Thursday, November 3, 2011

If I'm Right, Then You Must Be Wrong!

To this day it baffles my mind that so many of the supporters seem to have taken a "you are either with us or against us" kind of stance with regards to the allegations surrounding Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers School.

I was watching 3 children play yesterday.  One wanted to go swing, and wanted the other two, who were digging in the sand, to come swing instead.  The child said, "Come swing with me and I will be your best friend."  The other two, actually quite politely, said "No I want to dig right now.  I will swing with you later."  The child who wanted to swing got very upset and stomped off saying "Hmpf.  I don't like you anymore.  I'm going to find someone else to be my best friend."  While this behavior is typical for children, it isn't for grown adults.  As adults, we can see that just because the other two children didn't want to swing right then, didn't mean they disliked the other child, or even swinging.

It seems that some in the CFS Camp can't seem to get this notion out of their heads, even as grown adults.  I have no desire for Creative Frontiers School to fail.  I only desire Robert Adams to go to prison if he is guilty of the crimes he is charged with.  Just because I point out other unfortunate things Mr. Adams has said and done (or not done) does not mean I have a vendetta against him.  It doesn't mean I hope he is guilty, in fact, I hope he isn't.  I have an opinion on the matter that I have formed by reading what has been presented publicly, but it is just that, an opinion.  In that same aspect, I have no problem with someone who has looked at the exact same information and formed a completely different opinion.  It doesn't mean I'm right and they are wrong.  It means we have different opinions.

We have posted many things here.  Lack of credentials of Mr. Adams, business license files, building code violations, DSS violations, police reports, and so on.  If someone can look at all that and say, "Okay...that is no big deal to me", then so be it.  The information presented here is not to make you join our "team".  We don't have a "team" so to speak.  Our mission is to find one thing, the truth.  I don't care if supporters want to look at this information.  I don't care if they form a different opinion after reading it.  Unlike the CFS page, you don't have to agree with me 100% to be here.

Come swing with me, or play in the sand.  I am grown up enough to know that doing one or the other doesn't mean we are on opposing sides.  There is no reason everyone can't be on one side, Team Truth.

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