it certainly isn't a fact.  At this point, no one knows how much truth was in Ms. Mertens' statements.  I do find it hard to believe that she would make such heinous allegations over a temp job, especially considering that she was part of the AARP work program and they would have found her another placement.  I suppose stranger motivations have prompted crazy things, but I have seen no evidence that proves either her motivations OR that her statements were or were not factual.  In addition, there are SEVEN different children not connected to Ms. Mertens listed in the arrest warrant

Making a Name- This is one of the more humorous ones.  We've been told by supporters that the District Attorney, the Director of Social Services AND the Citrus Heights Police Department all wanted to "make a name" for themselves.  While I, and many others, question the manner in which the school was shut down, I think the claims that the Citrus Heights Police Department was making a big deal out of this investigation just to "make a name" is beyond ludicrous.  The District Attorney?  The Director of Social Services?  Come on....really?  How many people do supporters think need to "make a name" and use Robert Adams as a platform?

New Fire Station- Perhaps the most laughable of all the excuses has been the statement by one of the Adams' daughters that "a little birdie" told her that the City of Citrus Heights needed a new location for the fire department.  So wait, the City of Citrus Heights, Department of Social Services, Irma Mertens, and the District Attorney all banded together to make up allegations to get a new location for the fire department on those prime 7 acres?  Wow.  The City of Citrus Heights really has it together.  Wonder why they haven't snatched up that property now that it is for sale?

New Beamers for All- While some of the other claims are laughable, this one is pure spiteful nastiness.  Many supporters have claimed that the older three girls in the complaint only did so to get new BMW's for themselves.  The girls in the report who are now in their 20's, were 10 in 2000 when the complaint was made.  Another who attended school at the same time came forward in 2006 when she was 16.  I'm astounded that these children were thought to have such foresight when they were pre-teens to plan for new BMW's.  It is a horrific attempt to discredit 3 young girls who came forward years ago.  While I don't know if their stories are true, their claims are certainly disturbing when held in conjunction with each other.

AT is the Bestest Friend in the World- There have also been claims that one of the two teachers in the report, AT, only made her statement because she was friends with another teacher who was fired.  The report of this teacher is extremely credible to me.  She saw something she was concerned about.  When she gets the report back the next day from the parent of the very same child she observed the day prior she knew she needed to make a complaint.  To claim that she would do so because she was friends with a teacher who was fired is beyond asinine.  They worked together for years and were friendly, so what?  I am friendly with a lot of people but that doesn't mean I'd coordinate with a parent to make up some lies about someone to get back at my employer.  To believe that AT would make something up about Mr. Adams just to get back at him for a former co-worker means that you also must believe that she somehow convinced a parent, to go along with this story to take revenge on Mr. Adams and subject their child to examiners and detectives.  Yeah, not likely. Not to mention, surely she would have realized that her complaint would put her out of a job.  Again, I why would she go to these lengths to "get back" over another employee who was fired years earlier.

Refusing to Publish?- It was widely reported that Robert Adams did not have the degrees he claimed to have on his resume and the schools website.  One of the first big excuses we heard was that the news reporters had been sent the copies of the degrees but refuse to publish them.  Really?  Okay....publish them yourself.  If you sent them to news agencies, why not just black out any info you don't want public and then post them yourself on the Facebook page?  Oh yeah, that's right, because they don't actually exist.

The Fire Marshal!!!!  Flying Colors!!- Anyone tired of this one yet?  How many times have we heard that the school must have been in tip-top shape because the fire marshal had just cleared it the month prior?  Except that the fire marshal isn't the building department of the city.  You know, the ones who have been sending Mr. Adams notice after notice.  Never mind them.  Pesky building codes.

Just One More Signature- Perhaps one of the more blatant lies told to the CFS supporters, yet some choose to still believe this was the case, despite the evidence otherwise.  The business entity was "sold" to Zolt Benedek.  He then applied for a new license.  This license had to go through the same application process as every other business, the one that is quite a lengthy process and has nothing to do with getting people to sign off on repairs.  The one that involves providing the people you are asking to give you a license the information they ask for instead of speaking in circles.  Here is a hint supporters, you worked your butts off for nothing.  The school was NEVER going to reopen within that time frame...they knew that.  They let people pull their kids out of new schools over this.  Others left their kids out of school missing valuable time on their educations.  You were used for your time, labor, and money. There is someone to blame, but it isn't me or anyone else who has pointed it out and it isn't the city.  It is a certain family who's name rhymes with Schmadams.

