Friday, September 23, 2011

The real red flags that have been raised and the ones CFS fails to mention

It seems almost daily now that one CFS supporter or another says something completely absurd or offensive, either someplace like the comments section of the Sacramento Bee or the school’s Facebook page. On Wednesday, the day after Maria Medina’s report on Channel 13 News aired Tuesday, one supporter said this: (names changed to initials so I can keep them straight. You can always read the comments with full names on the Facebook site yourself. They apparently aren’t ashamed of making such horrific comments and “liking” them, but I will be ashamed for them)
Pound pound pound pound pound. Channel 13 inflicted another blow to Bob and his family last night on the 10 o'clock news. With a rerun of the very first video they had of him, Sandi and the girls, they had in red letters across the left of the screen 'ARRESTED' then words across the screen, 'NEW ALLEGATIONS.' You think he has been arrested again for new "touching" allegations. Then the story unfolds with something totally different; to refunds not received by parents who paid for the whole year or who put down a deposit with a blurred out interviewee talking about it. Then it goes on to say that the Adam's will be refunding tuition when they get copies of the billing records from the police in order to do so. Come on people! This is sensationalism, misleading and false--libel comes to mind. He wasn't arrested for not refunding tuition and really are they new allegations and if so, of what? Everyone knows he doesn't have the billing paperwork because the police confiscated everything since it's been in the newspaper and on tv a million times, knew his family was trying like hell to reopen, even selling CFS so it could reopen but the licensing dept came up with out of the ordinary and impossible requirements of having to provide paperwork that no one else has to provide including a 'release of liability' clause. Really? As a previous business owner in California, I never had to provide or sign paperwork like that nor have ANY other California business owners I know. The school opening was happening as we all know up until these impossible requirements squashed it less than 2 weeks ago, and who knows it may still reopen--most students will return. To constantly pound pound pound and villify, demonize, harass, and sensationalize a man from day one, who by the way is innocent until proven guilty in the court of our American justice system, is nothing less than committing murder of his character, his reputation and the stress of this injustice taking a physical toll on a man already riddled with previous physical ailments. This whole 'break 'em and string em up' attitude seems eerily reminiscent of the KKK, a part of American history I THOUGHT we had evolved from, with laws that were created out of that disgusting part of our history, but I guess not. It's very very sad that many people still think that way. But folks, just keep watching--it's not the end quite yet. There will be justice in Mr. Adam's favor and all of you who helped 'tie the rope' 'drag him down' and 'kick out the box' will have to answer to a higher power--I guarantee it. What comes around goes around so good luck to you.
Are you sure you want to play the “what goes around comes around” card at this stage in the game? Because looking at these allegations, I wouldn’t wish what was allegedly going around, to come around to anyone.

PSP mentions red banners across the screen. I watched the report at 6pm and at 10pm and don’t recall any red banners. On the online clip, there are no banners either. I've spoken to a number of other people and they report that they didn't see them either.

Sensationalism? Misleading? False? So the school/Robert Adams doesn’t owe parents money? I know for a fact that they do. I’ve seen emails and posts from several different parents upset about the money owed to them. I’ve seen them ask about the return of the funds on the school Facebook page with my own eyes. And as for tossing around the word libel, I'm afraid not. In the post from yesterday, we discussed this word in a bit more detail. Many supporters seem to think it is illegal in some way to report or post about things that don’t make people look good. Does the school owe people money? Yes. Are these people mad? Yes. Is it libelous for them to talk about it on camera? Not even slightly. Consider the leeway which is afforded to talk show hosts from every political party.

Ms. Medina did speak of new allegations. The parent interviewed is alleging that that Mr. Adams has not refunded her money. Doesn't that fit the definition of an allegation? Is it really possible that they have NO paper copies of their billing paperwork? None? Not a chance. 140 students at $720/month is $100,800/month. Are you telling me that they take in approximately $100,000 each month and don’t make backup records? Really?

PSP goes on to mention that they are being required to have a “Release of liability”. A quick call to the City of Citrus Heights and I am told they have no idea what she is talking about. My best guess is that she is confusing the city’s request for more information regarding the Limited Liability Corporation that Mr. Benedek has listed on his application. I was able to get more information regarding what the status of the license was on my phone call. The documents I was sent are here. Because I am nice, I have blacked out all home addresses, personal emails, and phone numbers. It is all public record, but it has been said before, this is not something I am willing to post publicly despite it being publicly obtainable information.

