Thursday, October 27, 2011


Its now been more than 90 days since Creative Frontiers School has closed.  Many parents were owed money for the balance of July, tuition that has been prepaid for the 2011-2012 school year (so much for that September 6 12 reopening huh?) or deposits on the school year.

A former CFS parent wrote to us and gave us permission to publish her email.

I am hoping you can get the word out to other parents that are owed a refund from Creative Frontiers.  I waited 90 days for a refund and haven't heard a peep from anyone related to Creative Frontiers since I stopped supporting them.  I went online and was able to file my small claims court suit.  It can be filed here:  The filing fee including service was only $40 because my claim is less than  $1500 but it is only $60 for claims up to $5000.  Up to $7500 is $85 for filing including the option to have the court serve the paperwork.

When I filed originally, I made a mistake and filed it against Creative Frontiers School, Inc and Robert Adams DBA as Creative Frontiers School.  The correct way to file it is the defendant is Creative Frontiers School, Inc with Robert Adams as the agent of service.  It only took about 10 minutes online to fill everything out and another 5 minutes or so to fill out the amendment to correct the defendants.  I calculated the amount owed based on the tuition I paid of $720 divided by the 21 days of service we paid for, equaling $34.29 a day.  We were shorted 9 days of service, 9 times 34.29 equals the $309.51 I submitted my claim for.

I got an email today with my court file and the date of the hearing.  I am hoping that it doesn't come to having to go to court and they just do the right thing as they would want done for them. Thanks for your time.

Hope this helps,

[Name removed]


  1. Thanks for this info! A lot of parents are owed refunds and have been very patient so far. But we can only wait so long before action needs to be taken.

    Does anyone know what the statute of limitations is here? How long do we have to make a claim before its too late?

  2. We are not lawyers and this should not be considered any type of legal advice. It appears from here: that the statute of limitations is 4 years on a written contract.

  3. why not sue the school, with all of the parents misled and charged to send their kids to a private school based on false qualifacations i am sure a lawyer would be happy to take the case on.

  4. Just a thought...

    Rather than several small claim lawsuits, perhaps everyone getting together to discuss a criminal suit would be something to consider?

    After all, even if small claims lawsuits are won against Bob Adams/CFS-all they have to do is declare a bankruptcy and there is nothing that can be done to get what the court allows.

    The more that keeps coming out, the more it seems like Bob Adams was nothing but a fraud. He lied to people, his staff, all of the parents. Then there were more lies as parents volunteered time, effort and money to try to get the school prepared for the re-opening that never happened.

    This is bigger than small claims, in my opinion.