Insurance Fraud- I've heard two different things with regards to the insurance company suing to rescind their policy with Mr. Adams.  First is the, "this is all normal business with insurance companies".  Well, I'm sure it doesn't take a lot of common sense to figure out that an insurance company denying an initial claim might be common, but an insurance company suing a party they insure to make the policy null and void is not.  The other out there excuse I have heard come out regarding this lawsuit is just silly.  Some supporters seem to believe that he shouldn't HAVE to report previous allegations of abuse if he was never charged.  But that isn't up to supporters to decide.  The insurance company's policy is to ask on the application, "Have you ever been accused?" At that point Mr. Adams had 2 choices, to tell the truth, or to lie.  It is clear which choice he made.

Therapy all Around- Some supporters even had enough gall to determine, with their extensive psychiatric backgrounds, that anyone opposing Robert Adams, must be child molesters themselves and need intense therapy.  Wow...I wish I was making this stuff up, but alas, these statements have come from actual supporters.  I will schedule my appointment soon.  Maybe when Robert Adams enters a plea.

Just a Few Wires- One supporter, who really wants us to know his name, claimed that the report drafted by the City of Citrus Heights building department, was over-exaggerated and not accurate.  According to him, the only things that were wrong with the school were a bit of dry-rot and a hanging telephone wire.  Never mind the multiple additions made to buildings without permits, the unsafe range and gas equipment in the kitchen, the tree growing into the building, or the other numerous issues.  I wonder then, why it took so long to repair a hanging telephone wire and some dry rot?

Can't Refund!- While I have no doubt that the CHPD took the computers as evidence, there is no reason why Creative Frontiers School cannot issue refunds.  In small claims court, all a person suing has to do is prove that a debt is owed to them and that the person they are suing is responsible for that debit.  Well, if a parent who is owed a refund can show their signed contract, a copy of their cancelled check and the letter that the DSS issued in July stating that the school is closed due to allegations of molestation, it is highly doubtful that a judge would not grant them their money back.  It is disgraceful that Robert Adams and the CFS family is dragging their feet on this issue and that parents suing for refunds are being painted as "bad guys".  Computers are not needed to issue refunds.

Recruited Victims- This one has been around since the beginning.  The CHPD put a 'contact us' information page on their website for parents who had any questions.  Of course to supporters, this means that they must have been recruiting victims.  Never mind the fact that this is common procedure in MANY criminal investigations.  Never mind that the majority of the victims listed in the arrest warrant came long before the date of the closure.  Facts are such pesky things.

The Agreement that Will Live in Infamy- Remember the whole "we have an agreement with the city" spiel that C. Adams tried to sell everyone on when everyone found out that they delayed the hearing?   She said repeatedly that the school will open because they have an "agreement".  Well, it turns out the "agreement" didn't exist.  Instead the boyfriend of C. Adams, the only daughter who is not married, "bought" the business entity in an attempt to circumvent the proper procedure for the City's business license appeal procedure.   There was NO agreement with the city...okay I take that back, the only agreement with the city was to postpone the appeal hearing so that Zolt Benedek could apply and try to "trick" the city.  They had a plan.  A plan that failed miserably.

I'm sure I'm missing some, as excuses and lies seem to come so easily from this family and supporters.


  1. It is amazing to me that any supporter can look at all of the above, and still be supportive of Robert Adams. The problem is that not only are they supportive...that would be okay...they are horrific and nasty to anyone who refuses to be hookwinked. I've seen several former supporters be bashed because they were tired of the lies. With them, it is very much a "you are either with us, or you are against us" kind of mentality. But like I said, after reading all of what is posted above, WITH DOCUMENTATION proving the lies, how could ANYONE still be supportive?