What people are failing to realize here is that it wasn’t Mr. Adams’ arrest that halted the opening of the school. It was the simple fact that it was NEVER going to open when they said it was. The old license was still suspended with a hearing at an undetermined date and the new one wasn’t approved yet. It simply WASN’T going to happen. Mr. Adams being arrested had absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact, if the new owner still wants to follow through with the paperwork, to my knowledge, nothing has stopped that. If the process has stopped, that is because they have stopped it. Yet the statement has been made that most students will return? Really? Possibly, if a person chooses to remain in dreamland. If you again reference the paperwork sent by the city, you will clearly see that they have defined, in simple terms what the problem they have with the new and old licenses. It isn’t about having punch list items completed, it is about having two owners, Creative Frontiers, Inc. and Creative Frontiers, LLC claiming ownership of the private school operating at 6446 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights, CA. This can’t happen. It isn’t that they are trying to hurt the school, the parents, teachers, or even Mr. Adams himself. They tried to play some tricky slight of hand and it backfired on them. They had a “agreement” that wasn’t an agreement. Perhaps they should have just allowed the original hearing date in August to go through instead of trying to play a game with the city, and the families who were working so hard to help the school reopen by working on repairs.

PSP goes on to say that the media and other non-supporters (I guess several of the former parents are in that category) are guilty of murder of his character? No. Mr. Adams, is having to face up for all the problems with the school IN ADDTION to answering to the criminal charges for alleged child molestation.

PSP also mentions that Mr. Adams is “Riddled with previous ailments” Unfortunately for Mr. Adams, his health has no bearing on the CHPD’s ability to investigate a claim of child molestation. It also doesn’t mean the city is going to bend the rules for him and allow him to operate a school that is not up to code. That is the way it works. Should we refrain from convicting criminals if they are ill?

Here is where PSP wades into dangerous waters. To make the reference to the Klu Klux Klan with regards to the media reporting information to the public for a white man with a family of blonde haired children and grandchildren is offensive and demeaning to the all victims of hate crimes. People aren’t attacking Bob because of his color, religion, or heritage. People are reporting on crimes he allegedly committed. Entirely different ballgame. People who have spoken out against Mr. Adams have already been compared to members of the Taliban and the Westboro Baptist Church, so why not the KKK now? KKK actually murdered and tortured people in brutal, horrific ways…they didn’t merely report the news on them. Hardly a valid or evolved, comparison. Does the KKK exist? Do brutal race-based attacks still occur? Unfortunately, yes, racism still exists and runs rampant…but that’s certainly not the case here. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks comparing the crimes committed against people of color by the KKK has nothing whatsoever to do with the news reporting on an ongoing molestation investigation. I fail to see the connection to refunds, the CHPD, Irma Mertens, the City of Citrus Heights, or the District Attorney’s office.

The last part of her statement sounds suspiciously like a threat.

So I thought that would be it. I thought surely no one can possibly see that comment as enlightening and appropriate. I was wrong. Last time I checked, 10 people “like” that vitriolic post and 9 have commented on it.

CJ says,
I paid the year in full. CH13 did't speak to me. Now, CFS did contacted weeks ago. We are on the same page.
I’m not even sure what that means, but I’m sure KOVR did not contact every parent to speak to them regarding what is or is not owed to them. That doesn’t mean much. I’m not sure who is on the same page as CJ, but it isn’t me. I have no clue what he is talking about.

DD then says,
[name removed] you are wonderful! You have given this statement which I totally agree with. It's unbelievable and scarey to me that this could happen to someone who is so special and so loved. I can see more and more just how much the media is used, how much the police and politicians use the media to manipulate public opinion. It is shameful how the Adam's have been treated. I agree 100% what goes around does come around!
Unfortunately DD, this happens all the time. Do you think the family and friends of every criminal knew he/she was going to commit crimes? Of course not! You always hear “I never thought he/she would be capable of doing something like this.” Many well-loved teachers both male and female are charged and sentenced for doing inappropriate things to minors.

