When the allegations first surfaced about Robert Adams and Creative Frontiers, the initial reaction from many was shock. Understandably. I would be in shock as well. These parents had their children at the school thinking it was safe. It would be shocking to hear such allegations. The allegations appeared to lead back to one former employee, IM. The CFS crowd was quick to displace blame. At first it was just "one mad parent trying to ruin it for everyone." Then, when it was confirmed that IM was central to the allegations, she was quickly discredited. Her motives being called into question because she was passed over for a paid position. Some even went as far to bash her intelligence, inability to do her job, and mental status. We were told there were no real children involved, just the delusions of IM. Then we are reminded of one quote taken out of context "I'm their only witness". Of course now supporters want us to believe that this comment is true, but none of the other information IM says is true. But we are reminded that this again means there are no children, this is just adults making things up.
We are given several conspiracy theories. Everything from the City of Citrus Heights needing a new location for the fire department to the public school system being jealous that Creative Frontiers was stealing all their students.
The supporters rally together to raise funds. For what, there seems to be some confusion. Many thought it was going to get the school back and running, but it reality the money was going to Mr. Adams directly. Many parents volunteer their time and money to get the MANY repairs done so that the school can reopen. A lot of these parents had paid in advance and many really wanted their children to attend for the upcoming school year. They were willing to do whatever it took to get the school up and running. They are told Creative Frontiers has an "agreement" with the city but refuse to give details. Then it comes out that the "agreement" with the city turns out to be Mr. Adams selling the school's business entity to his future son-in-law. Many parents are excited at this new development as they are told this will be the quickest way for the school to reopen. Critics tell them that there is no way the business license will be clear by then, but they continue to assure people that they only need "one more signature" and that "they have an agreement with the city". They continue to tell parents that the school WILL reopen Sept 6th, all the while Mr. Benedek is being told there are problems with his application. They allowed people to pull their children out of their current schools to return to CFS, knowing that there was no possible way it could reopen.
Then Robert Adams is arrested. In the details of the warrant we are shown not one, not two but SEVEN different children involved. The supporters tell us these are just recruited victims. Some of the alleged victims were young girls at the time. Now young adults, the supporters tell us they are just in it for a big payoff. It seems the supporters feel they need new BMW's. Unfortunately, these supporters failed to read that some of the girls came forward when they were children, in 2000. Another in 2006. Only two of the seven children named came forward after the closure of the school. We are still told these are all recruited victims. That this is a witch hunt. That everyone is just out to destroy this man's reputation. The school still is not open, but supporters are allowed to speculate that this has to do with Mr. Adams' arrest and not the fact that the paperwork and applications STILL are not right.
Mr. Adams is arraigned and enters no plea. Mr. Adams has a hearing, at which he still enters no plea. His lawyer asks for a continuance and is granted one. The new hearing is set for Nov 4th, 2011. So here we are. The school is still closed. Mr. Adams still has not entered a plea.
When you go to the supporters Creative Frontiers Facebook page, you are hoping to get an update. Maybe about the school's progress with the business license. Maybe to see if anyone in the family has given an update to one of the many inquiries into Mr. Adams health. Instead you see a bunch of rants and a story about "Mrs. X" and the Ryan Smith case. Mr. Adams brother finds the time to comment about this woman and her story, but not to thank well-wishers for their support or let them know his brother's health status.
So I return to what I said before. Support your friend, your family member, the man you entrusted your children to. But do so without bashing witnesses, potential victims, and victims of other convicted criminals.
One of the most frustrating things about this entire situation is the attacks from the supporters. A few extreme supporters have been like vipers; striking out, attacking, blaming, denying, and then when they are asked a reasonable and logical question--they clam up.
ReplyDeleteWhy has nobody answered the questions that have been asked? Why were the violations left for so long? Where are the refunds? Anyone?????
While one COULD say that the questions are being answered privately, what about the rest of the supporters? I saw MANY posts that asked hard questions removed instead of answered. Things like "I thought Zsolt bought the property?" These may not be comfortable topics, but they are questions that deserve an answer. I don't understand how answering a question about Mr. Adams' health publicly could be a problem, but striking out at victims in other cases, calling all victims recruited, and those who question or don't announce their names publicly as "mentally ill" is all just fine.
ReplyDeleteInstead of lashing out, they would be far better served to stick to Mr. Adams' case, keep comments free from blame and accusations, and answer some of those hard questions, even if they are tough. A little honesty goes a long way.
I've said many times, I don't know if Mr. Adams is guilty or innocent. I wasn't a victim, I don't have a child who was a victim, I'm not Mr. Adams, and I am not privy to what details the police may or may not have. I can't say what happened because I don't know. I can, however, say that the actions of his supporters is deplorable and nothing short of shameful. If anything they have driven people away instead of bringing support in. Who would want to be associated with that? As much as they want to call what is posted here "mean-spirited" and "vile", I believe that there have been no accusations made here that aren't backed up by fact. I've seen nothing but assumptions, blame, and name calling from the outspoken in that group.
I fear you might be left with your questions for quite some time, DoubtingSupporterSanity. It seems those topics are things that Creative Frontiers would rather not discuss.
I fear you are correct, Doubting CFS. Now that the application has been denied, I am sure there will be more wild accusations from the supporters that this whole thing is a giant conspiracy, as shutting down a school after 35 successful years must certainly be at the top of everyone's "agenda."
ReplyDeleteIt's really okay, I don't expect my questions to be answered. Every time I have asked, or seen others asking the same questions, it has been avoidance, duck, cover, dodge, attack, deflect, accuse, etc...It has been a very tragic and enlightening process, watching once respected and admired people hit rock-bottom. And the trial hasn't even started yet.
Of course, there is always the "comfort" in knowing that when the trial begins, many of these questions WILL be answered. I pray that Mr. Adams is found innocent, not because I care about him or certain family members of his anymore, but because I care about the children and their well-being.
To me, there is no doubt that boundaries were crossed. Laying down with a child, snuggling with her and rubbing her tummy/chest with her shirt pulled up, (which the supporters defended, saying he was just be a loving, attentive caregiver)IS crossing the line!! I would IN NO WAY be okay with someone in charge of my child's education being so intimate. That is NOT just being a loving caregiver--that is VERY inappropriate, and inexcusable.
As I previously stated, involving a stranger who specializes in advocating for convicted pedophiles was a huge red flag for me. Another huge red flag is Mr. Bob having multiple opportunities to claim he is innocent in court, and yet he maintains his silence. I read that he is holding off on his plea as they have not been given all opportunity for discovery and I call BS. They have had months. If he is innocent, shout it out!!
Whatever the case, it's all going to come out whether CFS wants it to or not.
I'm sure this very site is more than they ever wanted anyone to know!