  2. I share your astonishment Anonymous. It does not matter to me if someone thinks Robert Adams is guilty or not guilty of the child molestation charges he is facing BUT I have a problem with the lies and the excuses that are mounting up. The other issue I have with supporters is the same one you mentioned. If anyone says anything questioning regarding Robert Adams, be it about the molestation charges or things posted here about the building code violations, credentials, etc, they must be evil and vile people. I've made my stance very clear. I've posted many times about lies and questionable things I have seen come from Robert Adams and his supporters, but never once have I posted that he is guilty of the criminal charges he is facing. I simply could not say for certain as I was not there. I'm not Robert Adams, I'm not a victim, and I am not a witness.

    I agree, I don't know how anyone could possibly be okay with being lied to so much.

  3. This site makes me sick, It's so one sided. I have my own opinion about this case, and it's not the picture you painted and I'm not talking about a "conspiracy theory". Although you are a very good writer, there are some facts that are conveniently left out. Even documents left out. I will not share them on this site because I don't have to nor do I have the time. I know my comments will be bashed here, because I'm not backing it up, but there is good reason not to post it here. There are two sides to the story and I am only seeing one. What I say is true.

  4. By simply denying that Bob Adams was at the school from July 18 - November, the vehement supporters are looking more foolish all the time. There were MANY of those same people present when he was walking the grounds with a some of the ones making repairs. I witnessed him embracing parents and children on more than one ocassion. Lack of credibility and truthfulness seems to be the vein that runs through this group. How sad that these people won't admit that they MADE A HUGE MISTAKE in believing Mr. A was being honest. Admitting you are wrong is hard to do, but having faith in someone so flawed is far worse!!!

  5. Please share then anonymous. I have no problem allowing comments that disagree or publishing documents. If you feel there is something I have left out, then by all means share it. I assure you, nothing has been left out intentionally. You have to give me some sort of clue what you are talking about. Many of the documents and information I have posted here were sent to me by others or are things I have found. If I don't have a hint as to where you think I should be looking, I can't provide that information. I'm not a mind-reader.

  6. I've been reading this blog for a couple of months and am the parent of former students, thus a former supporter. I'm curious as to what documents and information Anonymous (comment #3) might have access to. Is there any way that you can give us a hint as to where this information can be read or accessed?

    I don't like the fact that I've come to distrust the Adams family so deeply but I can't seem to wrap my mind around the hatefulness exhibited by them nor the nasty accusations against this blog writer and others who have asked even the simplest of questions. I'm appalled at many of the supporters' behavior but have been impressed with the straightforward facts available here and with this blog writer's continuing offer to publish any new or otherwise "hidden" documents which might refute the charges. I appreciate the fact that this blog has never once stated that Bob Adams is guilty. Not once.

    Please fill us in. I, for one, am anxious to hear more.

  7. I dont mean to be confrontational but in response to the anonymous poster above ... How can you say you hate this blog and it is wrong and not provide any information to set it straight? In my humble opinion, this blog started out very unbiased but as all these documents have come to light it has become more "doubting" of the truthfulness of Mr. Adams and his family. In my opinion it would be time well spent on your part to point out missing facts or point out discrepancies. People should hear "both sides of the story" but supporters don't seem to want to take the time.

  8. Anonymous #3, do you then dispute the statements in this blog post? Are you saying that the Adams family and supporters didn't say these things? Because I saw them all be said. I was a supporter. I had kids at the school. I didn't want to believe it either. I thought the same thing when I read some of these documents. "This can't be true. They have to be leaving something out." So I called. I looked around. I found the the EXACT same documents listed here. Nothing left out. Nothing picked and chosen to make Bob look bad. The sad truth is, this blog is the ONLY source of fact I have found. I asked Courtney point blank if the school was for sure opening the first week of Sept and she said "Yes. We are just waiting for one more signature." That was a lie. To my face. I have seen with my own eyes the mean and hateful things said about one of my children's teachers because she did her job! And then there are all the horrible things being said about children listed in the case. These are KIDS! Sorry anonymous, the only people making Bob look bad are his family and supporters with all the lies and mean things being said. They are a horrible group of people and I am so glad my children are not around them anymore, regardless of the outcome of the molestation charges.