HPG says,
The media coverage continues to get more horrific. I will NEVER look at the media the same way again. And it is bad enough the authorities and the media are obviously trying to take Bob down, but why couldn't they let CFS re-open as planned?!
I kind of feel sorry for HPG. This is what CFS has done to their supporters. By only giving partial truths, they have left people in the dark. Bob’s arrest has nothing to do with CFS opening or not opening. As I said earlier, it is because they have not followed the process for applying for a new business license correctly. I’m quite certain that comments on the SacBee said this weeks ago. It can take up to *60 days* for the application to be processed. They were NEVER going to be open by the 6th. Yet they lied to their supporters and told them that they would. And sadly some children were actually removed from their new schools in anticipation of the so-called firm opening date.

DD then says,
I know, these days it's guilty until proven innocent, very sad world indeed.
I will give her that one. It often seems this way. He is not actually guilty until a judge and jury convict him of a crime. Until then, he is considered an innocent man. This is why he isn’t sitting in a jail cell currently.

I thought about editing this name out but decided against it. Tarpaulin Sky Press aka Christian Peet quotes two articles,
The LA Times did a great piece on the lack of skepticism shown by media in the McMartin trial. Highly recommended:

The NY Times did a similar piece as well:
Sorry Peet, those articles linked are 20 years old. Much has been learned by past mistakes in childhood sexual abuse investigations, just as much has been learned in the area of forensics.

PSP gives him some praise,
Wow, Tarpaulin Sky Press, excellent pieces. Thank you for the links. It's pure deja vu........25 years later.
No dear PSP, it Is not déjà vue. It is 2 entirely different cases.

MLA then links the following article,
Read about the DA at this llink and see what her platform has been since her election in 1994.
Wow….an article about a District attorney being an advocate for victims. Why is that shocking? I sincerely hope none of these people are ever victims themselves…

Then BG feels compelled to add her two cents. BG has been quoted several times here. Unfortunately not for good reasons.
The media coverage being so blatantly imbalanced makes it all the more convincing that this isn't really about Bob or the school at all. We may not know what it is, whether it's personal or political, but any journalist worth their salt wouldn't be just ignoring the red flags. They'd be pounding on the doors at the City of CH and the DA's office, asking some serious questions, rather than spinning this nonsense every which way to condemnation. A decent journalist would want to know why, would need to ask those questions to be able to sleep at night. And if they didn't get answers, they'd be writing headlines like, "Are Hugs to Become Felonies in California???" after reading the complaint, rather than ignoring the elephant in the room.

I can understand that perhaps some people might think it's not possible for a man to love children in a non-sexual way. I can't understand why people are so afraid to consider the possibility, and in this case probability, that this particular man is so incredibly gifted with children, that it's preposterous to even consider he'd have such intentions. And that's the basis of the charges... intentions.

One thing is for sure, those who are hell-bent on condemning Bob Adams are clearly showing their intentions are not to tell the truth, but to twist it and turn it into an evil mental imprint on the general public. THAT should be a felony.
My oh my…where to start. “Are Hugs to Become Felonies in California???" I read the complaint carefully. I didn’t see a single complaint about a hug. I noted numerous complaints about reaching under shirts to touch breasts and vaginas. Not part of a typical hug I have ever received, nor part of any hug I offer to a child. Sadly I'm concerned that, BG fails to realize that the media ISN’T ignoring “red flags”. They are simply reporting the facts about Robert Adams' arrest and the closure of the Creative Frontiers School. The media, the CHPD, the City, and the DoubtingCFS group have not fabricated a single allegation. They didn't have to. These entities and groups were not the ones who failed to repair school buildings, refund tuition nor were they accused by 7 different children of inappropriate touching. The red flags do not make Mr. Adams look good but that doesn't mean someone made them up.  At some point, the diversion has to stop and blame has to be put back where it belongs. With Mr. Adams.


  1. I saw that post yesterday on the CFS facebook page and was pretty shocked at what seems to be complete and total ignorance by the poster. I do not mean this to be offensive, but I can think of no other way to define it. These people really need to stop operating on blind faith and take a look at what is RIGHT in front of them. At this point, they are really just making themselves look absurd. This is NOT a conspiracy!! Look at the cold, hard facts!!

    Also, I just wanted to say that you're doing an amazing job of keeping everyone informed of the facts, thank you!!

  2. I feel for these people but they need to stop giving Bob the benefit of the doubt. People were loving and treasuring and confessing their sins to a parish priest until they discovered he'd been raping boys. These supporters ought to just consider that possibly bob was slick enough to pretend to be the Protector of The Children just to get into their pants. It is possible. That is what every molester does.
