Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Winners

Several posts have got me thinking...who "wins" in this case? In short, no one. But then the term "victim" has been tossed around a lot as well. It got me thinking, what is a victim? Who are the victims in this case? defines victim in the following manner:
1. a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency: a victim of an automobile accident.
2. a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency: a victim of misplaced confidence; the victim of a swindler; a victim of an optical illusion.
3. a person or animal sacrificed or regarded as sacrificed: war victims.
4. a living creature sacrificed in religious rites.

Well...we can immediately cross #3 and #4 off the list. Despite the questions I have regarding what was going on at CFS, I'm pretty sure there were not any animal or human sacrifices for religious purposes. Despite what some supporters say, there is no war going on between the City of Citrus Heights the Citrus Heights Police Department, and the Department of Social Services and Robert B. Adams and the Creative Frontiers School. So, nope, no war victims here.

That leaves definition #1 and #2: "a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency" and "a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency".

A victim of molestation certainly falls into definition #1. Families that were led to believe the school was running up to code, that the school would reopen, the Mr. Adams’ resume was factual, they would fall into definition #2.
Just yesterday on the SacBee website, MayB5150 wrote:
What's really sad here is that there are already victims. I was reading the blogs at the doubtingcfs website (which is amazing, by the way and some things occurred to me.
Parents that showed up to pick up their kids and saw police there--Trust me, that feeling you get in your stomach when you see police at your child's school is an indescribable, gut-wrenching fear; victims.

The children that day that saw police with their guns walking around the school, asking questions, moving kids from place to place, seeing their teachers confused and afraid. Their school shut down because the adults that were supposed to be in charge of making sure the school was safe and up to code failed them. Parents trusted that they were leaving their children in a safe environment, and were also failed; victims.

A family that has to sit by their husband, brother, father and defend him to countless people, whether he's guilty or not; victims.
Parents of CFS children that once considered themselves "family" with the other parents at the school, friendships broken, public back-biting, a "family" divided; victims.

Of course, most importantly-there are at least 7 children that have come forward with accounts of what happened to them. These children told their stories, and it was determined that their stories merited an investigation. These children, no matter the outcome of the trial, will never forget what has happened to them. (even if it's determined that there was no molestation, their school closed down and they will associate the closing with what they said to parents and authorities, not the code violations) There are at least 7 families that have to try to help their children cope with all of this, and see people actually calling their children liars on public forums; victims.

Finally, there is an opportunist circling the supporters like a vulture. He will write a book, maybe make some money, using the grief of Mr. Bob's family and supporters to further his personal agenda. He is the ringleader of calling children liars--not just these children--but many others if you check out his "credentials" and "resume." Mr. Bob's name will forever be linked with all of the other "innocent" convicted pedophiles on said vulture's website. It hasn't happened yet, supporters, but it will. And when it does, you too will be victims.

This got me thinking about the victims here. While there are a lot of victims, the level of “victimization” is quite vast. Comparing the victim of molestation, with someone who was merely upset by showing up to a police force isn’t really the same. I’m sure that isn’t what MayB5150 meant or intended. It just got me thinking. While the parents and CFS supporters could be classified as victims, as could the Adams family, children who were scared the day of the closure, and shunned ex supporters and employees, the real victims are the children, at least 7 of them who have had their innocence stolen. And that goes for either way this situation turns out. Either this really happened, or they were part of a game played by some adult. The fact that there are 7 different children, who quite possibly had their innocence stolen and are now forced into a very child unfriendly judicial system through no fault of their own, definitely makes me raise an eyebrow…but without the whole story, it isn’t right to jump to conclusions.

One thing is certain, these victims need a voice. These children need to not be accused of being in it for a payoff. They need to not be mocked and ridiculed. Comments like, “the little girl who cried pee pee” in reference to the little girl who, using her own words to describe her vagina, reportedly told her parents “Mr. Bob touched my pee pee”. Unacceptable for supporters of Mr. Adams, ESPECIALLY his own brother, to mock such innocence.

As this case moves forward, more and more information will come out. Until then, I hope that the mocking of potential victims, ceases from the supporters of Mr. Adams. These are children you are talking about. What if it were your child? What if someone said these thing about your little one? What if you had the courage to come forward to speak of abuse that happened to you when you were younger and read the hateful words that you were only doing so to get a payoff? Or that you are not a "true victim of molestation"? Devastating. While Mr. Adams guilt or innocence is undecided legally, mocking alleged victims doesn't help him.

Right now, there are an awful lot of people losing in this case, and very few people winning. I want to encourage any possible victims in this case to speak to law enforcement. I would love to help you, but unfortunately do not have the resources, nor would it be appropriate for me to do so. In addition, I wouldn't want to jeopardize the case. To the many victims in this case, stay strong.

The City of Citrus Heights Police Department can be reached by clicking the link below.

Contact the CHPD

The Sacramento District Attorney's Office has a victim/witness program which assists victims of crimes.

Information for Sac County Victim Witness Program


  1. I am the parent of former students and I want to personally thank you for setting up a blog for those of us with questions. It's refreshing to have a place to come where we know we will not be attacked. I have learned so much by reading the information you have posted. I wish the Adams family would realize that all we want are truthful answers. Many families spent years supporting this school, only to feel kicked in the teeth by their treatment when the closure came about and we learned of all the secret problems. It is outrageous that families have not received refunds but Bob still made his bail. That angers me.

    I agree with almost everything MayB5150 says. It's a great comment and I'm sure caused a lot of people to think. There are an incredible number of victims. However, lets all remember how all these people came to be victims, no matter at what level or degree. When the interviews were done and when the building issues were gone over, only one person stood out as the cause of all this pain and agony. Bob Adams. As far as I know, not a single allegation was made against any other person which merited charges. The children pointed their finger at one person. Bob Adams. In the whirl of confusion, grief, hurt feelings and rancor, that fact must not be forgotten.

    The school could have stayed open if proper maintenance had been done, if papers were signed in a timely fashion and if children weren't touched in some inappropriate way (still to be determined by a trial). Neither the CHPD nor Children's Services has the time, money or motivation to go looking for problems to fix. They have plenty come their way. The DA doesn't take on cases without strong evidence as they don't like to lose at trial. No one has a desire or a conspiracy to destroy Bob, the Adams family or CFS. All of this upheaval could have been prevented by one person.

    Bob Adams.

  2. It amazes me that Bob Adams' brother is now touting the fact that Sacramento County is broke and that it would be a waste of tax payer's dollars to prosecute this case. WHAT? Save money by allowing the person that 7 (or more) children have indicated molested them?!

  3. DoubtingCFS, you are correct. I was in no way trying to compare the levels of what people experienced. It was just my thoughts on how many people were involved and the varying levels of how this situation would have caused an impact in their lives. Your blog was a perfect elaboration to what I was trying to convey, thank you!


  4. Thank you MayB5150 for giving me something to elaborate on. It is very irresponsible for some of the supporters to be saying there "are no victims in this case" as I have heard over and over again. Clearly, as you pointed out, there are MANY people who have been harmed/victimized by this.