  9. Anonymous #3, I'm not trying to bash your comments, but I am really trying to understand your point of view. There are no documents I have come across that I have left out. If you have found something you think I should include, then I need you to email me or post a link in the comments section. I respect your right to have a differing opinion, but it doesn't give you much credibility to say "what I say is true" and "there are some facts that are conveniently left out" when you don't provide us any reason to believe you. This is why everything I post here, I back up with a link or a document. I could say Robert Adams is really a 22 year old sheep from Norway, but unless I can prove it with documents or pictures, it is all just words and holds no truth. (No supporters, I am not saying Robert Adams is a sheep) Do you understand what I am saying? Even if you give me a general direction of what you are talking about I can then put in some time researching it for you if you don't have certain documents available personally.

    The goal of this blog is to find the truth, whatever it may be.

  10. At Anon #3--THIS is why the blog here is so successful and the supporters are dropping left and right. Just because YOU say it is this way or that way doesn't make it true. BACK IT UP!! We are all tired of hearing "This is this and that is that, and just one more signature and it's all a big conspiracy, and a disgruntled employee..." But you NEVER come up with anything substantial to back your allegations up.

    I say this in as non-insulting as I can: You supporters need to come out of the fog. You have been duped, I'm sorry--but even your fearless leader won't swear in a court of law that he's innocent. Oh, and one of his biggest "heros" is a man who advocates for CONVICTED pedophiles. If it walks like a duck, it looks like a duck and hangs out with other ducks....You figure it out.

    And I would LOVE to see your "other side" and all of the documentation that comes with it. Maybe it will come out in court...Oh, that's right, a trial can't start until he enters a plea.




  11. Here is one for the doubters out there. Ask Bob Adams why he got kicked out of the Child Action program several years ago. As a former teacher, I was there when it happened and it was because, surprise surprise, he was LYING TO THEM. He was telling Child Action that they were only paying for the before and after school care for the children who qualify and yet was giving "scholarships" for the school tuition. Yeah, except there was no scholarship. He charged Child Action the full whack. Robert Adams is a fraud and I am glad it is finally coming to light! I sincerely hope that it didn't extend to him harming children, but I can tell you, as a businessman and employer he is as smarmy as it comes. The man is pure slime. I'm so glad I am not associated with that place anymore. I got out before it got really bad and he decided to start "laying off" any employee who had been there a while and/or questioned the way he ran things.

  12. Anonymous @8:28- I'd love to have some documentation on this. I actually had a parent who says she was on Child Action at the school during this time email me a few weeks ago, but she doesn't have any information on it.

    I haven't posted on it because I can't prove if it is indeed true or not.

  13. Anyone with any documentation, please email this blog to have it added. This goes for ANY documentation. This blog has never intentionally withheld any document from publication, but if I don't have it, I can't post it. Again, saying it without backing it up doesn't make it true. People need "proof" if they are to believe the things you say. This goes for both of the anonymous posters.

  14. Don't I recall another incident of Bob Adams attempting to get grant money from some entity? If I remember correctly he filled out the applications as if the school was a non-profit. It most certainly was not. I also seem to remember him being incredulous that he was denied the grant.

    Is there no end to this man's wheeling and dealing? To me each of these misrepresentations and outright lies speak to character.

    Oh, and about those gift cards he was selling on Ebay. Did anyone ever determine where the funds from those sales went? I haven't heard of a single parent who received a refund following those sales, have you?

  15. AGAIN.. I want to know where the money for the gym went? Every single person I spoke with regarding this account has said that there should have been THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in the fund. People from the PTA were given different accountings of how much had accrued. Is anyone aware of how many years the fundraising took place? Hundreds of large donations were made, parents and children sold raffle tickets and other items to raise money. Businesses donated goods and "GIFT CARDS"... (like the ones Bob was (very recently)selling on EBAY). Maybe this person who claims this blog isn't forthright with all the information, and can PROVE IT, could also come forward with some documentation as to where the $$ went, we would all feel a little less taken advantage of!!!!! I for one donated hundreds of dollars over the last few years for each and every function and event put on for the purpose of raising money, so my grandchild would have a warm and dry place to play in the winter. I am sure there are many others who wonder the same thing....

  16. Where in the DSS docs does it state that Mr. Adams was not to be at CFS from July 18th-Sept.7th? From what I read he was ordered not to be on the school grounds after his arrest in Sept.and then in early Nov. he was allowed back. I could not find anything in the DSS records or anywhere else. I'm not saying it's not there, but I sure don't see it.

  17. Anonymous @3:10- In this doc on page 10.

  18. I went through the doc and I'm not seeing a page 10. I'm not saying that the order isn't there, I'm just not finding it. Is there a title at the top of the page or another way to locate that statement?

    Thanks for posting this very important information.

  19. I still can not find anything stating that Mr. Adams is not allowed at CFS on the dates mentioned above. ??

  20. Sorry anonymous...that was my fault. In the PDF document, it is page 10, but of the complaint, it is page 6. The actual wording I've copied for you:

    "These facts provide cause, pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 159.885(c) and 159.8897(a)(2), to revoke the license to operate the facility, and to prohibit Respondents Robert Adams' and Cynthia Higgins' employment in, presence in, and contact with clients of any facility licensed by the Department"

  21. I don't understand what you mean. After 6:00PM on July 18th 2011 CFS was no longer licensed by the department, so how was he in violation?

  22. Well this is where it gets tricky and I suppose could be open to interpretation. The license at that point was merely temporarily suspended. Meaning they could not operate as a daycare, but it was not revoked yet. This is what the hearing was for that has since been delayed. These parents and their children were clients of Creative Frontiers School even though the school was not operating at the time. In addition, if any of those parents had moved their children to new schools, they would then be clients of another facility licensed by the department and contact would have been barred regardless.

    The fact of the matter stands, that he was indeed at the school during those time periods. According to the law enforcement officer I spoke to, he was in violation of the DSS order to do so.

  23. Thanks for the information, but I really don't think it will go like that. (way to vague)
    I read over and over the DSS docs and couldn't find anything that stated that he was not allowed at CFS from 7/18/11 until the arrest in Sept. That's why I posted my question here.I think this is obvious, and would be better answered by an attorney than a law enforcement officer.

  24. I too am a former teacher of CFS, I started teaching there when my son began preschool there many years ago. I so appreciate your comments DoubtingCFS, especially the one about AT. She and the teacher fired (that the Adams family claims was AT's reasoning for her OBSERVATION) are both wonderful people and did all they could for those kids and that school. They lasted longer than most employees and are well loved by me, my son and many other families from CFS. While working there I became aware that there were some "shady" things going on in the accounting department (aka Cindy Higgins) and HEARD of other dishonest business acts through the grapevine. Not only was I aware of the dispute with Child Action, which I doubt anyone has proof of except Child Action, but also other strange occurrences such as paying a maintenance employee under the table while she was being paid workman's comp from another job (highly illegal), also many teachers (including Bob apparently) were not certified preschool teachers meaning they had only some of the required college units, or none at all. Meaning they were illegally caring for children in a licensed childcare facility.... also, a Kindergarten teacher did not even hold a Bachelor's Degree much less a credential. These are not things I can back up because how on earth could I, but I and most former employees of that school know them to be true. Do I know if he is guilty? No. I do know that he is a dishonest man and he deserves to lose his license for that. As far as the allegations, I definitely believe what AT told me (in tears) she saw so I know that one is true, the rest... only time will tell.

  25. I happen to know that Ms.Higgins was also on site at the school after that order. I'm assuming she simply chose to disregard the order while knowing full well that it applied to her. Do any of these people EVER follow the rules?

    I choose to follow rules set down for me by authorities. This is what I teach my children too. Doesn't this action by two school officials bother any of the supporters or do they see Bob and Cynthia as "above the law"?

    I have to sit here and wonder how many other rules have been broken at CFS that have not been exposed yet.

  26. To the Anonymous asking about the DSS papers- I respect your right to interpret the same information differently. He isn't actually charged with violating the DSS order and going onto the school when he wasn't allowed so there is no way for it to really "go". Not being caught by authorities doesn't make it okay to break the law. In addition, while a good lawyer might be able to convince a judge to see enough wiggle room in those words as put to paper to get someone cleared of the charges, it isn't up to a lawyer if he were to be arrested or not. It would be up to a law enforcement official who was there at the time.

    I spoke to the DSS licensing analyst on the case personally as well as a member of Citrus Heights PD. They both told me the same thing. I was actually mistaken initially because I thought the license was revoked as of July 18th. She corrected me, telling me that they were still licensed, but that license was temporarily suspended pending the DSS hearing.

    Additionally, you are the first person to challenge the actual wording of the documents. As early as a few days ago there were supporters on the Sacramento Bee's website adamantly claiming that he wasn't there. You aren't lying and claiming he wasn't there, but instead challenging his right to be there. I respect that a lot more.

    I think anyone looking at those papers and the situation can agree that regardless of technicalities, it probably was a poor idea for him to be at that school and around children and clients during that time period.

  27. Anonymous @ 11:24- Thank you for sharing your opinion. I have gotten several emails regarding AT. Former parents are outraged that she is being vilified by some supporters for doing her job. In one breath they try to discredit BS (the other teacher in the report) because it appears she DIDN'T act as a mandated reporter and then criticize AT because she did. The job of a mandated reporter isn't easy. I've also seen some of the most ridiculous things posted about her. Anyone who actually understands how the break and lunch system works in a preschool can see exactly how much validity her statement holds. It isn't uncommon for a preschool teacher to leave her room for her lunch break with one teacher in the room and then return to an entirely different teacher. This is what happens when you have multiple teachers that need to take a 1 hour break within a short 2-2 1/2 hour period. You have to do some switching and juggling of staff. By all accounts Ms. Mertens was giving lunch breaks herself because of this, even though she had no qualifications to do so.

    Every email I have gotten about AT, tells me that she is about as sweet as it comes and was an excellent preschool teacher. Loved by parents and children alike.

  28. Thank you for all of your work on this blog. I, too was a teacher at CFS many years ago. It was not uncommon to have paychecks bounce and healthcare unpaid (finding out when you get to the Dr.). Bob Adams is not an honest business man. He had so many stories going at once I can't believe he could keep up with it. I knew it was only a matter of time until his luck ran out. I certainly hope the allegations of molestation are not true, but it is hard to beleive they aren't since he won't enter a plea. If I was faced with these allegations and I was innocent, I would be screaming my innocence as soon as possible. Karma is a you know what, and it has finally caught up to him!

  29. Apologizing to anyone who posted a comment but didn't have it published right away. Something odd happened....either computer or user error and I had 6 messages I missed in the last few days. It wasn't intentional. They've all been published now.

  30. In response to the person questioning the validity of the order for BA and CH NOT to be on school grounds:
    "Why, if this order wasn't in place, would he have to request and be granted authorization to return to the school to prepare it for sale?"

  31. @Anon 1:04pm-I once had the same thing happen at my place of employment and it turned out they went under within 2 months of the paychecks bouncing due to "an accounting error" and the medical not being paid due to "another accounting error." Well, there must have been lots of "accounting errors" because this company (which, if run properly would have been worth millions, at least) went bankrupt. People just showed up to work one day and there were IRS stickers and chains on the door.

    Interesting how all those accounting errors add up and inevitably stickers start showing up on doors and law enforcement gets involved. And, of course, tragic that those lower on the totem pole take the hardest hit, as they didn't see it coming.


    (More than ever after the SacBee activity the past few days, LOL)

  32. Anon 10:17AM-- it was in early Sept. after his arrest that those restrictions were made. Not from July up until the arrest in Sept.In early Nov. the 2nd I think the restrictions were removed and he was once again allowed to be at the school.

  33. The terms of the DSS suspension banned him from school property and from contacting clients while they did their investigation. When he was arrested Sept 7th, the terms of his bail when he was arraigned, were that he was not to step foot on the property and I've seen varying reports regarding being around children. One news report said he was not allowed around children under 18 unless another adult was present, one said he was not allowed around children under 18 period. I don't have the papers, so I don't actually know what they say, but I'm assuming they would allow contact with another adult present.

    In November, the terms of the bail were changed allowing him to return to the school property.

    I will state again, the DSS licensing specialist AND the law enforcement officer I spoke to personally told me that the DSS order was enforceable and if he were caught on school property around clients, he would be arrested.

    I think all can agree, he WAS at the school between July 18th and Sept 7th, and regardless of your stance on the technical wording of the DSS paperwork, it was probably a poor idea for him to be there.

  34. If he was allowed to be there freely, then why was he sneaking around like someone who was hiding from something? I don't know what to believe, but I was at the pasta feed and saw him there. I was at the school to help clean one day and he was there. The people lying and saying he wasn't aren't doing him any favors. I looked at the DSS paperwork and I see how it could be interpreted either way, but I agree with DoubtingCFS, it was a dumb idea for him to be there. And I can tell you, he was definitely acting weird when he was there. I guess given what was said about him, I guess he had reason to be weird, but all the more reason for him not to be there.

  35. Again, where is it stated that he was banned from the school property while they did their ivestigation? I really am not trying to be difficult, but I just don't see that.

  36. I called Licensing just before Christmas and they wouldn't really give me much information over the phone but told me I could request the file to be sent to me by mail. They did say the same thing Doubting CFS said though. The license is suspended, not revoked. They still have a license, it is just suspended pending a hearing. I taught at the school years ago as well. I quit when I went back to school. Thank you Doubting CFS for your kind words about AT. She was a great teacher and all the kids loved her. She didn't have a mean bone in her body. Thank you also for explaining the preschool break system. I saw some of the comments on the Sacramento bee and was outraged that some people implied she just "left" her room to go eat lunch. Then to say made her report, which was BEFORE the school closed to to the other allegations, because of another teacher who was fired? That is just plain stupid and ridiculous. I find it hard to believe anyone who know AT could EVER think she could or would make up something like this.

  37. That is because it doesn't say that he isn't allowed on the property while he does their investigation. That is not the wording used. You stated that the school no longer was licensed after July 18th. I am saying that they still were licensed, just suspended.

    I definitely respect your right to disagree with me, but honestly, it is a moot point. He isn't charged with this. My suggestion, call the DSS directly if you have questions about it. That is what I did and it cleared up my questions. Their number is (916) 229-4500

  38. My apologies, I gave the wrong phone number. It should be: (916) 263-5744. That should get you the River City regional office. It is best to ask them your questions directly as the information I am giving to you, is what was given to me from them. You can question my interpretation of the documents and disagree all you want, but in reality it isn't my opinion or yours that matters. Since the hearing hasn't happened, and the school is for sale and not reopening, it is pretty much a pointless disagreement of interpretation now.

    I don't think you are trying to be difficult, neither am I, which is why I feel it is best that you contact them yourself.

  39. Thank you, and I don't think you are in any way trying to be difficult. I really do appreciate the information.

  40. Quoting you: "saying it without backing it up doesn't make it true. People need "proof" if they are to believe" . You should hold yourself to this same high standard. Apparently it is okay for you to post things without "proof". Stating that pay checks bounced, medical coverage was not paid, insinuating that something illegal had occurred with the Child Action accounts is all just vicious gossip without proof. Do you have proof that any of those things are true? If so why don't you post it or apologize.

  41. I'm assuming you are speaking to me. I'm not sure why I have to explain this again...I am not saying ANY of this occurred. I allowed people to comment, just as I allowed you to comment. I also encouraged anyone with proof of any of the above things to share it.

    I think it is silly to assume that because I allow a comment I believe it to be true. I allow your comments and I don't agree with you at all. I tell you what, I AM sorry. I am sorry that all kinds of people who knew and/or dealt with Robert Adams in the past are coming forward now and sharing their experiences. I'm sorry that those experiences weren't good. But I'm not going to disallow people to discuss them. No where am I posting this information as fact. People can look at comments and do with them as they please. I will state this again, comments are the opinion of the writer, not this blog. Show me please, where did I post that any of the information you speak of is true?

  42. I was there when the whole Child Action thing happened. I'm not sure how anyone would be able to prove it though. One day he had Child Action, and the next a good number of children had to be relocated to other schools. It did happen. The school was kicked off of the Child Action program. I don't know if there is proof why it was kicked off but it was.

    Has anyone tried just calling Child Action and seeing if they would give out this information?

    Also how would a teacher prove they were told at the doctor that they didn't have insurance because it wasn't paid by an employer? Or that their paychecks bounced? I guess by providing their bank statements but that isn't something I would want to share with everyone so I don't blame them for not wanting to give that information to the public.

  43. @Anon 11:31AM.

    This website has posted documents that they found that are public record. They put it all in one place for everyone to see, and unfortunately for Robert Adams, this blew his closet door wide open and a bunch of skeletons came out.

    By your own repeat of Doubting CFS-"Quoting you: "saying it without backing it up doesn't make it true. People need "proof" if they are to believe" . You should hold yourself to this same high standard. Apparently it is okay for you to post things without "proof"." Someone posted a comment and Doubting CFS shared it. Doubting CFS didn't say it was true, they just allowed someone else to share something that they say they experienced. This is a blog--not a court of law, and it is not Doubting CFS's responsibility to take what each person posts and require that they back it up with documentation before they will share it.

    Just like when I shared what happened to me at a previous job--just because I said it happened doesn't mean you have to believe it--I don't care if you do or don't. I know my truth. I could go back to bank records and show my paycheck being bounced, I could show a lapse in medical coverage because my employer "forgot" to pay, but to be perfectly honest with you I don't care to go through the hassle because it isn't relevant to the case at hand.

    People sharing their ideas and questioning events is all I have seen going on here. If I wanted to see "vicious" I could hit the Facebook page where parents were literally tearing other parents apart for asking questions, and let's just say that SOME of the supporters on the SacBee website have been beyond vicious.

    Asking Doubting CFS to post proof or apologize is absurd. You should go to a different website to look for information if this one doesn't suit your needs. It is NOT Doubting CFS's responsibility to make sure EVERYTHING you read here is proven beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt true. The blog owners are just providing you with information and you can do with it what you will.

    Hence, the name of the blog--DOUBTING CFS. People coming together to look at public record documents and discuss their own experiences, perspectives and doubts.

    Seems to me that was made pretty clear when this blog first began. (Shrug)



  44. I look at it like this, all of the things posted in the comment section are opinion and personal experience. You can take it as you want. You can look at a comment that says, "there are some facts that are conveniently left out" or a comment that says "It was not uncommon to have paychecks bounce and healthcare unpaid". You can believe one, you can believe both, you can believe neither. That is entirely up to you as a free-thinking adult. I post all comments unless they contain profanity (and LMAO doesn't count), make guesses at my identity or the identity of other posters, or are otherwise inappropriate.

  45. I am not sure why Anon @ 11:31 will not research facts for himself. Call Child Action as was suggested above with the telephone number that the blog was kind enough to provide. Ask them if these things are true!

    Bouncing paychecks and paying under the table are not hard for me to believe, given the dishonest business practices Mr. Adams has already displayed.

    I don't have any issue with commenters placing their opinions and thoughts on this blog. I believe that is what it was designed for, whereas the BLOG writer only posts documents and records that are truly a matter of public record and of course everyone is entitled to see those under the California Public Records Act.

    As to the person above that has inside information on the paying under the table of an individual, if you would like to provide the blog owner with the name of the "employee", I can verify whether or not that person was reported on payroll tax records to the Employment Development Department, as is required by law. I would just need the person's name and the time period in question and I would be happy to verify that for you.

  46. I received a comment a little while ago with the identity of the employee who is said to have been collecting unemployment and getting paid under the table by Mr. Adams. If this is indeed verifiable fact, I will consider publishing her name, but as I cannot, I am choosing not to. Just as I have chosen not to publish comments including guesses at the identity of other posters or myself, I will grant her the same respect. Anonymous at 7:17pm, if this is indeed information you can verify with a name, please email me. I've gotten this, and reports of others, from several sources. I'm pretty sure anyone familiar with the school could make a guess as to whom they are referring to when they speak of a female maintenance worker.
